Monday, December 31, 2007

Out with the Old and in with the NEW YEAR!

There are parties all over California tonight stretching from Kix's house in Cameron Park all the way back down to San Diego. It makes me wish I could do some sort of video correspondence between them and post all the videos. But, wherever you are I hope you bring in the new year in style, I know I will.

In the Bible the number 7 is a sign of completion so as we close out 2007 tie up all your loose ends and lets move on! 2008 holds the beginnings of some new and fantastic things. God is going to be moving like crazy and I don't know about you but I'm ready. So, run for 100 this year because 99 1/2 just won't do.

See you all in 2008! Let's make history!
Italia 92D

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Missing You

I would just like to take a moment to tell all of you lovely Delta's, and quite frankly all the Epsilon's as well, that I miss you all very much. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing my active profiles but I miss events and writing about them. ΑΔΧ is where my heart is and what good am I without that.

In my possession is a new planner with tons of spots open for coffee dates, where can I pencil you in?
Italia 92D

Friday, December 28, 2007

Lucky 7's

What's pink, stands on one leg, and lights up the Vegas strip?

Emily Kate 'Flamingo' Nickerson

Birthday: November 29th
Fav Quotes: "GPS! God Powered System. Let the Spirit be your guide." "Dude, it hecka thmells like thinamons in here."
Fav Verses: "Look at the nations and watch - and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" Hab. 1:5. "Everything is permissible- but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible- but not everything is constructive" 1 Cor. 10:23.

I'd like to take you back to a Spring in the not too far past. The year was 2005 and the location was the Freedom of Speech Steps. A shy girl walks up and a newly active bright eyed girl hesitantly asks, "Would you be interested in rushing a Christian sorority?" It was at that point that I said, "Yes!" and took one of those hot pink rush fliers out of Flamingo's hand. I cannot thank you enough for being out there on those steps all by yourself, Mings, to hand me the very paper that would change my life. This girl hands down is one of my favorite people and she locked that spot down the minute she still worked retreat entertainment, crutches in hand. I've definitely always looked up to this girl as a role model in the sorority, irregardless of how crazy and loud she can get at any given moment. She has been challenged in many ways over the past several semesters from knee surgery, to family drama, to jaw surgery but never let that stop her from being a great friends and that person that will hold you accountable even when you don't want to be. Mings has served in her fair share of positions during her tour in ΑΔΧ and is currently serving on exec as our beloved Devotional Chair. God has surely gifted this girl with knowledge and a passion for the Word and furthermore has blessed her with an ability to share those qualities with such a realness. If I could sum up Mings in one word it would be 'real.' Being real has been her platform throughout her activehood, applying it to her own life and encouraging the rest of us to stop being phonies as well. This girl lives, breathes and dreams ΑΔΧ and without a doubt will be buried with that active pin proudly over her heart. I can honestly say that Flamingo is one of my best friends in the sorority, she always has a vested interest in my life and is always there to encourage me. This would be a sick, sad ΑΔΧ world if Mings wasn't in it. If you haven't had the wonderful opportunity to become good friends with Mings then get on it. She graduates in the Spring.

Honoring a girl who truly bleeds flame and blue. Here's to you Mings.
Italia 92D

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Scary Spice?

Ah, variety! It's the spice of life. Here, I give you my first Sigma review.

Virginia Marie 'Ferrari' Johnson

Birthday: 5/4/87
Fav Quote: "We're super, thanks for asking."
Fav Verses: "My lover spoke and said to me, 'Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me." Song of Songs 2:10; "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her." Hosea 2:14

Goodness Rarri, you're such a romantic! Typing those verses got me all warm and fuzzy inside which is very appropriate because thinking of you gives me the same feelings. Oh, this girl is so amazing I hardly know where to start. I believe my first memory of this girl was at a CRU bonfire at which I was a new JA out trying to recruit. I also remember her big sis staking a claim out on her and if anyone got in the way you would be pummeled. I had the joy of living with this girl in the Omega house and literally there was never a dull moment. Her smile lit that house up like a firecracker and it was such a blessing to live with a girl as encouraging as her. She has really stepped up in the sorority and is currently serving on exec as our treasurer and I easily see her never letting this sorority die. This girl got thrown through a window fighting for this sorority; there is no questioning her loyalty to this place. She is so personable and has a heart for loving people. God truly blessed ΑΔΧ when this girl accepted our bid.

This girl survived my severe JA syndrome so how could I not absolutely love her?
Italia 92D

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A double treat

Not only were we able to celebrate the birth of our glorious Lord yesterday but today we celebrate the wonderful birth of our dear sister Jennifer Lyn 'Tootsie' Sturm.

Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo (Omega)
You smell like a monkey
You look like one too!

Ah, I'm just kidding. Tootsie, you are beautiful and I love you! I hope your day is the best ever and that you don't get gipped out of any gifts since Christmas was yesterday.

Loving having her birthday in June!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

To all whom we love and adore, Merry Christmas from ΑΔΧ.

I hope you all have had a wonderful day and that Santa brought you all that you wanted. Even so, don't forget the reason for this day, the glorious birth of Jesus Christ our savior for without him we would be nothing at all.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!
Italia 92D

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Young Love

What? Another Phiphy? Only one of my favorites!

Kristin Nicole 'Dior' Olssen

Birthday: 7/22/88
Fav Quote: "What is this? A center for ants?!!"
Fav Verse: "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is my strength and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

First and foremost, this girl here is my gran lil and she rocks the random family like none other. I've had the special privilege to get to know this girl really well this semester and it's really cool to know she has as much pride in ΑΔΧ and the random family as I do. She is so creative and I look forward to see what she does as Jewelry Chair this next semester. My favorite memory of this girl was during her pledge semester when we had a random family dinner at Uno's in Fashion Valley. My big, Peebs, and I were all pretty much acting stupid and I don't think Dior knew how to react (she was so quiet and cute as a pledge + I don't think she knew me very well since I was inactive) which is strange because Dior knows how to get stupid with the best of us. We all know her infamous dance moves....somebody get those on film, post it to youtube and I'll get it on the blog, asap! This girl is such a blessing and I know she'll raise up my great gran lil with love and teach her how us randoms do things; putting God first and the rest follows.

Dior: making minivans sexy and bringing them back with a vengeance!
Italia 92D

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cash or Credit...

For those of you who are major procrastinators, like myself, there are 2 shopping days left until the glorious birth of Jesus. Since I know you all read this blog when you are procrastinating I figured I should remind you of such things.

Also, another reminder if you don't read your email as much as you read this; 3 weeks until Mustang ships off to Colorado for her YFC orientation, so be praying. For those of you looking for post X-mas presents she is making Africa bags for $15. Seriously, the hottest item for 2008 so get on it! She still needs to raise $600, so buy one for you, buy one for your Mom, your sister, me, whoever, just buy them!

Nothing says 'Be my Valentine' like an Africa bag!
Italia 92D

Friday, December 21, 2007

And now your 15 minutes of fame

She may be the smallest active but she has the biggest heart.

Lauren Michelle 'Louis Vuitton' Petersen

Birthday: 3/31/88
Fav Quote: "Laughter by definition is healthy."
Fav Verse: "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - thing about such things." Phil. 4:8

The fiercest phiphy I've ever met, hands down. Can I just take you back to the rubber band civil war, when this girl dropped the rubber bands and just threw down, taking out any and all southies with a dropkick! Her energy and spunk can bring anyone one out of a funk, not to mention she can bake with the best of them. You will never see this girl without her camera which is a fantastic thing, after all she is our historian. My very first memory of this girl had to be when the phiphy girls were rehearsing an entertainment in the Omega living room and they asked me my opinion and LV was all smiles and shakin' what her mama gave her. There really isn't a time I can think of when this girl isn't smiling, what an encouragement she always is and ΑΔΧ would be such a sad and boring place if she weren't around. I look forward to watching her grow in the semesters to come and build up this Delta chapter.

Now a quote from under the tracks...
"If I could be any ΑΓΩ boy, I'd be Lalo so I could date Louis Vuitton."

Italia 92D

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reflecting as in a Mirror

Rocking the "myspace" pic since 1925, I give you Uppsie review, part deux.

Haley Bernita Katherine 'Moulin Rouge' Sipan

Birthday: 2/17/88
Fav Quote: "Let go and let God."
Fav Verse: "For you God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water; but you brought us to a place of abundance." Psalm 66:10-12

I had the immense pleasure of living right across the hall from this lovely gal for a short but super sweet time. So many things about this girl that I love that I don't even know where to start. How about from superficial to deep....first off she has the largest collection of mac makeup and nail polish that I've ever seen, she has a poster of Adam Brody on her wall (at least she did when I lived in Omega), and she brought home an autographed photo of Hilary Duff for the refrigerator. All that stuff is fun but this girl is so much more. Something that has stood out to me is her strength of character. In the short time that I've known her she has dealt with some severe situations but has persevered and never lost sight of God. She is beautiful inside and out; but don't let the beauty fool you because ask any of the JA's, she is the "meanest active" ever! Mou Rou has served ΑΔΧ as our Alumni Chair and Srg. @ Arms, where she organized probably one of the most successful alumni events in ΑΔΧ history (with the help of Miata, of course) and regulated the meetings like a pro. Currently, she has taken on the mighty task of Omega House Manager and PMA. I cannot be more thrilled that Mou Rou will be assisting raising up the Ψ class to new heights, holding true to what a Delta girl really is.

Note to self: hang out at Omega more next semester.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Take 2

None other than the foxy Uppsie and her highly acclaimed sidekick.

Sarah Elizabeth 'Serendipity' Ainsworth
& Bewah

Birthday: May 2nd
Fav Quote: "Keep it real."
Fav Verse: "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Gal. 5:6b

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the academy because something that I told this girl during our coke date inspired her and she decided pledging was the thing for her. Thank God because I don't know what ΑΔΧ would be without her. She is hilarious, fun, and a dancing fool! My first memory of this girl was all the actives giving me the nudge because she has a nose ring and we obviously were going to be best friends on the sheer fact that we rock the piercings. Later she got a lip ring and I couldn't have been more thrilled. She has served as our Rush Chair (Versace is wearing the tank she designed in the previous entry), Publicity, and currently serves as our Missionary Chair. I would have to say though one of her greatest contributions to ΑΔΧ was activating Bewah into the Delta family. Bewah, a small stuffed lovable creature in a red tank who lives in Dip's Ugg boots, has become the center of controversy. Dip has to keep a close eye on the lil girl to make sure Mings doesn't rips it's eyes out. Watch out ΑΓΩ, Bewah might give you a run for your money for the next sweetheart award (which we all know you want as much as you deny it).

Get a hole in your face! Then you can be as cool as Dip and I.
Italia 92D

Monday, December 17, 2007

Enter the Limelight

Tonight, I have the pleasure of introducing you to a girl fresh out of JAdom.

Brittany Elise 'Versace' Dumas
Birthday: 5/7/88
Fav Quote: "To love is to be vulnerable." C.S. Lewis
Fav Verse: "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 3:11

A phiphy girl to the fullest, Versace has become a sweet attribute to ΑΔΧ. My first memories of this girl are from the living room of Omega, while I spent my inactive Monday nights doing homework and watching Monday Night Football. I remember thinking this girl is hardcore with her heavy eyeliner and choppy hair cut and we will definitely be friends. I had the pleasure just the other day to sit down and sip ultra hip beverages at the Living Room. We talked about everything from ΑΔΧ to ΑΓΩ to boys in general to school to God's plan for our lives. It was sweet and this girl is super legit. She currently serves as our Alumni Chair and I see potential for future leadership positions. It makes me smile to see this girl grow and it is also an encouragement to me to know that these young girls are the future of this sorority.

To Versace, like the picture shows, you truly are a 10.
Italia 92D

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Time for a lil R&R

Now that finals are over stress levels are at an all time low. Whether you're sticking around SD or going all the way up to NorCal, take it easy. Use this time to revitalize and catch up if you've been slacking in other areas of your life. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean your bible finds a place in your bookcase for 5 weeks. I encourage all of you to spend tons of time with God over the break, you literally have no excuse. Have an excellent break and a Merry Christmas! Don't forget to bring the New Year in with style, either up in NorCal at Kixie's (that's where I'll be) or here in SD at the Omega house. As for the blog, I think I will be doing some active profiles and maybe some "Best of..." entries since the events are in hiatus. So, I'm taking requests. If you would like to be featured in the blog or want to have me retell an event from the semester let me know and I'll hook it up for you.

Sleeping in til noon or later for the next 5 weeks.
Italia 92D

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Haiku for ΑΓΩ Pledges

It's Big I, Hooah!
Been nice knowing you, have fun...
No Pain, no gain, right?

I feel sorry for the actives whose hands will be all bruised and busted up from beating the pledges so hard. I'll bring the bandages and the hot tea to soothe your throats after your vocal cords are literally obliterated.

See you when I see you, let me know when the traumatic experience is over so I can hang out at the ΑΓΩ house again.
Italia 92D

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Taking the weekend off....

I regretfully inform all you lovely and loyal blog readers that I will be leaving for the weekend.  I'm going up to Hume for a wedding.  So that means I can't even mobile update because I'll be out of range.  If you can't wait the whole weekend for another update or I can't handle seperating myself from this addiction you might get some reading material tomorrow and Saturday.  I'm crafty, so I'll figure something out.  

Until then....Happy end of Finals.  FREEDOM!!
Italia 92D

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas at Epsilon

For those of you looking to break from your studies and sit by a burning yule log singing some Christmas tunes, head over to ΑΓΩ tonight. The boys are having a special bible study tonight, hopefully with plentiful amounts of hot chocolate. So instead of taking more facebook quizzes in procrastination, spend your evening with the stunning gentlemen of ΑΓΩ and get your carolling on.

Hoping my projects don't keep me away, because I'm bringing the mistletoe. Just kidding...or am I?
Italia 92D

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Looking ahead to the spring

I understand that break is literally days away but you can get excited and be praying for the spring semester.

Show some love for spring exec.
President Kix
VP Jaguar
Treasurer Ferrari
Secretary Tootsie
Pledge Mom Corvette
Asst. Pledge Mom Moulin Rouge
Devotional Chair Flamingo
& National Rep Venetian

They along with the other position clad girls are going to blow it up Delta style.
Italia 92D

PS. Quill had a sweet idea of an exec secret service, a group dedicated to praying specifically for the exec board all semester and I think I'd like to bring that to ΑΔΧ too.

Monday, December 10, 2007

One last thing before bedtime...

I would love to link your blogs from this page! If you have one, comment with your link and then I'll make a special section so we can all experience this blog fever!

Almost as addicted to blogger as I am chapstick!
Italia 92D

Workin' the Booth

Ferrari, Moulin Rouge, Madagascar, Jaguar, Puck, and Remo all visited me at the buyback booth. Granted they had ulterior motives in the way of lining their pockets with crisp dollar dollar bills yo! It's all the same to me, I still enjoyed the small talk. So, those of you who haven't engaged in meaningless chatter with me in the booth come on down! It's your turn to play the price is right. By all means I'm serious. Selling back your books is a gamble, but ultimately you still get the shoddy end of the deal. Blasted new editions! Why I ought-a! At least they have candy available as some kind of peace offering.

I'll be at West Commons Wednesday 8am-1:15pm & Thursday 8am-12:45pm. Be there or be square.
Italia 92D


Dear God,

It's that time again. The time when we are shedding tears all week long. At first because we have a cumulative bio final tomorrow at 8am and won't begin to study until after dinner tonight for it and then at the end of the week when we've finished that last final. Tears of joy are good, but tears none the less. We just ask the you bless us with some sort of uncanny energy and motivation when it comes to studying. I ask that you keep us from using reading our bible to get out of studying but still making time for you because we have managed our time well. You are amazing and I look forward to celebrating Jesus' birthday in a couple weeks! Thanks for everything.

Talk to you later. I mean, Amen.

Good luck ladies and gents with all your finals and study efforts this week, I'll keep praying for you if you keep praying for me. I'll say a special prayer for anyone who has a final on Saturday because Satan surely had his hand in the planning of that one.

Working the buyback at West Commons until 1:15pm so come visit me!
Italia 92D

Sunday, December 9, 2007

An afternoon at Omega

Once upon a Sunday afternoon, a group of girls gathered to study for finals.

This, however, is the true story of what really happened.

Books, notes and computers in hand...more or less a convincing picture of what studying looks like but honestly, we like the finer things in life and there is no room for studying. Nothing is more important than finding out which Spice Girl you are, irregardless if you have a 10 page paper due tomorrow. Get your priorities straight! There were overwhelming results in the name of Scary and Baby. Phew, no dykadelic vibes coming from that house. Except for maybe coming from the gnome who sits atop the Christmas tree but he is a boy so his comments by no means count as dykadelic. Aside from getting about 8 pages read in your book, a few paragraphs written in your paper, and actually opening the folder which houses your notes we all just had fun. The fun that only results from cheating the advent calendar and gorging yourself on miniature chocolates and an Asian napping on the couch while girls are screaming and Teeny chills on the coffee table. I was hoping for some excitement in the way of the kitchen flooding or the Christmas tree melting but the closest I got was a ridiculously loud shower. It was like a handful of nails were racing to the shower head to be the first out to stab Juju in the eye. We all bid our farewells to Olympia while Baby ate her Trujillo's and Rocko watched. It's what I call quality time at Omega and something I might have to make my Sunday afternoon tradition.

So now that you can stop checking the blog, you can actually get back to studying. Right....
Italia 92D

PS. I'd like a mic with a whip attached for Christmas. I feel like that would come in handy when guarding the house against those pesky boys!

Blog Mobile!

Blogger Mobile is officially set up. That's right, now I can post from virtually long as I have service.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Welcome JA's

I present to you the newest actives of Alpha Delta Chi, the Safari Class. To take from a Beatles song, "it's been a long and winding road." But, they made it. The Chi class was literally glowing and they should be. They earned those letters and I have no doubt in my mind that they will wear them with pride. I believe everyone learned some really valuable lessons this semester, in humility, patience, self-control, and faith. When God challenges you, He really challenges you. So, congrats to the newest actives, we welcome you with open arms.

Chapter letters are all the rage! Get in to it!!
Italia 92D

PS. The ugly sweater/white elephant party was a hit. In true ΑΓΩ style they brought back, wrapped, some of the very things they stole the night before. I never put their cleverness in a box. I ended up with a loaf of day old Moroccan Olive bread. Thanks Nikko. Toast will never be the same again.

A Great Gatsby Affair

Well done, Tropi. It was a night well worth remembering.

Everyone was looking fabulous in their 20's garb, I had a few personal favorites. Best dressed ΑΔΧ girl goes to Madagascar (loved the wig), Versace (loved the feather), and one of our Alumni, Kiwi (loved the wig and feather!). For the boys, definitely our sweetheart Blitz, Shox, and Marmot (those were some hot shoes!). After the initial mingling and rampant photo taking we cozied ourselves up to the dinner table. My very own pledge sis caused the waitress to drop like four plates of food so my dinner was slightly delayed but when I finally got that steak, I indulged. It was almost as rare as having good pl*dge entertainment, I'm talking bloody! Nonetheless fantastic, as were those delightful little chocolates that didn't make it past the 1st course.

We added some new names to the ΑΔΧ hall of fame last night. Blitz walked away with ΑΔΧ sweetheart, tswana was our daisy, LV did the school thing and was awarded the scholarship honor, Venetian became the newest Pearl of ΑΔΧ, and queen of all social faux pas' for the semester, our one and only Kix, ball bustin' since fall 2007. Kix followed up with a speech and then we moved on to pl*dge entertainment. I came to banquet optimistic but I was promptly let down. The ideas were all there but the execution was flawed. If by the grace of God, you pl*dges become active you can attempt to redeem yourselves at retreat. My moment of glory came with big sis paddles. Holla Back! The pl*dges did an excellent job on those. Props to luganda, that skateboard was sick!

The evening was top notch. I sat at a table with some of the most fabulous people of this century, easily. Nothing beats coming together for some good pickin's and great company.

Looking forward to tonight, you know you want my white elephant gift!
Italia 92D

Friday, December 7, 2007

Bringing Flappers Back Since....well 1925!

For once the usuage of "since 1925" is historically accurate.

Hopefully, all you ΑΓΩ banquet attendees have recovered from the nights activities and are ready for dress fringe, finger waves and the Charlston. I say we just roll over the blackout count to today, get you blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons in the ready position. I imagine the combined count for both houses will accend to double digits and that's what I like to see. So, I'm pretty sure I heard something about goldfish center pieces and incredibly expensive chocolate favors. Classy.

I look forward to 3 things: my steak dinner, my big sis paddle, and to pl*dge entertainment. That last one is sort of a crapshoot though. Those girls have had a whole semester to figure out what we like and what we don't like. Mostly they understand what we don't like. I like to be optimistic though. Just know that tonight, potentially, will have a drastic affect on this weekend. Awesome, I will see all you sexy ΑΔΧ ladies tonight with your largely attractive dates. There will be photo opportunities made available the minute my hot blonde date and I enter the room so get your cameras ready.

Hopping in her DeLorean and cruising back to the 20's
Italia 92D

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Last Day

If you are like me then welcome to your last day of classes this semester. All of us who avoid Friday classes at all costs will get that one extra day to study....or go shopping or something. It has been a long and tumultuous few months but Christmas break is only a few days away! Praise Jesus! Happy Birthday Jesus, as well! From the chaos of crashing classes at the beginning to getting a well needed week long break to the finals we have next week, its just another day, another dollar paid, another dollar made. On that note, Good Luck going into finals. Make our scholarship chair proud!

To all of you who will be attending ΑΓΩ banquet this evening I hope you have an exhilarating time. I cannot wait to hear all about it, moreover I hope that I will be able to join with you lucky ladies for one of the next ones. I'm stoked though because my own banquet is tomorrow evening and I seriously have the hottest date alive. Get into that!

Good day, Mates!
Italia 92D

Reliving the classics

You all know the infamous scene from the movie The Sandlot where Ham teaches Smalls how to correctly execute the perfect smore, well that about how it went down when Shox explained to all the newbies how to work the biscuit over the flame.

Procedures, as follows:
1. Butter the Doughie stick (but not too much or the biscuit will melt into the flame)
2. Take a Grands biscuit and cover the tip of the stick being careful not to poke through the biscuit
3. Roast the biscuit
4. After the biscuit is brown, you pull the biscuit off the end
5. Fill with all sorts of delightful fillings (apple, cherry, raspberry, peach, whip)
6. Then you stuff!

I had 2. But I heard a rumor of some ΑΓΩ guys forcing LV and Couture to eat like 9. That's straight savagery!! It is so true though that you truly have not experienced life until you've experienced the Doughie.

But on to more important things such as God loving you, you, you, yes you, and me too! Burton spoke the word of God like a true pro. It was incredibly encouraging and if I can say so myself, I see potential as a future Chaplin. Anyway, he spoke on the fact that we all have talents and that we shouldn't put them to waste. "Too Busy to Talk, No Time to Walk" is what he labeled his message and it was so appropriate. We spend so much time putting God off til it is convenient for us then get all pissed when he doesn't make our plans work the way we want. You all know the cop-out prayer: "Hey God, [yawn] it's bed time and I just thought I'd say what's up. Hook me up with a sweet grade on my final. I'll....uh....make some legit time for you tomorrow...I guess unless something else comes up. Peace! I mean, Amen" Get real people!! Wake-up! Spend some time with God, he is your creator and the lover of your soul. I highly recommend that you take Burton's "homework assignment" to heart. Grab a piece of paper and write "God, let's talk" on it. Put that paper somewhere you can see it, then make an effort to go to God before continuing with whatever you were just about to do. I imagine it will be incredibly beneficial.

Besides almost getting shut down by the fire department and blazing embers almost lighting some ladies lovely locks on fire, it was a drama free evening. That is, until we all returned to ΑΓΩ and the coveted Nativity was thieved! Oh, you saucy little Omega girls. Yikes. That is as far as I'll go with that. Serious payback is eminent. Brace yourselves!

Contemplating that perfect place to execute my "homework assignment"
Italia 92D

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Spice Girls

Alright, alright. So I suppose the only excuse I'll allow for missing out on ΑΓΩ bonfire is the Spice Girls concert. It's not everyday that one on the most influencial pop bands of the nineties (in girl world anyway) reunites and goes on tour. Their music is just so darn catchy. Love it.

Expecting a full report in the morning.
Italia 92D

Food for thought


Think long and hard about that. I started salivating as soon as I typed "D" and I'm almost to the point of drooling. Now that you've thought about it make it a priority to take yourself over to ΑΓΩ tonight for their semi-annual end of the semester bonfire. It's legit. Worship, beach, fire, retelling stories from the semester and getting inspired, not to mention nostalgic, and the best part....DOUGHIES!! I can't tell you how many times I've looked at my watch today hoping that the time would pass to this evening. I haven't been to an ΑΓΩ bonfire in like two semesters. My tastebuds have been deprived. It's a pity really.

All I can say is this semester has been one for the record books. So many amazing things have happened, relationships formed, miracles, love, just being ultimately blessed. I can honestly say that I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for ΑΔΧ and ΑΓΩ being sweet godly representations of the straight path. I love you guys! Here's to another semester down but not forgotten. I look forward to the semesters to come.

Remebering that her very own pledge bro Puck made her very first doughie.
So Much Love!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So, unfortunately our very own Chanel was killed today in a freak Bounty Hunter accident which then concluded the very first edition of the hottest new tradition to hit ΑΔΧ & ΑΓΩ this semester.

Cheers to one crazy ΑΓΩ man, NASA. He did his thing and worked that clever little nerf.

I do invision a comeback though. Next semester, if it isn't me, some ΑΔΧ girl will be walking away with a Bounty Hunter victory.

Shoot, are we making a trophy for this??
Italia 92D

We're going to party like it's 1999

It really was a party, I mean afterall their lamp got knocked over twice!

Surprise! That is the word that echoed through the front entrance of the Phiphy castle as the door was opened to Couture. Hats off to Gucci, Prada, and Burbs for pulling off a successful surprise party even though it could have been spoiled on 2 seperate occasions. Oh, Couture....showing up at your own house too could you?

The baked treats were scrumptious, almost too much so. You phiphy's bring out the glutony in us all! Not only were there cookies, brownie, cake and enough Diet Coke to put someone in diabetic shock.....get ready for this...there was a SNOWMAN PINATA!! He didn't last too long though. Couture promptly beat him senseless and spread his insides all over their backyard. Nikko was sweet enough to give me the first piece. [insert collective 'awww'] I know, right? It was a Milky Way.

Anyone who missed this party shall live in regret on the sheer fact that you missed out on some sweet jams. Namely, the DisneyMania Christmas album. Get out! No, I'm totally serious and it was awesome. There is always next time, I mean with 30+ girls in a sorority, there is bound to be another birthday around the corner. Until then....

Perfecting her pin the tail skills....I'll get 'em next time!
Italia 92D

Monday, December 3, 2007

Somebody certainly IS turning 21!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear
Miss Chelsea Marie 'Couture' Shearer
Happy Birthday to you.....

and many more from channel four
with Scooby Doo on channel two
and Frankenstein on channel nine
after I give you a pinch to grow an inch
and.....ummm well that's all I can think of but you understand.

Hope the big 2-1 is everything that you hoped it would be considering we are a dry sorority.

So I take it that a shot glass would be an inappropriate gift...that's cool.
Italia 92D

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It was like Santa's elves came all the way down from the North Pole and made a guest apperance at the Alpha House this weekend. I'm talking holiday spirit like none you've ever seen IN YOUR LIFE! I swear it was almost like all the big sisters took decorating lessons from Martha Stewart. I've never seen pledges look so good. That in turn led to this overwhelming necessity to sing. Specifically, Jingle Bells as well as Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Oh, Rudy ole boy, you sure will go down in history.

Hands down, this was one of the best beginnings of an Informal that I've ever encountered. And when I say best I mean pledges crying as hard as it was raining and actives in gut busting hysterics. So, I think I'll break it down like so....


Choice Activity: Action Adventure
*Catching Pneumonia while hauling tail, head first, into a group of pledges/trees*
Choice Activity: Drama
Guess Who*
Choice Villian
The infamous tomato sauce jar, (it nearly killed a girl!)*
Choice Rumble
North vs. South Civil WrestleMania Rubber Band War*
Choice Dance
People of 'ΑΔΧ' Spice Up Your Life!*
Choice Break Out Active
Louis Vuitton, this girl is fierce reppin' the North takin down all those 619's*
Choice Chemistry
Dip and "Bill"*
Choice Scream
"OOOOOOHHH! I gots yo china!! Yeeeeeeeaaaah!"*
Choice Variety Show
Softballs and Loofahs anyone?*
Choice Comedy Bit
One size fits Four, namely Kix, Mings, Venish and Tropi*
Choice Comedian
Clearly that would be me*
Choice Music
The unofficial Informal Soundtrack, provided by Dip*

And that is only part one! Oh man! We reconviene on Saturday! How many exclamations can I make?! 5!! All I can say is major props to Mustang for busting out all the stops. Also, thanks to Kix for slipping a 50 and using some smooth talk to keep us out of handcuffs. Blasted Federales! Well, now that the sugar high has worn off perhaps I can actually get some rest. Wait what is that ultra bright light outside my window?

Rock beats scissors little green men, I'm not the choosen one but I'll be taking the pink slip and keys to that mothership.

Wondering if the Phiphy castle has a landing pad....
Italia 92D

Here's to you Commander

Today, we will be recognizing one of the greatest actives to ever grace this ΑΔΧ active body. Her acchievements are outstanding and she has brought this organization to great new hieghts. You all know and love her.

Cheers to you Jacqueline Marie 'Kix' Lewis for being a president like none other.
This is your day, president's Sunday, and we are blessed to share it with you.

I feel like we should all go to the closest elementary school, throw you up on the cafeteria stage and give you one of those colorful paper awards. You all know what I'm talking about. And then lets go eat some dinosaur chicken nuggets. Woot!

Again, to Kix [raises glass]: You have made such an impact in this house and on this campus that has given a blueprint to the next girl to match and to improve upon.

Wishing she was Student of the Month again,
Italia 92D

PS. The best memories ever = this weekend. More to come later.

Friday, November 30, 2007

It's raining it's pouring...

Hope that tent is waterproof!

See you in a couple hours.
Italia 92D

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lets get ready to Informaaaaaaaaaal!

Tonight was a dark room, one candle, 9 stomachs filled with butterflies.....anticipation for tomorrow....

But are they really ready? Can they handle it? I mean how much of a doofer can you be when you mess up on your own big sisters pledge name? YIKES! Mere hours seperate these pledges from their ultimate demise. Come 5:37:38pm begins the longest informal in ΑΔΧ history!! And for the first time, since I believe my own informal, I don't have to work so I'll be there for the whole thing! I do believe I will have to pull from deep within me and revert back to my JA days. JA syndrome is making a comeback. Italia + Phiphies = TKO!! It's a done deal ladies. Actives this is no holds barred! Don't hold anything back until the white flag is raised.

I say....BRING ON THE FESTIVITIES!! Lets show these girls how Delta women really roll.

Here comes the judge!
Italia 92D

They say its your birthday!

Happy Birthday to Emily Kate 'Flamingo' Nickerson!!

T'werkin the double duces!

Wait for comes the greeting card quote...
Hope that your day is incredible and that everyone makes it special for you.

Well after sounding like a hallmark card....shoot where the party at?!
Deets later :)

This is your birthday isn't very long. HEY!
Italia 92D

Delta does it BEST

Welcome to the awesome blog of the Delta Chapter of Alpha Delta Chi. It will tell great stories of the incredible, the amazing, the unbelivable, the not so secret and the near blashphemous good times of this sorority as revealed by your favorite! ΑΔΧ ladies have been doing it big since 1925 and it has only gotten better. I will make it my duty and pleasure to express nothing but the God honest truth (no rebuttle) until I step in to real life and out of the fantastical world of the Delta Chapter. At that time I will hand this lovely mode of expressive genious off to some other equally as passionate Delta lady.

Loving God, mystery, romance, lawsuits, melodrama and everything nice is what makes this sorority go round. So, my advice to you is this: right click this beast and make it a favorite because it won't get much better anywhere on the web than the tales of 30+ crazy Christian ladies couped up in a garage every Monday night figuring out God's plan and purpose for their lives.

Hold on to your pins everybody because this is going to be the most hot and explosive thing since the A-bomb!

Italia 92D

P.S. Props to Sequel for being the inspiration behind this blog. Check out our brother fraternity's blog at