Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reflecting as in a Mirror

Rocking the "myspace" pic since 1925, I give you Uppsie review, part deux.

Haley Bernita Katherine 'Moulin Rouge' Sipan

Birthday: 2/17/88
Fav Quote: "Let go and let God."
Fav Verse: "For you God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water; but you brought us to a place of abundance." Psalm 66:10-12

I had the immense pleasure of living right across the hall from this lovely gal for a short but super sweet time. So many things about this girl that I love that I don't even know where to start. How about from superficial to deep....first off she has the largest collection of mac makeup and nail polish that I've ever seen, she has a poster of Adam Brody on her wall (at least she did when I lived in Omega), and she brought home an autographed photo of Hilary Duff for the refrigerator. All that stuff is fun but this girl is so much more. Something that has stood out to me is her strength of character. In the short time that I've known her she has dealt with some severe situations but has persevered and never lost sight of God. She is beautiful inside and out; but don't let the beauty fool you because ask any of the JA's, she is the "meanest active" ever! Mou Rou has served ΑΔΧ as our Alumni Chair and Srg. @ Arms, where she organized probably one of the most successful alumni events in ΑΔΧ history (with the help of Miata, of course) and regulated the meetings like a pro. Currently, she has taken on the mighty task of Omega House Manager and PMA. I cannot be more thrilled that Mou Rou will be assisting raising up the Ψ class to new heights, holding true to what a Delta girl really is.

Note to self: hang out at Omega more next semester.
Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

das right! mou rou is a rad one!

Anonymous said...

Italy your awesome! thanks so much for writting about me! you did an amazing job!!

p.s. the adam brody poster is still up. but it is jumanjis! and we have added a link larkin calendar and a spice girls poster!! more to be added im sure!

Anonymous said...

i want one...