Tuesday, December 4, 2007

We're going to party like it's 1999

It really was a party, I mean afterall their lamp got knocked over twice!

Surprise! That is the word that echoed through the front entrance of the Phiphy castle as the door was opened to Couture. Hats off to Gucci, Prada, and Burbs for pulling off a successful surprise party even though it could have been spoiled on 2 seperate occasions. Oh, Couture....showing up at your own house too early....how could you?

The baked treats were scrumptious, almost too much so. You phiphy's bring out the glutony in us all! Not only were there cookies, brownie, cake and enough Diet Coke to put someone in diabetic shock.....get ready for this...there was a SNOWMAN PINATA!! He didn't last too long though. Couture promptly beat him senseless and spread his insides all over their backyard. Nikko was sweet enough to give me the first piece. [insert collective 'awww'] I know, right? It was a Milky Way.

Anyone who missed this party shall live in regret on the sheer fact that you missed out on some sweet jams. Namely, the DisneyMania Christmas album. Get out! No, I'm totally serious and it was awesome. There is always next time, I mean with 30+ girls in a sorority, there is bound to be another birthday around the corner. Until then....

Perfecting her pin the tail skills....I'll get 'em next time!
Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

i can't believe we pulled off a surprise! yay for coot's genius big and twin for blindfolding her so she didn't even know she was arriving at her own house! and i thought for sure i ruined it when i showed up at 5 with the decorations hiding in my backseat. oh, i just dropped bye to say hi... :D not! love you Couture!