Friday, December 28, 2007

Lucky 7's

What's pink, stands on one leg, and lights up the Vegas strip?

Emily Kate 'Flamingo' Nickerson

Birthday: November 29th
Fav Quotes: "GPS! God Powered System. Let the Spirit be your guide." "Dude, it hecka thmells like thinamons in here."
Fav Verses: "Look at the nations and watch - and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" Hab. 1:5. "Everything is permissible- but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible- but not everything is constructive" 1 Cor. 10:23.

I'd like to take you back to a Spring in the not too far past. The year was 2005 and the location was the Freedom of Speech Steps. A shy girl walks up and a newly active bright eyed girl hesitantly asks, "Would you be interested in rushing a Christian sorority?" It was at that point that I said, "Yes!" and took one of those hot pink rush fliers out of Flamingo's hand. I cannot thank you enough for being out there on those steps all by yourself, Mings, to hand me the very paper that would change my life. This girl hands down is one of my favorite people and she locked that spot down the minute she still worked retreat entertainment, crutches in hand. I've definitely always looked up to this girl as a role model in the sorority, irregardless of how crazy and loud she can get at any given moment. She has been challenged in many ways over the past several semesters from knee surgery, to family drama, to jaw surgery but never let that stop her from being a great friends and that person that will hold you accountable even when you don't want to be. Mings has served in her fair share of positions during her tour in ΑΔΧ and is currently serving on exec as our beloved Devotional Chair. God has surely gifted this girl with knowledge and a passion for the Word and furthermore has blessed her with an ability to share those qualities with such a realness. If I could sum up Mings in one word it would be 'real.' Being real has been her platform throughout her activehood, applying it to her own life and encouraging the rest of us to stop being phonies as well. This girl lives, breathes and dreams ΑΔΧ and without a doubt will be buried with that active pin proudly over her heart. I can honestly say that Flamingo is one of my best friends in the sorority, she always has a vested interest in my life and is always there to encourage me. This would be a sick, sad ΑΔΧ world if Mings wasn't in it. If you haven't had the wonderful opportunity to become good friends with Mings then get on it. She graduates in the Spring.

Honoring a girl who truly bleeds flame and blue. Here's to you Mings.
Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

That gave me chills.

So incredibly RIGHT ON THE DOT with that one Italy.

Kamar said...

Could not have been stated more beautifully and truely.

Anonymous said...

flamingo is on rad girl and i love her <3

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I am so suprised and touched! I love you italia!
SO i have not been on the blog cuz i have been see my name made MY week....NO YEAR, THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST 2008 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you ITALY