Friday, December 21, 2007

And now your 15 minutes of fame

She may be the smallest active but she has the biggest heart.

Lauren Michelle 'Louis Vuitton' Petersen

Birthday: 3/31/88
Fav Quote: "Laughter by definition is healthy."
Fav Verse: "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - thing about such things." Phil. 4:8

The fiercest phiphy I've ever met, hands down. Can I just take you back to the rubber band civil war, when this girl dropped the rubber bands and just threw down, taking out any and all southies with a dropkick! Her energy and spunk can bring anyone one out of a funk, not to mention she can bake with the best of them. You will never see this girl without her camera which is a fantastic thing, after all she is our historian. My very first memory of this girl had to be when the phiphy girls were rehearsing an entertainment in the Omega living room and they asked me my opinion and LV was all smiles and shakin' what her mama gave her. There really isn't a time I can think of when this girl isn't smiling, what an encouragement she always is and ΑΔΧ would be such a sad and boring place if she weren't around. I look forward to watching her grow in the semesters to come and build up this Delta chapter.

Now a quote from under the tracks...
"If I could be any ΑΓΩ boy, I'd be Lalo so I could date Louis Vuitton."

Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

Ahaha! Best quote ever!!!

Italy, your blogs make me smile...

YOU make me smile!

Anonymous said...

i love this girl, that's my pledge sis alright! a rare gem indeed :]

Anonymous said...

thanks so much italia! that is so sweet and amazing! i love you!

Anonymous said...

haha I said that quote I love my pledge sisi

Anonymous said...

oops not sisi but sis