Sunday, December 16, 2007

Time for a lil R&R

Now that finals are over stress levels are at an all time low. Whether you're sticking around SD or going all the way up to NorCal, take it easy. Use this time to revitalize and catch up if you've been slacking in other areas of your life. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean your bible finds a place in your bookcase for 5 weeks. I encourage all of you to spend tons of time with God over the break, you literally have no excuse. Have an excellent break and a Merry Christmas! Don't forget to bring the New Year in with style, either up in NorCal at Kixie's (that's where I'll be) or here in SD at the Omega house. As for the blog, I think I will be doing some active profiles and maybe some "Best of..." entries since the events are in hiatus. So, I'm taking requests. If you would like to be featured in the blog or want to have me retell an event from the semester let me know and I'll hook it up for you.

Sleeping in til noon or later for the next 5 weeks.
Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

YES! okay so two things: a retelling of the rubberband war during informal accomanied by my action-packed ferociousness or a profiling of yours truly.

i'll let you be the judge, either way i'm satisfied.

Anonymous said...

ummm... bewah?

Anonymous said...

write about me!!!

Anonymous said...

i wanna be in it... :D

Anonymous said...

write about me too...random LOVE for LIFE!