Sunday, December 21, 2008


Can you feel it!? Our semester of school is finally OVER! Oh dear God this was a tough one, for more reasons than one too. I hope all of you ladies are recovering from the stress overload and common colds floating around. I also hope all of your days are well-spent, enjoy this much needed time away from school!

Have a very merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year! LIKE WHOA TWO THOUSAND NINE?!

Haha, anyway I say for those sticking around the fine city of SD, let's get together, I wanna play.

Edit: The Omega girls of Mou Rou's Little Ponies pledge class are newly activated! Be on the prowl for a hang out. Coffee anyone?

Signing off for a while,
Versace 116D

Monday, December 15, 2008

Rockin' Out at Banquet

This past Saturday was our semester's banquet and let me tell you, everyone was looking fabulous as we brought rock and roll. Our venue located in Balboa Park was a museum foyer showcasing American art/history, my kind of hot spot if you ask me! It was the ultimate place for a photo opp too. Anyway, girls throughout the evening were honored for their achievements like Fendi and her perfect attendance and Ferrari for the president's award. The pl*dges maintained a decent entertainment, I'll admit to a few laughs here and there. All and all it was a fine evening! Perhaps one of my favorite gems to the night was the 80's sunglasses and the vinyl centerpieces.

A huge thanks to our lovely Miata for organizing banquet! You did a beautiful job. Also, for the ladies that put together the slide show, thank you for all of your efforts!

It's kinda hard to believe that the semester is finally coming to a close. I'm facing these finals head on.

Catch you on the flip side,
Versace 116D

Sunday, December 7, 2008


We've all managed to survive. Let's just say this whirlwind of a weekend was highlighted from various antics like movies and games. Catchphrase is making the big dollas with us Deltas. Operation revival for last year's rubber band civil war was quite hilarious. Although it wasn't as epic of a battle, random spurts of laughter filled the room, especially a rubber band to the rear end. The Alpha living room remained shamble-free, but yours truly along with our super rad alumni Italia are a couple of sharp shooters. Italy managed a three strikes and your out on Louis Vuitton. Haha, oh man.

Well I hope you ladies find rest, most importantly through God and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Like, THIS SATURDAY'S UPCOMING BANQUET! Be on the lookout for stellar updates.

Headed for a nap,
Versace 116D

Friday, December 5, 2008

Brace Yourself

I hope you are ready for the force that is upon us! I'm thinking some light international travels coupled with borderline dangerous antics should be worthwhile. Yes?

If you are a pl*dge reading this entry, be warned, be very warned. That's all I can say.

Edit: I pray this timetable starts looking a bit more agreeable. For all of our sakes.

Versace 116D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Give Thanks

I hope you ladies thoroughly enjoy your time away from school. If you're with family, embrace it. Whatever you do this Thanksgiving, cherish our God and realize the gratitude He deserves!

I love you all. Travel safely and don't overeat!

Craving some turkey,
Versace 116D

Friday, November 21, 2008


We've got a Pi sister on our hands! She's flown in all the way from Boulder, CO! Let's make this lady feel extremely welcome as Delta opens the doors. Expect great things this weekend.

Battle of the Bands tonight, 9 o'clock @ ΑΓΩ. Don't miss out.

Tomorrow consists of a recreational event with none other than living like a PAINTBALL GANSTA, or STEALTH SPECIAL OPS AGENTS! Whichever works. Have a riot laides.

Versace 116D

Monday, November 17, 2008


Isn't it beautiful? Well I'm sure you ladies have already witnessed perhaps last Monday's most precious moment, Tropi's engagement! It was a time to cherish indeed and she along with her fiance Brooks wrote some of the sweetest bits of literature I've ever heard! *Insert prolonged sigh here*

As for the rest of us...our time WILL come!

Thinking of my wedding,
Versace 116D

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family Day

I hope you ladies are enjoying this time in my stead! Parents are a blessing.

Loving the thought of hugging my mom,
Versace 116D

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Too Social

Sorry my ladies for keep this post a bit delayed! Anyhow, for those of you who don't know, last Saturday was our fantastic Mall Hunt at Fashion Valley. Pretty much the greatest idea for some exercise. It was elbow to elbow, mega competitive and the Delta women were fighting tooth and nail! What exactly? Well the exec board members were in legitimate disguise, so good you just might miss them in passing.

Jag was a pregnant lady with a bob haircut.
Tootsie an artsy kind of gal with draped hair and glasses.
Corvette/Moulin Rouge coupled together as senile seniors, Mou Rou in wheelchair.
Miata/Casper as rebel skater boys, saggy pants and all.
And finally, Ferrari/Chanel as make-shift African American business women, only they looked a bit Indian and apparently got a reaction out of some people.

All in all it was a memorable evening for sure! Props for Gucci, our lovely Social Chair who organized the entire concept! Gucci for the win on fun ideas!

Until next time,
Versace 116D

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Yes, happy bday indeed to Heather Lorine 'The Matrix' Pingley.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Burfday

I believe yesterday was in fact the birthday of the beautiful Kendyll Anne 'Cher' Marksbury!

Hoppy burfday as Guss would say from Cinderella ;]

Oh and be sure to stop by Omega around 7 this evening! Mou Rou is throwing Cher a grand celebration!

Versace 116D

Monday, November 3, 2008

Recent (Re-Cap)tured and More

This past Halloween was remarkably expressive. Sure people dress into their silly costumes or whatever suits their liking, but last Friday was simply much more than that. ΑΓΩ hosted their semester's open mic event known as Captured. It was entertaining to say the least. Costumes varied from lucha libre to Castle Crashers and your faithful blogger brought Japan's pop culture as a Harajuku girl. Performances included a myriad of guitarists and a dash of poetry (my favorite) as stumbling onlookers randomly cheered amidst the action. Our wonderful brothers ever so kindly handed out water to a thirsty passerby in addition to the loads of candy. My Halloween was well-spent; who needs trick or treating, right?

Moving on....

Our pl*dge missionary event was held this past Saturday for both Epsilon and Delta. We headed downtown in order to feed and clothe the homeless. Simple items such as socks and sandwiches were selflessly given. The overall aim was to demonstrate the love of Jesus and by golly we did just that! Lastly, a time of worship was set aside as we gathered in the beautiful park of Balboa. Glorifying our God and singing His praises filled the air, a truly special moment.

Versace 116D

Friday, October 31, 2008

Up the Alley

You'll have to excuse the delay for this post, but your faithful blogger has been a bit busy to say the least!

Anyway, this past Tuesday evening was sensational! Our ladies of ΑΔΧ squared off against their brothers of ΑΓΩ in a duel that would reveal the ultimate bowling force! We put up a good fight, and yours truly had my Epsilon opponents look a bit worried. There were a number or scores entered into the final total, and of course the men had to bask in their silly bowling glory. It was an eventful evening, full of strikes and dance parties.

Announcements: Be sure to arrive at ΑΓΩ for Captured tonight starting around 8PM. You DON'T want to miss you! Also, tomorrow is out pl*dge missionary event so meet at Alpha around 9:30!

Keeping my schedule full,
Versace 116D

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mega Updates

The ladies of Delta have introduced themselves to something special. For starters, this past Monday was our Revealing as the ple*ges discovered who exactly was their special big sis! Take a look at these super hot pairs:
This week was finished off with our delicious BJ's dinner along with a movie night sleepover.
Moving right along...
Today our Epsilon brothers accompanied us for a community-centered missionary event. Yours truly and my esteemed colleague, Mayer devised a plan to do an adopt-a-block which just so happened to be Lindo Paseo. From car washing to lawn mowing, everyone gathered their hands to serve our neighbors with the love of Jesus. A time of fellowship, and a time of service, a day well spent!
Until next time,
Versace 116D

Monday, October 20, 2008

SLO or Bust

This past weekend was a mega blast. The Delta ladies along with their Epsilon brothers made the trek up to San Luis Obispo for Alpha Gamma Omega's annual flag football tournament. The drive was long and arduous, but we made it through despite the heavy traffic and awkward creeper creepertons observing from other cars. Upon arriving to our campsite we set up our tents and prepare for the good 'ol feeling of the outdoors.

Every fall we have the privilege of beholding the sight that is Epsilon fierceness. Decked in war paint and ridiculous hair (holla for Lalo and his MULLET) there is no mistaking this power on the sand. Football as always creates an intense fervor as we cheer on our brothers. Speaking of intensity, we were able to partake in the glory was other Alpha Delta Chi chapters battle for the win. Some amazing feats of success can be attributed to Casper's competitive edge as quarterback, Couture's scoring strides, Madagascar's sexy interceptions, and our very own pl*dges confetti and twilight entering in on the football madness.

It was an amazing weekend to say the least and Delta will be back for action next fall when we advance from second place to FIRST! Can you feel the fire?!

Still sore and recovering,
Versace 116D

Sunday, October 12, 2008


What a weekend! From a gorgeous view of the mountains lining the San Bernardino county, to the vast blankets of green, our retreat was quite the refreshing experience. First off, a huge thanks to Shox's family for allowing us to use their cabin, in addition to all Miata's hard work! This weekend was certainly a time for sisterly bonding with the conversations, booty shakin', snack munching, pledge interviewing, and best of all God's presence. The weather was a bit chilly but all the more reason to snuggle up next to a fellow friend.

Perhaps the most exhilarating part of retreat is none other than ENTERTAINMENT. Of course, every pledge class strut their stuff and really pulled off quite the production. Needless to say, yours truly as part of the Phiphys won the Tap That award with our stellar Xenon, and intergalactic motions along with the cosmic mind-blowing mothership. Oh man, the laughs were rolling for sure. The Sigmas rocked their heated dance party, the Oopsies time-traveled back to 1925 with Willard Crowder Clawson as they relived the booty shakin' membership requirement, the Chi class and Monaco kept it mysterious with black light action, and our wonderful JA's displayed the many facets to Madonna's inventive life. Lastly, the pledges put together a history of dance. All in all the entertainment dropped a jaw or two while laughter busted through the ceiling.

Edit: one of our amazing ladies, Kimberly Anne 'The Sandlot' Stahl had her birthday this past Saturday! Birthday wishes definitely contributed to the love as Babe surprised her with a ton of cupcakes. So good.

Wow, a quality weekend indeed! God is good and now it's on to Mysto Week, get excited.

Headed for a nap,
Versace 116D

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's upon us. A time for God when we need it most. Expect a memorable time.

Excitement required.

Ready for the maracas,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Fantasy Come True

So I don't know about you, but I think our pl*dges possess some of the hottest names around. What we've got here is a case of PONIES! These ladies aren't your ordinary equestrian creatures, but none other than Mou Rou's Little Ponies. Do you remember way back when? The show was colorful, the bed sheets were cozy, and now it's a fantasy come true!

Delta has done it again. We've rocked to the creativity jams. Well done pledge mom, you've officially created name-envy for little girls.

Less inclined to the Care Bears,
Versace 116D

Saturday, October 4, 2008

So Bored at Work Right Now

We must be the greatest, hottest, and BRIGHTEST bunch of ladies. Every time I think of you my heart forms a smile. Delta = rock star divas. Our love is Jesus and the dance parties rule. Men are oblivious. We're too rad for sad. I'm so antsy for your faces.

Kick out the jams,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For Our Jew

Today is a special day for a special lady. Happy birthday to Alexandra Christine 'Jumanji' Gentner! A mega lovable girl, I can't help but smile every time I see her . ^__^

P.S. She'll be celebrating this day come Saturday for those of you who don't know it yet! Check out the Facebook group, mmk?

Versace 116D

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Something Omega

Well, well, the thrill begins. PL*DGEDOM IS UPON US! Insert roaring orchestra here. With all humor aside, us Delta ladies are amped to say the least. God has yet again revealed His faithfulness with 12 eager hearts. With that said, we are now at the end or our Greek alphabet as the Omega pl*dge class becomes reality. Woot woot!

Stay tuned Delta,
Versace 116D

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bid Night

Last night was quite the crazy outing. Nearly traveling ALL OVER San Diego (zero dorm visits!), us Delta ladies were serenading prospective pledges. The evening was chalk full of song rehearsals, traffic jams, and baffled onlookers. We had a Monday night unlike any other.

With that said...on to our Presents! I'll be seein' you hot mamas dressed in black, OH SNAP.

Versace 116D

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preference and Broomball

So this past Friday evening was quite the hoot! The Delta ladies kicked off the night with our delicious pref dinner, cooked by none other than our Cooking Queen Babe! Such a feast was assisted with the kitchen skills of Dior and Sandlot who certainly know how to satisfy the palate. Rushees flocked on over to Omega as our dining delight was enhanced with candles and music. Conversations flowed, tummies were kept full, and God the Father was glorified. Our preference dinner was a huge hit. Snaps to our Rush Chair Prada!

Phase two of the evening consisted of the long-awaited broomball bash with our fellow brothers. A massive exodus arrived at the skating rink of UTC, familiar stomping ground for any SD hockey player. The competitive fervor was so intense, the ice couldn't help but melt. This jumble of people produced an overall energy that seemed to reawaken the mall. Aside from the obvious broomball, video games such as Street Fighter vs. Marvel rendered me utterly captivated. If you aren't into sports, or refuse to adopt the gamer's status (insert ME), then random dance antics like that of Madagascar, Chanel, and Serendipity would have thoroughly entertained. From iTunes playlists, to masculine dog piles, this night was a smashing way to end our rush events.

Longing for an arcade,
Versace 116D

Friday, September 19, 2008

Can You Dig It?

Preference dinner is tonight. Get excited. Broomball with our brothers is to follow. BOOYAH.

I'm feelin' this,
Versace 116D

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bowling for Soup a rad band. But aside from this, the fabulous Delta ladies hit the lanes for our bowling rush event. A fantastic frenzy included scattered spares and strikes in an effort to maintain the fervor of smashing fun. Couture was definitely on top with a score well over 150! Go girl go! The bowling ambiance highlighted our evening as a number of us sang to our heart's content with Taylor Swift, and let's not forget the silly dance antics that we so often create. Tomorrow will complete our rush event agenda so be sure to partake in the expected joy!

Versace 116D

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rush Tea

Finally, kicking things off to a lovely start was our Rush Tea. God-talk, oodles of food, and ladies looking for some insight certainly highlighted our evening. This is event is always a big hit cause what girl wouldn't want chocolate chip cookies coupled with Jesus? I would agree that perhaps the most comedic element to this gathering is found within the introductions. Aside from the basics (major, academic year, etc.) we shared "our version of the perfect day." Yours truly explained a visit to Japan and eating amazing sushi while reading an anime book. Yeah that's right, nerd status all the way. Anyhow, with these rushees it's exciting to see the beginnings of what God's got up that majestic sleeve of His, like whoa.

Reminder: this Thursday is worship night with our fine brothers of Alpha Gamma Omega. The rush continues!

Until next time,
Versace 116D

Monday, September 8, 2008

Delta Blog Enhancement

Attention faithful readers: Our lovely Casey Chan, formerly known as Schroeder back in her Peanuts days has a blog of her own! Be sure to check it out. Our lovely past Delta chapter advisor slash national board devotional chair has graced our SDSU representation by recently becoming the national board president! We now have an insider's alert whenever large scale sorority business comes our way. Lovin' it.

Versace 116D

The Familiar

It's about that time again. Time when we realize school will reappear tomorrow morning, and no, that's not your alarm clock playing tricks on you. It's also time when ΑΔΧ resumes as normal. Tonight was our first official formal meeting despite the kick off of last week. Us Delta ladies couldn't be more excited to embrace the surprising items coming our way hand-delivered by Jesus. Tomorrow is our Rush Tea event, our very first opportunity of the semester to meet prospective candidates for pl*dge material. With that said...bring on the rushees!

Yet another fresh start. All about it.

Versace 116D

Friday, September 5, 2008

Active Bonding

Well tonight was quite the occasion. Us Delta ladies gathered at Dior's lovely house and had a smashing time. To kick the night off, a crazed fashion show consisting of duct tape, toilet paper, streamers, and ribbon adorned some hot mamas boldly strutting their stuff. Groups of about 4-5 girls worked tirelessly for creating the BEST outfit exercising the utmost creativity. Let's just say some of these marvelous items ranged from straight up scandalous to hysterical. Yours truly helped Burberry, Tootsie, Rush, and Dior design an Amazon inspired scenario for Zarma. I'm not gonna lie, there's some raw talent within this sisterhood especially if all you have is the bare minimum for materials.

Sweet treats and salty favorites also satisfied the stomach. And of course, let's not forget the swimming action in Dior's amazing pool! Cheers for our lovely Social Chair Gucci, she did a wonderful job!

P.S. Don't forget, tomorrow meet at Alpha around 10 am for HOUSE PRIDE DAY! Just a bit of cleaning before our rush week takes off.

Versace 116D

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fall Semester 2008

Can you feel it? School is officially here. For some this means torment, meanwhile others are embracing the semester's arrival. But not to worry! Our sisterhood reunites. Last night us Delta ladies caught a glimpse of our upcoming agenda. From hot new rush shirts, to impending excitement, we've got much in store.

And speaking of impending excitement, CONGRATS again to the recently engaged Jag and Reed! We're all so very happy for you two!
Versace 116D

Monday, September 1, 2008

It's Here

Our semester's debut is upon us! First meeting tonight. Get excited!

It's a casual meeting so keep those pins and nylons out of sight.

See you ladies at 7:15,
Versace 116D

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Attention ladies! If you've received Prada's email, then don't forget to meet at Alpha around 10 am tomorrow. The freshies are moving into their dorms so we're hoping to lend a helping hand slash get a jump start on rush by getting our name out there! Refer to the email for more details, and GO if you can!

Awaiting our reunion,
Versace 116D

Monday, August 18, 2008


Exactly two more weeks until our first meeting. I'm sorry if you can't swallow a dose of reality, but it is what it is. Summer is coming to a close ladies, I say let school begin.

Besides I freaking miss all of your faces!

Embracing the impending excitement,
Versace 116D

Thursday, August 14, 2008

They Call Me Human

So I'm a jerkface and forgot to mention a past birthday. Our miss Cortney Dana 'Tswana' Stephenson has acquired 19 years as of Aug. 8th. I'm sure Facebook does well to remind you all, but apparently I forgot the blogging memo!

My condolences, know you're so greatly loved!

Versace 116D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bday, Oh Bday

So I realize this already passed (don't hate ;]) but I do believe a birthday shout out is in order.

Happy birthday to the ultra lovely Danae Sayer 'Gucci' Gill. A very special lady and she's one of my pledge sisters. What up to the big 2-0?!

They come but once a year,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays

So today we have our lovely Julie Ann 'Bemba' Romig turing 19. I hope you're doing something splendid for a celebration! Happy birthday to you :]

Okay I think it's time for another one of our silly (yet entertaining) DBRP. Last time we acknowledged marriage with either Zac Efron or Shia Lebeouf and I think it's safe to say that Shia won on that one ;]

Anyway, this is also Disney Channel inspired, but not entirely.

Would you rather perform (dance like a crazy, sing, etc.) on stage with the JONAS BROTHERS or HANSON?

Replaying MmmBop,
Versace 116D

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Don't Forget The Spice

I know what you're thinking. Where's the bday shout out for Zarma?! Well I can assure you fellow ladies that I didn't forget although the journey back home from Virginia was a bit overwhelming.

Anyhow, happy belated birthday to our spicy Maritza Carolina 'Zarma' Bardales! She's got the roots from Honduras, holla!

Can't wait for school to start,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's A Burfday

What up to our lovely miss Sara Victoria 'Prada' Frazee? Happy birthday chica, I hope you're celebrating with the utmost joy. They only come but once a year ;]

Much love pledge sis.

BTW-My blogging endeavors have slightly caved in seeing as how I've been on vacation. Virginia Beach is quite the hot spot, literally.

Introducing the East Coast to the West Coast,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So I believe a couple of birthday commemorations are in order! I apologize as your Delta blogger for failing to recognize these ladies' birthdays on the actual date! Anyway, cheers to Chelsea Marie 'Burberry' Francis and Kristin Nicole 'Dior' Olssen! Two pledge sisters, two very special gals. :]

Birthdays under the sun, gotta love it!

Versace 116D

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's About That Time Again...

Here's another Delta Blog Reader's Poll coming your way!

So I believe there are many of you who would claim to be HSM fans in addition to the hilarious show of Even Stevens. Both of which are Disney creations. Now for the poll, and again please feel free to respond, hence this is a participation required concept!

Would you rather...

If you ask me, I'd hook it up with Shia. No doubt.

Festering those oohs and ahs,
Versace 116D

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bbay X TWO!

We have yet another case of birthdays, both on the same day! Happy anniversary of your birth, to Monaco and Metallica! What, what?? A fine pair of ladies if you ask me :]

Birthdays all around, gotta love it.

Versace 116D

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Here's To 20 Years

Happy birthday to our fantastic gal, Nicole Sarah 'Chanel' Huddlestone! Basically, you're amazing, yep. Enjoy this age without the word T-E-E-N attached! Love you pledge sis.

Feelin' the twenties,
Versace 116D

Friday, July 4, 2008

It's A Celebration

Today is a special day, and not just any day, but a great one at that. I'm talking about the 4th of July baby, America's Independence Day! You see, this day is so much more than barbecues and fireworks, it's the time of when our country was shining for all the world to see. I'm a patriot, and I love this land. Apple pies and baseball, you don't get much more American than that.

The Alpha house is hosting a barbecue around 6pm. It's b.y.o.m. aka get carnivorous so be sure to head on over if you have zero plans. Lastly, remember to lather up the sunblock and keep cool with a beverage or two, it's as hot as blazes!


That's right,
Versace 116D

Thursday, July 3, 2008

For You

Before I introduce our first Delta Blog Reader's Poll, allow me to commemorate Journey for her birthday today! It's certainly a blessing having these lovely JAs as part of our newest addition! Loves it.

Alright ladies, so this is how it's gonna roll. To keep things interesting (especially since my latest posts have been birthdays) I'll present a poll to you. If you take the time to read this blog already, then by all means a response is necessary! Other Delta ladies read the comments anyway so humor us :]

And now, the very first Delta Blog Reader's Poll, or simply DBRP!*

San Diego is best known for our extraordinary beaches, which one do you prefer?

Mission/South Mission
La Jolla
Pacific Beach
Ocean Beach
Torrey Pines

*I realize this is a cheesy poll at best, but work with me here. I'm learning as I go, nah mean?

Versace 116D

Saturday, June 28, 2008

And Another...

Man oh man, there has been quite the number of June birthdays for our Delta women! Today is yet another as we celebrate the lovely Jamie Lou 'Madagascar' Williams! Happy birthday my dear! It's a summery Saturday so enjoy and may it be a blessing to you.

Diggin' the birthday shout outs,
Versace 116D

Friday, June 27, 2008

Double Whammy

Today we have two very special Delta ladies that are celebrating their birth of 22 years. Happy birthday to you Candace Brittany 'Luxor' Voget, I hope Europe is nothing but spectacular for you! Now that's one way to rejoice over a birthday.

And to our founding Delta blogger, Sarah Ann Marie 'Italy' Leahy. A mega rad gal indeed, she's a real gem who ought to be celebrated on this day. Happy birthday to you, it's quite the honor to serve as your blogging successor!

What up to June birthdays? :]
Lovin' it,
Versace 116D

Sunday, June 22, 2008

For Our JA

Today happens to be grand day and a super special one at that! One of our very JA's is celebrating her birthday! Happy birthday to you Kiss! Enjoy this summery day coupled with the thought of being an ACTIVE :]

It's going to be rad seeing more of these lovely JA's around come next semester.


Versace 116D

Thursday, June 19, 2008

She's A Woman

Today marks a special birthday indeed. A fine lady with so much spark, I'm pleased to dedicated this entry just for her.

Happy birthday to Brittany Marie 'Corvette' Clark! I'm sure working at Indian Hills is a true blessing for you, especially on your birthday. The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you!

Love, love, love.

Versace 116D

Friday, June 13, 2008

Writer's Block

So I've realized that the summer may prose times of zero postings, but alas I believe this shouldn't be too much of a concern! You see, I plan on making random visits to ΑΔΧ concocting anything that best suits blogging material. So expect a surprise here and there, or maybe you just might bear witness to a reader's poll. We'll see :]

Tryin' to keep you on your toes,
Versace 116D

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Moving Adjustments

It's getting busy with a number of ladies! Moving arrangements have been made and while certain rooms might be empty, other rooms have completely transformed. I had the pleasure of seeing some familiar faces and enjoyed the company of my pledge sisters as they revealed the changes their rooms have undergone! Keepin' it cute, keepin' it vibrant.

Drop by Alpha and Omega to catch a glimpse of the rearrangements. You'll like what you see!

Speaking of liking what you see, our HOT new composite is complete bearing the gorgeous women of ΑΔΧ! Grab your copy located in the active room.

Versace 116D

Monday, June 2, 2008

Someone Special

Today we celebrate the delight that is Venda....

Happy brithday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Glena Rose 'Venda' Abel,
Happy birthday to you!

May your day be splendid because it's worth celebrating! Also, her amazing big sis Jumanji has organized a bday gathering at Omega around 7 pm, don't miss out!

Enjoy a teenless age my dear!

Versace 116D

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yet Another Addition

After receiving an email from our beloved Venetian, I decided to grace our list of Delta bloggers as it would be most befitting. Be sure to check it out and see what God's been doing in her life!

A special shout-out to this wonderful lady: on behalf of my pledge sisters...the Phiphys LOVE YOU pledge mama! ΑΔΧ definitely has a heart for you.


Versace 116D

Friday, May 30, 2008


Helloooo lovely sisters of ΑΔΧ! I, Versace, wish to express the utmost gratitude for beholding this position. Truly I say to you, expect a thorough detailing of anything ΑΔΧ related marked with witty insight, flair, and humor! Furthermore, it is my blogging joy to deliver forth material that's worthy of reading pleasure! This girl aims to keep you fellow ladies smiling as we embark on another chapter of sorority life. Let's have an adventure shall we?


Keepin' it real,
Versace 116D

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

What a Memorial Day weekend it has been. First and foremost, let's take a moment to recognize those who this day has been set aside for. Thank you to all those who are currently serving our country, who have served and for those whose lives have been lost in the line of battle; you are an inspiration. It's something I couldn't do.

A handful of my favorite people have switched the tassel to the other side of those mortar board caps and have entered REAL LIFE! But, before said leap into the work force we all had the opportunity to party hard one more time. Forget sophistication and elevator music, it's all about Doritos and dancing until you can't even stand anymore. That is precisely how we did it at Kix, Venetian, Flamingo and Tropi's 80's themed grad party. It was a rager complete with parental advised music, a snack table and party poopers like myself who had to leave early because of work at 630am. I can still see the flashing strobe when I close my eyes.

Congrats to all the grads in both ΑΔΧ & ΑΓΩ. You finally made it!

Speaking of moving on, it has come the time that I pass this incredible blog on. I think I'll keep this farewell speech short. I love you all and it truly has been a sweet time chronicling the escapades of our fair sorority. I leave you with this: live, love and blog on.

I introduce to you your new blogger: Brittany Elise 'Versace' Dumas.
Italia 92D
Signing off. Stay classy ΑΔΧ.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Graduation Season

It is upon us. The manure smell that takes over campus and the replanting of all flowers can only mean people will be scattered all over campus in those darling black gowns and square caps with tassels. Smells like real life and growing up to me.

The ceremonies begin at early as 7am tomorrow. Call up your nearest graduate and have them holler their time at you and do your best to show up. If you can't get yourself to get up that early then at least show up to the parties. That's the important part anyway.

Come December my Grad party is going to be straight stupid awesome.
Italia 92D

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Family Business

I'm going to take the liberty to say right now that the Random Family is the best family. Everyone wants to be us.

With that said we had the whole family together for a celebratory dinner with some serious Apples to Apples to follow. It was quite glorious.

Shorties, Honeys and Royals- Eat your hearts out. Randoms own ΑΔΧ.

You know I love you all. Congrats on getting through finals and have a wonderful summer!
Italia 92D

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Freakin' Birthday!

Yes, let it be known among all the land that my little sis, Pebble Beach, is 22 today.

Here's to you lil on your special day!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Peebs,
Happy Birthday to you!

It is sucky to have had your birthday during finals for the past 4 years but look on the bright side pretty soon college will be over with and you'll probably be working on you r birthday from here on out. At least you can have an excuse to have a party with all your students every year. Cupcakes for everyone!

I love you lil, more than you even know.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The New Mr. & Mrs. Ellis

Congratulations to Scrum & Mustang!

The wedding was absolutely beautiful, the couple absolutely stunning and the reception absolutely taken over by ΑΔΧ & ΑΓΩ! Here's to the newlyweds!

So who's coming with me to Eclipse's wedding?
Italia 92D

Friday, May 9, 2008


If you don't see a blog coming your way it's because finals have consumed my life. I assume it will be the same for the rest of you so I bid you all good luck. As I always say, C's get degrees.

At this point D's even get degrees.
Italia 92D

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Don't look now, Look now because yet another Chi is represented in the Delta women! Welcome lil sis Krio!

Woot! Blog fo life!
Italia 92D

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To The One, The Only

Happy Birthday Versace!

Today, marks your actual entrance into adulthood as there is no leaning on the excuse of still being a teenager. 20 has never been the same now that you have graced it with your luminous presence. I do hope that you had a wonderful day and a celebration is definitely in order!

For all of you unaware, this sparkling young woman will be the heir to the Delta blog and I cannot be happier to pass the gift of entertaining people to her.

Happy Birthday A-lil!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blessings, Birthdays and BUSTS!

If by the Grace of God....

A phrase the Psi class was becoming all too familiar with but within a matter of an evening of Formal the Totally 80's pledge class will never have to hear that phrase directed at them again. However, they shall feel free to say it at anytime now. Congratulations to our lovely new Junior Actives: Metallica, Rush, The Cure, Journey, Cher, Kiss & Blondie. Welcome to the dark side and by dark side I mean throw out that white dress and buy a black one! ΑΔΧ is so blessed to have you 7 young women as additions to this house.

Happy Birthday to the beautiful Cynthia Yvette 'Jaguar' Hernandez! It's always a party when you are around! Hope you had a wonderful day and that the BF treated you out to something sweet. If not I will give him a stern talking to. Love you Jag!

In the most recent and quasi-shocking of news, the Drug Enforcement Agency full on raided a handful of fraternity houses at SDSU in quite possibly the largest drug bust I have ever seen. Apparently after the death, by cocaine overdose, of an Alpha Phi sorority member a huge investigation was launched at SDSU. In over a year, there has been an undercover operation that has resulted in something like 96 arrests, of which 75 were SDSU students. A total of six fraternity houses have been put on suspension hitting the Greek system hard. Theta Chi and Phi Kappa Psi were the houses with the most arrests and home to more or less the mastermind behind the drug network. He was a 19 year old Theta Chi brother who was brilliant enough to mass text the world about his "business" and practically hold his hands out so the federal government could tighten one of those sassy little plastic bracelets on him. These are just the bare minimum details of today's events but if you search any known news website you will find an article chronicling the drama of this epic bust.

This certainly has been an eventful year in the Greek system. Chlamydia epidemics, published homophobic remarks and a drug raid led by the DEA. Call it irony, but I find it fascinating that we (a sorority that bans the indulgence of drugs, smoking and alcohol) are in a lawsuit against SDSU to gain on-campus status and privileges that we have been denied while they freely accept and fund Greek organizations in which members engage in activities that endanger the very lives of its other members and other students at SDSU.

It's times like this when I have never been more proud to be an Aztec.
Italia 92D

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Banquets & Birthdays

May 2nd: ΑΓΩ Banquet & Serendipity's birthday

I must say I was quite impressed for my first ever attendance at an ΑΓΩ banquet. The things that made it great were, first and foremost, having the Goon winner and best date ever, Lego. Second, a car full of my favorite people and a table where the conversation and laughs never ceased. All the ladies were simply stunning and the men were downright ballers. Remo, Quill, Puck & Shox all gave their graduate speeches which led us to an array of emotions from absolute hysterics to near tears (Shox will you just cry already?!). Speaking of Shox, literally the man of the hour 4 hours, this man put together a stand up evening at The Butcher Shop pouring in every last bit he could manage. The ΑΓΩ glass that was the gift is easily going to become my favorite glass to quench my thirst from and the video was entertaining, heartfelt and well done. I would like to mention that I made my way into the video via the wall of girls numbers. Look to the right of Shade's head when he is sending his love to a graduate and it sure does say Italia ♥ ΑΓΩ. It was truly a fantastic experience and for that I must personally thank Lego for asking me to be his date.

While we were eating bloody meat and garlic mashed potatoes, there was a party going on at the beach. A special birthday bonfire for our beloved Serendipity. You are beautiful and I hope that the party was nothing short of a rager. Happy Birthday Serendipity!

May 3rd: ΑΔΧ Banquet

After the long drive to the San Marcos Lake Resort and the immense amount of photographs taken (yes, it's true, I did indeed have one of those ghetto gamble cameras. The disposable types where you just have to hope the pic turns out great), we settled inside for dinner. Again with the gorgeous women, handsome men and great table company, Jaguar hooked us up with a great evening. The senior send off was changed up some this semester from a girl speaking about the graduate to the active graduates giving speeches of their own. Clearly, Monaco and myself were thrilled with Tropicana's speech as she gave a direct and extremely accurate shout out to the Rho Rydahz as the funniest people she has ever met. I could not agree more. The water works were turned on throughout the room as memories from as far back as Fall 2004 were mentioned and it can be said the ΑΔΧ will never be the same after the mark these women have left on this place. To Chicago, Eclipse, Mustang, Luxor, Venetian, Tropicana, Flamingo and Kix: Good luck and may the active body look to your future lives and be inspired by God's blessings. Best parts of the evening were Versace and Remo as Miss Piggy and Kermit (way to rock the theme), mother/daughter duos and, surprisingly, pl*dge entertainment. The fact that the servers had to dodge the pl*dges while serving us desert and that kiss had full face makeup was da bomb! I can truthfully say our pl*dges are WAY more entertaining than ΑΓΩ pl*dges.

Today: Ferrari's Birthday

This girl. You rock my world and will take ΑΔΧ by storm as president. Happy Birthday and keep on keeping on. Love you!

That was quite possibly the longest entry I've written for this blog.
Italia 92D

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just So You Know

One of the most marvelous alumni will be here in the flesh soon. It's a matter of minutes before the plane arrives and my big sis will have arrived.

Those of you attending ΑΓΩ banquet will get the special privilege of seeing Olympia Marble.

Italia 92D

Monday, April 28, 2008

Nightmare on Brockbank

What a rather eventful weekend we just had. Full of surprises all over the place. Not to mention the several new traditions we adopted this go around. I think my favorite was the branding. Nothing spells dedication like orange hot metal on bare skin. Cooling commenced immediately with the water torture that occurred several times over the weekend, sprinklers and ΑΔΧ don't mix. Chanel, exhibiting nothing short of straight savagery, took it to that water blast like a champ. I promise there were no actives harmed during the entirety of the weekend, pl*dges not included. It feels good to be an active sometimes.

Sunday marked the final President's Sunday for our dearly beloved President of two long and fruitful years, Kix. Her place in this sorority will be forever cherished as God gave her the abilities to lead the active body into frontiers never prior explored by our fair Christian sorority. She left her mark in the Greek community and has built up girls through encouragement and prayer to take on that community after she leaves. ΑΔΧ will forever be in her heart and she in the heart of ΑΔΧ.

Today, we culminated with a handful of faux candle passes and an active bonding, part deux. Suave pinned Kix as an invite to ΑΓΩ banquet and the other ceremonial torch passing was that from my hands into the new blogger's hands. Yes, it is true. I have chosen my successor; none other than the beautiful, well spoken, endearing and wonderful Phiphy Versace. I leave this blog in well deserved hands with full faith that this blog will thrive on and continue to bleed flame and blue.

Into the summer we head going our separate directions but forever living, loving and blogging. May the God of Peace be with you as you impact the world for Christ this summer.
See you at banquet.
Good Luck on finals.
Italia 92D

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bring The Pain

Pl*dges beware.

Yeah, my passport is in my pocket and ready to go.

Looking forward to a bag of churros and a handful of chicle.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Song and Dance

I wish they all could be ΑΓΩ Boys.

That, my friends, is the God honest truth. Easily our love for those guys runs deep into the corners of our hearts. I hope that they know we treasure our relationship with them and we pray that it will continue to thrive and never return to the state of old.

After our sweet serenade, I performed a short but sweet little skit to say yes to Lego. It was darling. I'm so stinkin' humble, aren't I?

On to the highlight of this Tuesday night. Sisterhood event with ΓΦΒ and ΔΖ was off the chains, for real! We met up at the ΓΦΒ house around 7pm, scarfed pizza and the moseyed out to the backyard to watch Juno on the sweetest inflatable projection screen I've ever seen. MAJOR PROPS to Madagascar for pulling this together with some ΓΦΒ girls, it was a blast. Honestly, I'm pretty socially awkward when it comes to large groups of girls I don't know but even I had a great time. Ha! Tswana, take notes when Madagascar trains you. God is hooking Sisterhood chair up and using these connections to do mighty things! Awesome.

God is at work in this place. I feel that.
Italia 92D

Saturday, April 19, 2008


One word.

The talent spanned across the pledge classes of Epsilon and choice few delta girls also made their appearance. There were truly some stand up performances. Also, the delta/eps gallery was open and showing some splendid pieces.

My top five picks from the evening:
5. CHORIZO!! Not to mention those stunning teal skinny jeans.
4. The jazzy duo of Reed and Chops. I felt as if I was walking through the French Quarter again.
3. Mayer, at all times. First, his tribute to Sublime with his ever so appropriate censorship and secondly, his home grown and written solo songs.
2. Quill and his spoken cyber punk word. It takes a special girl like me to appreciate that, thanks for the shout out.
1. Tyrannosaurus freakin' Rage. Any group that demands a mosh pit is always number one in my book. Plus I have special love for two of the members, they being my pledge bro and my twin. I reserve the right to show favoritism at any time.

All the action may have been going on outside but I'll have you know that talent was also expressed in the quiet of the Epsilon active room. Dior, Bemba, Puck, Shade, Lego and myself all had art on display. It was all absolutely amazing. Not to mention a special piece of art that brought a joy to my heart unknown to me until last night. It currently hangs on the wall in my room.

Captured may be over but the talent will be brought Monday night. Delta's always do it big.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise the Lord!

It's official. I now work at Jamba Juice in Grossmont Center.

I almost cried because it is such a blessing from God. Hopefully, I can start paying back some of my debt to society! Haha. Thank you to all who were praying for me.

I'll let you know my first day on the job so you can all come and visit me at work!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Things that Matter Most

Working at the Car Wash!

Sunday, we all washed car in the blazing heat to raise money to build water wells for a village in Africa. The pl*dges from both ΑΔΧ & ΑΓΩ organized the event that lasted for about 2 hours. We did well to raise over $300 and managed to work on our tans for banquet also.

Boys who sing will always make girls swoon.

Our handsome brothers from ΑΓΩ came by to sing an ΑΔΧ exclusive and cause collective "aw's" across the room as the boyfriends delivered roses to their sweethearts. Shox also announced Captured which stirred all the aspiring actresses, dancers, singers and artists to pull from their repertoires and portfolios to show off their God given talents. Be excited, your very own blogger will hopefully be making her Captured debut with some art of her own.

Nothing screams war like neon Nerf balls.

Bounty Hunter. Watch you back. Enough said.

Still in the market for a banquet date. For mine and absolutely willing to accept any requests to experience, for the first time, an Epsilon Banquet. Ha! You know you love me.
Italia 92D

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Will Kill You!

Was precisely what I was screaming as I chased Louis Vuitton, Corvette and Couture back to ΑΓΩ.

Juju, along with Aggassi (ΑΓΩ), planned a well crafted black & white 20's themed murder mystery on Thursday night. They had split us up into four rather large groups and sent us scurrying about on the SDSU campus looking for clues helping us to figure out who the murderer really was. Turns out it was Flamingo. Of course. Now my group may not have come in first in the worlds eyes but I'll have you know the good book says those who are first He will make last and those who are last He will make first. So take that! Jesus reps 2nd-4th place. The night finished with mocktails and jujulicious'.

I proceeded to leave ΑΓΩ double fisting it and open containered all the way back to ΑΔΧ. The sugar high is just now wearing off.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Beauty of AP


Often that is a hard word to deal with. We generally like to keep our dirty laundry hidden so no one else has to be concerned with it. Accountability may be embarrassing but God has totally blessed us with a community of believers who will pray with us and build us up in our low times. I've been feeling extremely defeated as of late and the beauty of my darling AP is that I know she is praying for me. Prayer is vital and lives are changed by it.

Suggestion: if you don't meet consistently with your AP make it a priority. It is so worth it.
Italia 92D

Monday, April 7, 2008


Tonight is the night.

Appeals to yours truly will be accepted for the hottest unofficial position in ΑΔΧ.

In the infamous words of P. Diddy, Vote or Die!
Italia 92D

The Professor is In

Back to ye olde grindstone.

Not only was Spring Break a major tease for the summer vacation we are all dying to reach but for your dear blogger it only helped sink me further into my severe case of senioritis. There is no turning back now, I'm in too deep. Ha! This senioritis has me so bad I completely forgot about composites which so happened to be taken last night. Luckily, I've been around a while so they are able to take an old photo but COME ON ITALY! Snap out of it.

Had some family issues to deal with over the break and I appreciate all the prayers. Satan is on the prowl and I say we raise our sword and take him down!

Love is all I have to give.
Italia 92D

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Memorial of wonderful woman who attended my home church. She was such a delightful and caring woman. The officiant opened the ceremony by reading Proverbs 31, the story of the nobel wife. That is precisely what she was. I was so inspired to become that woman so that when I pass away someone would feel it is appropriate to read that same chapter in my memory.

Time is short. Are you living up to God's calling for your life?
Italia 92D

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You Figured Me Out

April Fools!

Haha.....what in the world would I do online if I didn't write this blog. Have a great spring break.

Up in Nor*Cal.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have decided to throw in the towel.

I will no longer be writing the blog.

I prayed long and hard and I feel like God wants to use my writing talents elsewhere but he hasn't yet revealed to me whose writing talents he wants to use here in place of mine.

I will be driving home to reflect for a few days and I will get back to you all.

It's be real.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 31, 2008

One More March Baby

They say it's your Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like roses.....waiiiiiit....

Whatever, I take some liberties here and write what I feel like. Hope your day is spendiferous and that your man showers you with some sweet gifts. Haha, pressure!! Love you Louie Vuitton!

This girl = Polly Pocket and I want to carry her around.
Italia 92D

Saturday, March 29, 2008

103.9 Degrees

The fever is rising.

The list grows.

Check Venda's blog out and get with the 21st century people. Blogging is the way of the future!

Straight snoozing the week away. My pillow has never been more soft.
Italia 92D

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break


It's time to kick back, relax and break out the Banana Boat to help with the browning process. Plans or no plans, San Diego or at home, enjoy this well deserved week to rest. Take some time to invest in your relationship with God. The insanity of greater education can really take a toll on spending the necessary time with God. It's just like any relationship, you need to put in quality time or it will fail.

Grab some Root Beeer, as it should be your new favorite drink, a beach towel and your bible. Let God inspire you this week.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's a Celebration

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Sarah Ann 'Fendi' Leslie
Happy Birthday to you

To my adopted grand lil- have a wonderfully delightful birthday. I hope all your wishes come true and that you eat lots of cake.

No, I didn't just wish myself a happy birthday but this girl's name is uncannily similar to my own.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blog Fever

For those of you who haven't caught on, shame! Also, if you haven't noticed, the list of Delta girls is growing for several girls have caught the fever. Take a look and dive deep into the world of these girls.

Hmm. I suppose I should keep up my personal blog too.
Italia 92D

Party Time, Excellent

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Kamar Elyse 'Venetian' Chafi
Happy Birthday to you

Sporting the double duce. Get into that. You are another year older but still one of the hottest girls I know. I hope this day brings you joy and lots of amazing gifts!!

This girl had me at Fres-yes.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Dinner, Part Deux

I hope all you ladies (and gents that read this) have a fun, family filled, Christ-centered Easter. We serve a risen Lord, isn't that amazing? Amidst all the good food and candy filled eggs we have to go back to class. Lame! Never you fear though as our beloved brothers at ΑΓΩ are hosting us at their humble home on the Lindo for a second Easter dinner. Thank heavens for them and their heart to feed our hungry stomachs. One other thing to look forward to as their spring tradition that we actually were lucky to view at Thanksgiving are the Big Bro songs. Get excited. They are always amazing.....or well atleast entertaining.

Unfortunately, studies are getting the best of me and I must study break it tonight but you all have a splendid time!
Italia 92D

Friday, March 21, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Why in the world have I not updated this since Tuesday?!

The week has been filled with midterms, papers, snoozing in the library and procrastinating so much it almost hurts. As some fly home for this weekend of our Lords resurrection I wish you all safe travel. For those sticking around, don't forget that tomorrow is Versace's Alumni event and something that just came about that our lovely cooking queen is doing. Sunday Brunch at Alpha, if you can go I would because you have all experienced the excellent food that has been a result of Sandlot being in charge of feeding the sorority and I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that this will be up to the same caliber. For everyone else, please go to the beach and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. That's my plan!

Trying to find the Easter egg my mom hid in my apartment. Hmmm.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pl*dge Ditch and More Important Things

It was a St. Patrick's Day bonanza at one of the pl*dges houses in Kinsington last night. The desserts were plentiful but the pizza was not. Unfortunately, I missed out on the delightful Little Ceasars. That's ok, the See's chocolates overfloweth from the box and though 38 girls ravaged through them I still managed to get the tasty ones and none of that coconut business.

But, really today is all about MIATA! The girl is 21 today, folks. That's right, the girl is practically over the hill. For you, my dearest Miata, I have a song.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Miss Esther "no middle name" Miata Kim
Happy Birthday to you!!!

You better have a great night considering small group in cancelled on your behalf. I love you and welcome to the other side of adulthood. Yes, I said it. We are adults. Get used to it.

Go outside and embrace the good weather. Who knows, it could hail again tonight.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Not to hard to believe if you go to SDSU. It's all about casual Mondays my friends.
Italia 92D

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Birthday's at ΑΔΧ, part deux

Tonight we celebrated Miata's almost entrance into the 21 club.  She actually turns 21 in a few days.  After Moulin Rouge forced Miata into Alpha, we all yelled surprise and slammed down a few mocktails and scarfed sugary, sprinkled cupcakes.  Disney SceneIT soon commenced following gift opening and the night was finished with easily the best half animated/half real movie, SPACE JAM!  

Prada and Burberry were our gorgeous bartenders for the evening.  They made everything from bloody OJ's to Abstinence on the Beach. Burberry was even so talented that she was blending marg's without the top on except by talented I actually mean specially educated.  Neon icy goop went flying everywhere.  

I wish I could time travel back to the 4th grade and bring my Space Jam jersey that I bought at K-Mart back to 2008.
Italia 92D

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pretty, Pretty Princess

This somewhat cloudy day was brightened drastically due to the fact that the girl who spills rays of sunshine and sparkles into ΑΔΧ had a birthday today.

Happy Happy Birthday from all of us to you
We wish it were our birthday so we can party too

Happy Birthday Susu!

We celebrated this joyous occasion with a princess themed birthday party at Omega. We had the most legitimate of snacks that included the likes of chocolate dipped pretzels, Pringles, Doritos, chocolate cake and M&Ms. Delicious. We all, instead of moving forward in age as is usual on a birthday, went back to the days of Crayola crayons and Barbie coloring books, Disney's Cinderella and dress up. Tiaras all around the room and even a full face painted butterfly princess. Take your age and subtract about 10 years and that is about how we were all feeling in all its staying up past bedtime glory.

Tonight I had the privilege to hear easily the coolest thing of my entire life: Before she was the age of 2, Gucci had attended 40 Grateful Dead concerts with her parents.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Which Came First?

The lion or the lamb? Your thoughts welcome.

As it turns out, Monaco, Eclipse and myself found ourselves engaged in this question yesterday while cozied up on the couch watching the one and a half star film "On the Line."

Two questions just popped into your head: 1) Don't you mean the chicken or the egg? and 2) Why in the world were you watching that lame movie staring Lance Bass (Pre-coming out) and Joey Fatone?

Let's address question one. No, I don't mean which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is clearly sorority related conversation and I'm referring to the Salient Lion and our mascot the Lamb. I bet a handful of you didn't even know that the lamb was our mascot. Anyway, Monaco brought it to our attention that all the other chapters make a huge deal about the lamb being our mascot and they don't understand the Delta obsession with the Salient Lion. Eclipse gave the best and most appropriate reply. She held her hand out like a scale and simply said, "Predator or Prey? Hmmmm, Predator." Agreement all around the room.

Now on to question two. Reason #1: The gay guy plays a straight guy and the hottest, straightest N*SYNCer (Timberlake) makes a guest appearance in the credits as the most flamboyant male you will ever see, complete with a pink ruffle front cowboy shirt. Reason #2: Would you believe there wasn't anything better on?

Well I'm off to make my Spring semester debut at ΑΓΩ bible study. It has been long overdue.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We Have a Winner!

Not only is it the beautiful Babe's birthday but it is also is the blog's 100th anniversary.  

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear BAAAAAAABBBBBE!
Happy Birthday to you

Talk about the best gift I could give.  My 100th entry, to you Babe!  Hope your party was incredible.  Another year older, another year wiser.  Use that wisdom to turn out your little sis to be true ΑΔΧ material.  

Take note that this here is a milestone.  100 down, infinite to go.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Apologies

It is my deepest regret that I've been missing out on so many ΑΔΧ events/meetings. It just so happens that I'm ill again. Flu like symptoms, hot as blazes, then ice cold, profuse sweating, nausea, body aches, the works. This semester is just wearing me too thin. I would love it so much if you lovely ladies and even gentlemen would pray for a speedy recovery. Thank you guys so much. I love you all.

No sudden movements or you will experience a migraine only Satan could have conjured.
Italia 92D

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Probably the best part of ΑΔΧ outside of banquet and activation. This whole week bigs and littles have been exchanging gifts culminating in the final reveal which was last night. After, we went and scarfed delectable deserts and real American grub at Fuddrucker's in Grossmont Center.

Look at these beaming pairs, so perfect.

Versace w/ lil police, Moulin Rouge w/ lil cher, Tootsie w/ lil cure, Prada w/ lil journey, Jaguar w/ lil queen, Dior w/ lil metallica, Louis Vuitton w/ lil berlin, Miata w/ lil rush, Chanel w/ lil blondie and Babe w/ lil kiss.

Your favorite blogger is a great gran big and a confirmed old woman as of last night. Random family live on!
Italia 92D

Friday, March 7, 2008

God Created Humidity Too

By now Kix and Sequel should be nicely settled into their 3 bedroom ballin' suite in Orlando, FL. Seriously, the hook-ups are huge when the work is Christ centered. They are out that way attending a leadership conference sponsored by Greek Intervarsity. It is specifically for students who feel called into full time ministry when they graduate. I can't imagine two people I'd like to see more be leaders in Greek IV. I can see God moving in their lives and totally equipping them to do great things in His name.

Be praying for God to be preparing these kids for amazing things.
Italia 92D

PS. Can't wait to reveal myself to my new lil tonight!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Your Attention Please

This is an emergency, please exit the library immediately.

I was in the process of writing a critique for one of my classes and my fellow blogger and twin, Sequel, was working on a partner project in the 2nd floor computer lab. Nearly an hour into the visit a blaring noise filled the room. I must admit, I was puzzled at first as I have never heard a fire alarm at State outside of the drunken fools who pulled them while I lived in the dorms. Thank goodness for flash drives because I popped that baby in, saved my work and abandoned my computer.

Sequel and I ran into the lovely Chanel on our way out. Poor girl was aiming to take a nap and we delivered the traumatic news that those burgundy vested folks were shooing us out of there. Hope Starbucks worked out for you. We also ran into Dink who we also had to break the story to. He wasn't too thrilled about that. Fires, they are just so inconvenient.

The assumption is some overworked, over studied student was blazin' in the bathroom. Got to get the edge off during these midterms, too bad it was at the expense of everyone else who is also trying to get some work done. I say, keep your eyes peeled for a Daily Aztec article if it was some kind of legitimate fire.

Perhaps it's time I review my stop, drop and roll tactics.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We Be In The News

To catch an update on our lawsuit and understand the progress, check this link.

ADF, or Alliance Defense Fund, have been representing our sorority in a lawsuit against the CSU system for a couple years now. Please educate yourself on the matter and read the articles, this will affect you young girls soon.

Cheers to the revolution!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Moment of Silence

This has absolutely nothing to do with the sorority but I must pass on the news because of it's profound affect on me.

Brett Favre, Quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, has retired. He made the announcement Monday, after a 17 year career he has decided to hang up his jersey.

Those are going to be some large kleets to fill.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Madame President

Turns out that my dad's 50th birthday was the Sunday of convention so I was able to celebrate with the family. The best part of it was that my mom hired a Marilyn Monroe impersonator to sing him happy birthday. The only reason I mention this is because you all know how she sang that super sexy version of happy birthday to her gentleman friend the president and well, by golly, it just so happens to be our stunning president's birthday today.

Here's to you Madame President, Miss Jacqueline Marie 'Kix' Lewis.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Madame President
Happy Birthday to you

23 years strong and still too cool for school, graduate already you old goat!
Ain't got nothing but love for ya Kix!
Italia 92D

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mmmm, Smells Like Salt

We escaped to the beautiful beach town of San Clemente and holed up in nothing short of one of the most incredible houses you could set foot in. There were several rooms and the perks of being one of the older girls is actually getting a bed. The whole weekend was chill from the time we woke up until the time we went to sleep. The weekend consisted of game playing, spa lounging, beach trotting time with your AP and some life changing devo time. Flamingo approached devos in a whole new way which helped us to focus all of our energies on God, being broken before Him and laying all our burdens at the foot of the cross. Some of my burdens rubbed off on to my hands so I made sure to promptly wash them clean and experience a whole new since of freedom.

Riotous good times ensued this weekend. Namely on the night of entertainment. Every emotion on the spectrum of feelings were expressed from sheer hysterics to girls literally coming unglued and bawling their eyes out. Yeah, ΑΔΧ didn't raise no fools!

Highlights from the Weekend
*Chi pwnage of JA syndrome
*Versace's story telling skills. So much better than nun chuck skills.
*Prada in a full on Red Jumpsuit. Britney, eat your heart out!
*The Sisterhood of the Travelling Leopard Print Lacy Wonderfulness
*Flame and Blue Tie-Dye
*The worst plunger ever assembled
*Actually having to keep the noise down in order to avoid a $100/girl fine
*AP time at the beach
*Drive time equating to less than 2 hours even in traffic

I also found out this weekend that everyone still like seriously loves this blog and I am so very flattered. The fact that a blog shout out is a coveted thing amongst the active body truly brings a smile to my heart. I would just like to say that I love writing these entries for you lovely, inspiring Delta women.

Looking forward to Friday when I reveal the new addition to my family. 3 lils and still going strong.
Italia 92D

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Day on the Lindo

I spent a few hours at ΑΓΩ this afternoon, chillin' with some of the coolest guys ever. Not only did I find out some very interesting facts about Quill and Remo's sister, I shared some laughs with Shonen and Nasa before curling up to take a nap in their living room.

It is such a blessing to have the high calibur of Christian men in ΑΓΩ as brothers. I highly suggest that you make an effort to hang out at the blue house on the Lindo outside of a mandantory event or even bible study. Chillin' with the guys is some of the best times.

Now if only the ΑΔΧ house were that close to campus.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bringing Classy Back

The weekend started early for several ladies and even some guys as about 2 dozen girls were shuttled over to the San Diego airport by some very loving ΑΓΩ brothers at approximately 4:30am. Luckily, for the few of us that left Thursday night we were able to wake up a bit later. The Beta girls at the UC Berkeley campus hosted us at their cozy house. Friday was spent, mostly, perusing the streets of downtown Berkeley. Telegraph Ave. is the most eclectic collection of thrift shops, tattoo parlors and incredible hole-in-the-wall eateries and the home of Zebra Inc. It is my favorite piercing place and it turns out that I sparked a trend and can say I'm nothing less than a proud blogger of my honor students who got pierced there this weekend. We came together around 5:30pm and made the great migration to the First Pres Church. We must of looked a fool waltzing down several blocks in misty rain tugging along our giant suitcases. Of course, I fit right in with my army style backpack packed with all the goods, just like a true Berkeley vagrant.

After mingling with girls from all kinds of chapters, we were cut loose to find dinner for ourselves. My group settled on Crepes-a-Go-Go as well as Fat Slice. So good, I think I just drooled a little bit. The rest of the night was reserved for talking, laughing, screaming, joking, smiling, dancing and all the things that make ΑΔΧ so amazing. After cleaning the new holes we put in our faces, ears and bellies it was time to curl up on the oh-so-comfy carpet floor and sleep the night away. Hey Kix, keep it down next time ok?

Saturday was when all the legitimate business went down. You know it's serious when nylons and high heels are involved. We made our way over to St. Mark's Episcopal Church and ate a plentiful breakfast and came to order. We were blessed with an incredible speaker who shared about her challenging life and left us all very encouraged and strengthened. God worked miracles in her life to break the chains of bondage and He will do the same in our lives. We don't have to hang on to that which drags us down. Be FREE! Breath, stretch, shake, take some photos and the let's eat some Hawaiian BBQ for lunch and scheme only the greatest prank of all time. Chapter reports commenced after lunch and we got a glimpse into the blessings of the other chapters. Our Pi chapter in Colorado is literally blowin' up with 51 actives and 21 pledges! Get out! God is doing some crazy things across this country and ΑΔΧ is playing a huge role in that. Now business aside there was a raffle that was literally owned by Delta. Ferrari was the first Delta named to win a sweet lanyard (you know you want one) and Madagascar walked away with the grand prize, a sterling silver lavaliere. Lucky girl.

By the time we were able to peel out of there, it was pouring rain! Some waited to be shuttled back to First Pres but the rest of us braved the elements in our dresses and heels, holding the edges of our umbrellas so they wouldn't fly inside out. Nylons were flying everywhere as girls were tearing out of meeting attire to slap on a sexy pair of letters and head out for nothing else but a piping hot cup of coffee. Dinner was served around 6:30pm and thank God for Costco pizza, I had four slices. No, I do not feel guilty in the slightest. 8pm rolled around and we broke into eight crazy teams and battled to the death in The Great ΑΔΧ Tournament. Dodgeball, Bible trivia, scholastic trivia and craftsmanship all put to the test to conclude in the obstacle course of your life! Team 4 and Team 5 made it to the final round which included soda chugging, Cheese-Its stuffing, egg tossing, bat spinning, ball throwing there and back to which Team 4 threw down and took the win. Moulin Rouge, Madagascar and Matrix were the Delta reps on that team. It was Wild 'n' Crazy Kids meets Sorority Life.

I feel like so much happened that I can't even put it all into words. As elegant as my writing is, there are some things you just have to be there to experience as a story just does no justice. However, one really big thing happened, which just seals the fact that Delta owns ΑΔΧ as our own Casey Jean 'Schroeder' Pintaric-Chan will now be representing as National Board President. Taking her place as our chapter advisor will be Nicole Lynn 'Beaker' Rainey-Shard. Love.

I bounced around 10:30pm but I heard there was a Delta/Iota dance party so hot that the roof was on fire. Raise it up! Convention ended with a seriously dramatic shuttle ride back to the SFO airport with rainy interiors, sleepy drivers and borderline crying passengers Sunday morning. San Diego welcomed us back with open arms but Berkeley dearly misses the madness and passion that comes when Delta makes its presence known.

If you thought that was a fun weekend, just you wait. Things are about to go ape crazy at retreat this weekend in San Clemente. They won't even know what hit their pleasant little beach city.
Italia 92D

Monday, February 25, 2008

Full Update Soon

I'm suffering from a severe lack of sleep as are all of you I'm sure. But, never you fear an incredible update of convention will be coming very soon.

They have names!!!
Italia 92D

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Homeward Bound

BAY AREA! Also known as the Yay Area, it is home of the Hyphy Movement, some amazing sports teams, the coolest landmarks and some of your favorite ΑΔΧ actives. I'll be flying home today and staying in Concord before the madness begins in Berkeley for convention this weekend. If you look closely Berkeley is marked by a red star. That's where we will be! Just to put a little perspective on your journey, you ladies will be taking BART from the South SF/Daly City area out of SFO into Berkeley. Get excited because the Bay is amazing but kind of rainy so pack an umbrella or a coat and try to stay dry. I wish you all a safe flight out tomorrow morning and we send much love to our beloved brothers in ΑΓΩ for waking at the crack of dawn to drive us crazy ladies to the airport. Thank you!

Jesus had dreds so shake 'em. I ain't got none but I plan on growin' some!
Italia 92D

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jesus Time!

ΑΓΩ bible study began this evening. Hope the couches weren't soggy!

By the way I hope you had a chance to see the poster on campus promoting bible study as I had some artistic contributions. Love it, hate it, do what you will but just start showing up Wednesday nights at 8pm on the Lindo.

An earth shattering headache prevented my attendance but I will cure that by next week.
Italia 92D

It's Gingham Time

It was a party at Omega and the flame gingham fabric was abundant.

Delta chapter will be reppin' in full force come Friday evening in Berkeley.

Don't hate me because I'm active.
Italia 92D

[edit] I stand corrected by a JA. Flame it is. I'll almost ashamed.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Time for Everything Under the Sun

Take a chance on silence. Be still and God will meet you where you are. If you haven't had the chance to view Rob Bell's Nooma video called Noise, borrow it from Flamingo because it will change your life.

Tonight's meeting shared in the whole spectrum of emotions. We laughed and we cried but could definitely feel God's plea to reach out to him and bring our requests before Him. We suffered a significant loss this evening but we also gained another pl*dge. I present to you the 12 disPSIples.

Event Updates:

Convention! It's this weekend. Don't forget to check your email and do whatever Miata tells you. Be women of integrity and take your test. Lastly, meet at Alpha at 4:30am on Friday or else they will leave without you.

Retreat! It's next weekend. San Clemente or bust. Pack a sleeping bad and your favorite board game.

Greek IV! It's the next big movement. Get into it. Email Madagascar if you are feeling the call.

Pl*dge News:

Interview season is upon us. Keep you schedule open.

The cupcakes were flame and blue. Can you dig it?

The Blogger Gold Star of the Night:
Jesus Christ. He is challenging our sorority in mighty ways. He is encouraging unity, compassion and continual prayer. He is the kind of guy that is there for you no matter what. Even when you aren't listening, he still is.

Lawsuit Details- Jeremy, our lawyer from ADF, said the push for ruling was granted so a decision may be made very soon.

"For we all with unveiled face, reflecting as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord are transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Cor. 3:18
Italia 92D

Secret Service

It's in full effect.

If you didn't get my email concerning the time and place, call me or see me. If you are on exec, you didn't get my email and that was intentional. If you are a JA, you didn't get my email because I realized I don't have any of your emails. I will talk to you all tonight.

Prayer. Get into it.
Italia 92D

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Mama!

There is no better wake up call than a group of your best friends singing Happy Birthday and bringing you breakfast in bed.

Haley Bernita Katherine 'Moulin Rouge' Sipan joined the 20 club today. Leaving those dastardly teenage years behind her! Embrace the age, a significant amount of wisdom comes in your twenties.

We had a chocolate chip pancake brunch at Omega and we watched Milo & Otis, a gift from Madagascar and Serendipity. It was an epic journey of an orange Tabby cat and an adorable little Pug dog. The cat flew off a cliff, the dog fought a bear and both of their love interests gave birth. It was quite a graphic little movie but nonetheless a great addition to any DVD library.

I'll be at Omega every morning at 9:30am if I can get more of those fluffy, chocolatey masterpieces.
Italia 92D

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tears of Joy

SURPRISE!!! It was at that moment when she just started crying. The Chi girls organized a surprise birthday party for Luganda as it was her birthday just last Sunday. Of all reactions I've witnessed as girls walk through a door into a group of "Surprise" yelling people, crying is a new one. We gathered up and sang Happy Birthday as she blew out the four candles in her red velvet cupcake. Delicious. For those of you unable to make it, I feel sorry for you because not only were the snacks legitimate but the games, music and the all around entertainment were as well.

We played several rounds of CatchPhrase until the competition got so heated that girl's were screaming and "babies" were being murdered. There is no error in that last sentence. Gucci was "with child" and it was ravenously taken from her by, who else, Flamingo. We were all laughing so hard that our cheeks were burning, we began to get stomach cramps and we were crying like Luganda. After Luganda pulled herself together she destroyed a pinata while Louis Vuitton punched Flamingo in the nose. It was officially a party after that.

The party finally came to that point where we were just acting a fool. Namely the hostess with her helium inhaling antics (kids, don't try that at home). Look for a video to come. After the helium filled balloons were sucked dry, we resorted to the quintessential party killer: keep the balloon off the ground. You all know what I'm talking about. It's that awkward point at any party when most of the food has been consumed and all the games have been played but you don't want to be the party pooper and be the first one to say you are leaving. Hence, the "keep the balloon off the ground" game commenses. Goodness, I live for those awkward moments.

I think all birthday parties should be a surprise. Hopefully, they aren't as traumatic for the next birthday girl or boy.
Italia 92D

Active Bonding + Mustang's Bridal Shower

Pizookies, lukewarm Spas, sweats and KARAOKE!!! All the things that make a night of active bonding complete. As I watched a slideshow of Joe Noname's family vacation I had the joy of hearing the voices of angels belt out songs from Britney Spears to Aha to Blink 182 to Madonna to The Beatles and every song in the book by Queen. I couldn't help but wonder, 'What would Simon Cowell think?' I considered something along the lines of his eyes melting and his ears bleeding as he ran down the block screaming in horror. Now that's what I call a darn good time.

Apparently, felt entitled to give a score and a snide comment at the end of every song. There were a range of scores from 0 all the way to 70 and comments like, "Try singing next time" or "Give a little more effort." Psh, girl's faces were red from laughing and dancing so hard, the whole room erupted in song I think the earth shook. You just can't bring us down! Karaoke and the evening concluded with that delightful little ditty from Queen known as Bohemian Rhapsody sung by none other than Queen enthusiasts Madagascar, Corvette and Serendipity. Longest song anyone could sing for karaoke but they belted it out like champs and moshed like some too! Susu took a chance on a love song which equally made us cry from laughter as well as melted our hearts and Moulin Rouge didn't leave without singing her movie's theme song, Lady Marmalade. Nicely done, Jumanji. If this is the kind of quality social event you put together then I think 3 events shall just be a minimum!

Moulin Rouge, Jaguar and Miata invited us all over to the Alpha house this afternoon for a lovely Bridal Shower in our beloved Mustang's honor. Everyone looked absolutely stunning in thier sweet little summer dressed and bold prints. Of course I didn't pay attention to the wardrobe memo and slopped the whole event up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Anyway, we all had the chance to become wedding dress designers and the material of choice was none other than single ply toilet paper. Sounds about right, poor college students can't be making dresses out of the Charmin triple ply. Especially when you are only going to wear the dress once. Can I get an Amen? The winning team constructed a simple yet elegant long dress with bows at the straps and a long flowing veil. Jumanji was the beaming bride and her design entourage consisted of Susu, Tswana, Venetian and Zulu. I really think Dior and I had a chance but our bride (Eclipse) got cold feet and ran for the hills. Go figure.

I was really beginning to feel at home in my old age and orthopedic shoes when we started to play Bingo. You needed 5 wedding terms in a row and those young whipper snappers Corvette, Bemba and Louis Vuitton stole the prize right out from under me. However, I knew I had it in the bag though when Moulin Rouge announced the final game was a "Who Knows Mustang the Best?" quiz. Wrong again. Eclipse's and Flamingo's scores of 26 1/2 and 26, respectively, blew my measly 21 out of the water. I say, unfair housemate advantage! The gifts were great. She received a cool picture frame, a coffee lover's clock, some kitchen accessories, a set of Chi class pledge mom letters, a Newlywed's Cookbook and a charming little pink pig humidifier among other things. I heard the pink pig is going to win tons of points with her fiance, Scrum (ΑΓΩ). The soiree lasted just the right time leaving just enough time to watch The Princess Bride after.

The Lovely Bride and 3 of her Bridesmaids

Keep your calendar open for March 8th. Pencil in Eclipse's Bridal Shower. Invitations to come.

The day is still young. Check back later for a special event post. Also, pics will be posted as soon as I get my hot little hands on them!
Italia 92D