Saturday, April 19, 2008


One word.

The talent spanned across the pledge classes of Epsilon and choice few delta girls also made their appearance. There were truly some stand up performances. Also, the delta/eps gallery was open and showing some splendid pieces.

My top five picks from the evening:
5. CHORIZO!! Not to mention those stunning teal skinny jeans.
4. The jazzy duo of Reed and Chops. I felt as if I was walking through the French Quarter again.
3. Mayer, at all times. First, his tribute to Sublime with his ever so appropriate censorship and secondly, his home grown and written solo songs.
2. Quill and his spoken cyber punk word. It takes a special girl like me to appreciate that, thanks for the shout out.
1. Tyrannosaurus freakin' Rage. Any group that demands a mosh pit is always number one in my book. Plus I have special love for two of the members, they being my pledge bro and my twin. I reserve the right to show favoritism at any time.

All the action may have been going on outside but I'll have you know that talent was also expressed in the quiet of the Epsilon active room. Dior, Bemba, Puck, Shade, Lego and myself all had art on display. It was all absolutely amazing. Not to mention a special piece of art that brought a joy to my heart unknown to me until last night. It currently hangs on the wall in my room.

Captured may be over but the talent will be brought Monday night. Delta's always do it big.
Italia 92D


Lego said...

its Lego. Im very happy that you liked the art and im happy that Captured went well.

brittany said...

Ah! I wish I was there, that's alright though. I'm steppin' it up big time come next semester.

Anonymous said...

im sad there was no shout out for me!