Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Madame President

Turns out that my dad's 50th birthday was the Sunday of convention so I was able to celebrate with the family. The best part of it was that my mom hired a Marilyn Monroe impersonator to sing him happy birthday. The only reason I mention this is because you all know how she sang that super sexy version of happy birthday to her gentleman friend the president and well, by golly, it just so happens to be our stunning president's birthday today.

Here's to you Madame President, Miss Jacqueline Marie 'Kix' Lewis.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Madame President
Happy Birthday to you

23 years strong and still too cool for school, graduate already you old goat!
Ain't got nothing but love for ya Kix!
Italia 92D


brittany said...

LOVE THIS GIRL! she's quite the gem :]

brittany said...

oh and p.s. fendi has a blog, so add her to the list of delta girls!

she hasn't come around to telling you so i thought i would ;]


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the love Italia! I feel so special.