Friday, October 31, 2008

Up the Alley

You'll have to excuse the delay for this post, but your faithful blogger has been a bit busy to say the least!

Anyway, this past Tuesday evening was sensational! Our ladies of ΑΔΧ squared off against their brothers of ΑΓΩ in a duel that would reveal the ultimate bowling force! We put up a good fight, and yours truly had my Epsilon opponents look a bit worried. There were a number or scores entered into the final total, and of course the men had to bask in their silly bowling glory. It was an eventful evening, full of strikes and dance parties.

Announcements: Be sure to arrive at ΑΓΩ for Captured tonight starting around 8PM. You DON'T want to miss you! Also, tomorrow is out pl*dge missionary event so meet at Alpha around 9:30!

Keeping my schedule full,
Versace 116D