Monday, February 18, 2008

A Time for Everything Under the Sun

Take a chance on silence. Be still and God will meet you where you are. If you haven't had the chance to view Rob Bell's Nooma video called Noise, borrow it from Flamingo because it will change your life.

Tonight's meeting shared in the whole spectrum of emotions. We laughed and we cried but could definitely feel God's plea to reach out to him and bring our requests before Him. We suffered a significant loss this evening but we also gained another pl*dge. I present to you the 12 disPSIples.

Event Updates:

Convention! It's this weekend. Don't forget to check your email and do whatever Miata tells you. Be women of integrity and take your test. Lastly, meet at Alpha at 4:30am on Friday or else they will leave without you.

Retreat! It's next weekend. San Clemente or bust. Pack a sleeping bad and your favorite board game.

Greek IV! It's the next big movement. Get into it. Email Madagascar if you are feeling the call.

Pl*dge News:

Interview season is upon us. Keep you schedule open.

The cupcakes were flame and blue. Can you dig it?

The Blogger Gold Star of the Night:
Jesus Christ. He is challenging our sorority in mighty ways. He is encouraging unity, compassion and continual prayer. He is the kind of guy that is there for you no matter what. Even when you aren't listening, he still is.

Lawsuit Details- Jeremy, our lawyer from ADF, said the push for ruling was granted so a decision may be made very soon.

"For we all with unveiled face, reflecting as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord are transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Cor. 3:18
Italia 92D


perkyNbLue said...


Go Jesus!!