Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Christian Sorority?

Yes, please!

Fliering is in full effect. Twice a year The Free Speech Steps are littered for a week with the hottest women at State. Our most recent ΑΔΧ Sweetheart, Blitz, printed us up some sick fliers back-to-back with ΑΓΩ, the finest men at State. I kid you not, The Steps were literally oozing with beauty today. I made a brief apperance but the halls of knowledge summoned me. However, the turnout of girls handing out fliers was great! I feel this rush is going to be equally as successful as last semester. Spring always brings forth some ridiculously legitimate girls so I'm officially stoked for Tea Time on Monday.

Smells a lot like RUSH season.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Open for Business

Welcome back to nylon town USA. A place where we don't discriminate based on color. Whites, beiges, blues and purples (my personal fav) are all welcome, but leave those fishnets at home! 7:15pm marked the beginning of our first meeting. 11:45pm marked the end. That was easily the longest active meeting in Delta history. After a 15 minute roll call we all piled into the active room, nothing out of the ordinary for the majority of us but the back two rows on the left side of the room were absolutely beaming! Oh, JA's and their very first official active meeting, it's all you ever could have hoped for and more!

Events Update:
Rush begins next Monday night!! Fliering all this week. Don't be a chump, show up to the steps and find those quality girls! The future of ΑΔΧ is in YOUR hands!

Active Bonding has been moved due to the Indiana trip. We are sending 11 girls to Indiana for a Greek Intervarsity Conference to equip them to better outreach to our fellow Greeks. They fly out Friday morning. Keep them in your prayers.

80's Extravaganza! Saturday, it's where all the cool kids will be. Come dressed up or be prepared for cruel stares and cold shoulders.

Got Ministry?
Mustang and Scrum were accepted into the YFC program and will find out their specific country assignment soon. They need to raise a hefty chunk of change so if you can't help them financially at least be praying consistently for them.

Venetian is developing a clean water program for her internship with Amore Ministries. Potentially, she will continue to work with them after graduation. If you have a heart for missions in Mexico hook up with Amore.

, Tropi and Mings are answers to Horizon High School Ministry's prayers and are throwing a soiree for their high school gal pals to show them how us Christian women do college right!

The Blogger Gold Star of the Night:
Tootsie for the kill. Her readbacks brought the house down all while being delivered in such a sweet tone. Though Matrix and Bemba got royally assaulted with wit, Ferrari almost unanimously won, sans one vote (hers), for her deep seeded passion to be a Beta Iota pledge mom. Victory tastes of sweet Hot Chocolate or shall we say Hot ____, I think you all can fill in the rest.

ΑΔΧ Secret Service now enlisting. Expect an email this week.

Red Ribbons don't just stand for AIDS awareness anymore. When we fly flamin' ribbons from our doorknobs it means unity. Done deal.
Italia 92D

Saturday, January 26, 2008

You Know Where Rebels Go?

To the deepest darkest pits of Satan's House!

I almost died of cardiac arrest today following a huge upset at the hands of UNLV. Aztecs go 4-2 in conference play now with today's game ending 72-69, Rebels. It didn't go without Amoroso dropping a bow to crack a fools jaw and some scrappy defense. Not to mention the copious amounts of trash talk that went on. Riots almost broke out in the stairwell between section N and P. But, Elite security was on the matter immediately, those red jacketed kind.

I find myself slowly becoming attracted to every player on the team....Venetian, let's ask Wade and Spain to banquet.
Italia 92D

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sigma over the Speed Limit

Even a photo like this can't make this girl look ugly.

Brittany Marie 'Corvette' Clark

Birthday: 6/19/87
Fav Quote: "Ohh well someone seems to have their panties in a twist!"
Fav Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Pledge Mom to the Ψ class of Alpha Delta Chi this semester that is upon us, Corvette is going to rock both the pledge's world and ours as actives. Corvette is the kind of girl that means what she says and says what she means. Her passion and loyalty runs deep for this place and I have always been inspired by her heart for ΑΔΧ. Living with this girl for a year I got to see first hand that she puts others before herself and is always serving Omega whether by tidying the living room or getting the TP hookup from her parents. My favorite memory of Corvette would have to be the evil scowl she gave me, in the midst of my severe JA syndrome, after I made her butt spell something as a pledge. I pretty sure she and the rest of her pledge class hated me until they became active. Maybe even after as well. However, we are thick as thieves now. Corv and I have had several heart-to-hearts and I love that we can be completely real and honest with each other. I've always believed in this girl, that is why it was so easy to pass off House Manager to her and as I watch move into a position where she gets to raise up the next generation of ΑΔΧ, I know that this place will never fail. God is going to use her to change lives. I consider myself blessed to be able to call this girl a friend; do yourself a favor and get to know this girl. It might be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Missing living in Omega because I don't get to see this girl often enough.
Italia 92D

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is it Monday yet?

First ΑΔΧ meeting is on Monday. I imagine the pace of this blog will pick up following said meeting.

This weekend = Active profiles!  Who wants one?
Italia 92D

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The Aztecs go 4-1 in conference play, today, with a loss to BYU by a measly three points. Flamingo, Venetian, Monaco and myself were watching the game at Alpha. We were screaming and hurling insults, not to mention shoes, pillows, chapsticks, and laptops at the television. I do believe we prevented a few free throws on BYU's part. Pats on the back to us. In exactly one month from now those M*rm*ns will enter our house and will be torn to shreds by both our basketball team and our student section. BYU, beware.

My world of sports has gone to the fiery abyss.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Unofficial Hangout and Official Beginning

High fives all around for Tootsie and Matrix for hosting a successful good time at the Omega House on Monday.  Spending your last day of vacation gorging yourself on chips, candy, and puppy chow, rockin' out with Guitar Hero, piecing together 1000 jigsaw puzzle pieces, and burning a hole in your wallet by making several Starbucks runs is the only way I would have liked to spend it.  Not to mention for our viewing pleasure, A Cinderella Story.  Quite possibly the highlight of the event was Disney SceneIT!  The team of Corvette, Zulu, and Matrix pulled out the win but my team (Dior, Venda & myself) sure did give them a run for their money.  Honorable mention to the team of Gucci, Prada and Ferrari for starting half way in the game and still schooling us in the Disney trivia.

Today marked the beginning of classes.  Better known as the start of anxiety attacks and insomniac sleep patterns.  Luckily, having the senior registration date that I did, I had no need to crash any classes.  As a matter of fact I dropped a class today because I just don't want to get up that early.  My prayers, however, do go out to especially the sophomores who more or less have to crash their whole schedule.  Good luck with that.  Here's to another 15 weeks of nightmarish midterms (if your study habits even permit sleep), $90 dust collectors, Dollar Savers, scantrons, and reviving grade negotiating skills.   At least we have Spring Break to look forward to.

Knowing full well that blogging is going to become her top activity to promote procrastination and is completely fine with that.
Italia 92D 


Guess what? Your blogger has a fever and the only prescription is more cow bell!

Full details about Unofficial ΑΔΧ Hangout to come.
Italia 92D

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Playoffs at ΑΓΩ

Venetian, Jaguar and myself spent some time over at ΑΓΩ today watching the AFC and NFC championship games.  They were major disappointments for all viewers except for maybe the one guy who kept shouting, "Patriot Missiles, Patriot Act, Patriot Football!"  Whatever.   My beloved Packers lost to an unworthy opponent and as far as I'm concerned football is dead to me.  I now await Baseball season.  But in the meantime Arsenal and Aztec Basketball will rule in my world of sports.  Next game is Jan 26th vs UNLV.  Mark it in your calendar.

Unofficial ΑΔΧ hangout shall help disperse my sorrow.
Italia 92D

While Exec is gone the Kiddies will play

Copious amounts of free food were consumed today.

30 minutes late and I was still one of the first ΑΔΧ girls to show up at Casper's birthday party. Such is typical ΑΔΧ style, always fashionably late. The munchies were so legit, with Little Caesars, Swedish Fish, Reese's Minis, complete with your very own red party cup. Partner Apples to Apples followed the college version of The Last Supper and it was insane. I partnered with Krio and we ended up with some very true to us green cards such as, dignified, spicy, and most importantly dreamy. Don't hate because you know the random family is incredibly dreamy. Taboosherades followed Apples to Apples with the arrival of several Phiphys and the inability to pay attention to green cards anymore. It was at that point, though, that I departed en route to Aztec Basketball.

Praise be to the God in heaven who blessed SDSU with the likes of Lorrenzo Wade, Kyle Spain and all those other gorgeous and talented phenoms! As I walked in about five minutes late into the game I cannot explain the joy that overwhelmed my eyes as I saw that the Aztecs were ahead by sixteen points. What made that joy even more amazing was that the Wyoming Cowboys had zero points. It was 16-0 people!! It more or less stayed that way for the rest of the game. I have never seen a team miss so many free throws (Cowboys) and swat the ball away like it was a volleyball spike (Aztecs). In the end the Aztecs obliterated the Cowboys, 70-43. Not to mention Lorrenzo (I like to pretend I'm on a first name basis with the guys) gifted us with another earth shattering slam dunk. YouTube that beast, it will change your life. With that win our tickets became, once again, a glorious midnight snack at Denny's. Namely a short stack of pancakes with tons of maple syrup. I've decided that I'm getting a ticket to every home game because even if I can't go and they win I still get free pancakes. As a poor, starving college student that is a deal I cannot pass up. Aztecs Bombaye! 4-0 in conference play. Keep those pancakes coming!

3 days until school starts and I decide to become an insomniac. Go figure.
Italia 92D

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Big Two-Ohhh!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear
Katie Nicole 'Casper' Johnson
Happy Birthday to you!

To the best AP ever, I hope you have a great birthday. Welcome to your twenties, a place where you have to finally take responsibility for your life because you can't blame stupid decisions on "being a teenager." I love you Casper and I hope you have the best day ever!

Getting my birthday suit ready for tomorrow. Wait, let me rethink that statement. Party at Casper's tomorrow. Be there!
Italia 92D

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Slam Dunks and Shirtless Men

Aztecs 64 - Utes 56 (OT)

The first half of this game was going the disappointing route of the Northern Colorado game and I was about to be thoroughly depressed but the half time pep talk shall be one for the records. In the second half the Aztecs stormed the floor and power owned Utah. Thank God for student sections. We pretty much destroyed the morale of the Utes with loud, obnoxious jeers and snide heckling. The coach of Utah was a complete pansy and best quote of the night directed at him; "Hey Coach! Get off your knees, that's where your wife belongs!" Or some variation thereof. Lorrenzo Wade almost caused the entirety of the student section to faint with the sweetest slam dunk of our lives. At which point several guys tore off their shirts. Can't complain about that! Aztecs move to 3-0 in MWC play. Suck on that Utah.

Since our beloved Aztecs won we received free pancakes from Denny's. Fendi, Versace, myself, and Reed, Nasa, Sequel, and Metro (all ΑΓΩ) hit up the Alvarado location and stuffed our faces full of the best tasting short stack since your mom last made you pancakes. Seriously, I don't know what it is but everyone agrees, free food always tastes better.

The ΑΔΧ turnout to the game was really good. Eclipse, Casablanca, Monaco, Fendi, Versace, myself and Venetian after the half were all in attendance and we cheered our brains out. My throat is still tender from all the yelling. I was glad Venetian came because we were able to heckle the refs, players and coaches with the best of them. However, the most entertaining heckler was by far our very own ΑΓΩ blogger Sequel. One of my fav quotes, "Hey Coach! You look like Al Bundy!" As well as a mockery of his jumps which were quite possibly better executed than his athletes. That's some quality heckling Twin.

Thinking perhaps Venetian was good luck. Aztec vs. Wyoming, Sat. @ 8pm. I want some more free pancakes!
Italia 92D

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Freebies, Cooking Lessons, and American Idol

After spending my afternoon with the pledge sis at Balboa Park for free museum Tuesdays, I headed back and spent the latter half of my afternoon and evening between the two houses. Pride and Prejudice was playing at Alpha which was fine but was made even better after Sandlot took freshly baked cookies out of the oven and I scarfed them. Matrix was telling me how a group of girls got together to walk the streets, passing out letters, in search of a new ΑΔΧ house. It's a stretch but does anyone remember that movie called Enough, starring J.Lo, where her husband buys the house she wants (which was not for sale) by offering the owner an offer he couldn't refuse? Well I think Ferrari should just walk up to a door with the ΑΔΧ checkbook and say, "Here's the deal, I'm going to write you a check and you're going to move out otherwise I'll have to remove you myself." And then show 'em the guns. Bada bing bada boom, we have a new house.

Speaking of Ferrari, she was giving Corvette her first lesson in cooking raw meat. The meal was Chicken and Rice; it couldn't have been more amusing to watch. Dropping the rice bag into water before it was boiling, the chicken looking like rubber, and the constant angst that it will just taste terrible gave us all a good laugh. But in the end it turned out well! Corv, you will make a good wife one day and your signature dish will be teriyaki chicken and rice with mixed veggies. Well done. After getting a free ravioli dinner out of Rarri we all moved into the living room (which I might add is so sick since the "remodel") to watch American Idol and play some Uno. As we felt sorrow and pity for some of those beyond terrible singers, Nikko (ΑΓΩ) was playing draw fours and skips on me as well as Miata conspiring with the table against Matrix and Tootsie, in the end, pulled out the win. It was everything an Uno game should be, screaming, cheating, reverses and compiled draw twos bringing the pain to whomever it ended up on. Usually me.

Outside of the Omega residents, Venetian, Kendra, Sandlot, myself and Nasa, Nikko, Lalo, Lotus, and Shox (all ΑΓΩ) all found our spots on the couch to have a roaring good time. Question of the night: If you could go on MTV's Made what would you want to be made into?

I want to be Made into an American Gladiator!
Italia 92D

Monday, January 14, 2008

Endless Hangouts

My schedule has been full of play dates with all of my lovely actives and it has been nothing short of the best day of my life. It's like each new day is the best day of my life and that could only be made possible by seeing the beautiful faces of my Delta sisters daily and chillin' with my boys at the ΑΓΩ house. The end of vacation is still a mile off and I still have several free hours to hang out; the funds are slowing dwindling but God will provide. Lets get together, yeah yeah yeah.

In the news:

Mustang and Scrum have their own blog chronicling their journey in Denver. Check it out.

Aztec Basketball vs. Utah. Wednesday @ 7pm.

Casper's Birthday Party is this Saturday. It will be a blow out so show up and bring anyone within six degrees of separation from that girl. The more the merrier right?!

Unofficial ΑΔΧ hangout is set for the Monday before school starts. Be there or turn in your letters. Haha.

Go take a walk, I am. It's beautiful outside.
Italia 92D

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Colorado or Bust!

Tonight, we had a prayer/send off night for one of our favorite engaged couples. Mustang and Scrum (ΑΓΩ) will be flying out tomorrow for their Youth For Christ orientation. It was a night for worship, prayer and embarrassing moments (I feel as though anytime Scrum's dad made a comment Mustang was blushing; dads will do that to you). It is very inspiring to be witnesses to their obedience to God's call for their life. I challenge you all to keep them in your prayers and to seriously consider cutting back your Starbucks habit and using that money to help support their mission. While they haven't been officially accepted into the program (they find the out in approximately 2 weeks after their return) they are still working toward raising money for their trip.

For those of you unable to make it, the two of them are en route to Colorado to participate in and orientation to prepare them for a potential departure to the mission field of South Africa or Swaziland. They can explain the details better about what they will be doing specifically but it is some legit stuff in the name of God. I've been excited for them ever since Mustang mentioned the idea of getting involved in it. I have no doubt that they will be accepted into the program and that God will provide the means to make the trip happen. It's really cool to see God moving so obviously in their lives and it should be nothing short of an encouragement to the rest of us that God has set aside some sick plans for our lives.

If you would like to help them out financially they are looking for people to be monthly contributors or if you are afraid of commitment, Mustang is selling Africa tote bags for $15 and trucker caps for $20. Ridiculously stylish!

Reminding you to be consistently praying for your fellow sister and brother in Christ.
Italia 92D

Saturday, January 12, 2008

And the position goes to....


Word up! After the untimely departure of our dear Venetian from the position, due to an ungodly required class, Miata will be taking over as National Representative. This girl deserves it because she clearly holds Delta dear to her heart and will rock the gingham at convention. I was thrown in that ring but I cannot say I'm even upset about losing to her. I love this girl and in no way can I think of will she let this sorority down. Exec Board will be strengthened with her addition. It only makes sense that a Delta as strong as our Pearl Venetian steps in to take on this position.

Congratulations Miata! Reppin' Delta til death do us part.
Italia 92D

Friday, January 11, 2008

Civic Duty Calls

I received my official ballot for the primary election today. I'm still registered to vote back in the Bay Area so I will be mailing off my absentee ballot very soon. I encourage you all to vote in this next election, it is always very important to make your voice heard especially since our demographic is extremely under represented in elections. Not to mention I hate when people complain about the results when they didn't vote. If you aren't already registered, get on it. I'm sure there will be tons of opportunities on the Freedom of Speech Steps. If you are, don't forget to vote! Don't think the decision doesn't affect you.

Like P. Diddy says, "Vote or DIE"
Italia 92D

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Our very own Fast Food mascot coming to us from the far East digs of El Centro.

Cynthia Yvette 'Jaguar' Hernandez

Birthday: 5/6/87
Fav Quotes: "ΑΔΧ or DIE!" "I don't think you can explain how Christian faith works. It's a mystery. And I love this about Christian spirituality. It cannot be explained, and yet it is beautiful and true. It is something you feel, and it comes form the soul."
Fav Verse: "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Heb 4:12.

This Sigma is way too cool for school. Every time I find myself at the Alpha house she always gives me a huge hug and wants to know how I am doing. This girl is so genuine and has a heart of gold. Lucky for Reed (ΑΓΩ), she has given that heart of hers to him. Jaguar has held some great positions in the sorority including courtesy chair & secretary. She owned the read back! Currently, she is serving us on Exec Board as our beloved VP and you better believe Retreat and Banquet is going to rule this semester. My favorite memory of Jaguar is the random time I went over to her old apartment with some Sigmas and one or two ΑΓΩ guys to chill in her spa. I just remember feeling totally out of place but Jag still made me feel welcome. This girl loves ΑΔΧ and everyone in it but more importantly she loves God and it shows. I can only imagine the great things this girl is going to do in the name of the Lord. She is completely inspirational and one of the coolest people I have ever met, so get to know her!

This is me shouting out to you Jag. Word up!
Italia 92D

Casablanca perusing Fashion Valley Mall making a visit to Geppetto's to chat it up with the working class Rho at the doorway.

Free Ticket, So What!

If I could I would have asked for a refund for my ticket to the sham of a basketball game played tonight [Wednesday night] by our beloved Aztecs. It was an embarrassment. They lost to Northern Colorado, do you even know who that is? I kid you not I was as tall, if not taller, than at least 2-3 guys on that team. I was pleased with the ΑΔΧ turnout. We out numbered ΑΓΩ guys 6-5. I feel as though that is a very rare occurrence and more than likely will not happen again for the rest of the season. That's fair.

Versace and I made our way over to ΑΓΩ where the Fox Soccer Channel had been left unchanged since uhh...the whole week? Shade (ΑΓΩ) ended up putting on Project Runway and a whole group of us watched the same episode twice in a row. It was the Prom Dress challenge and Sequel (ΑΓΩ blogger) picked both the winner and the loser. I was impressed. Then we vegged out and watched back-to-back episodes of That 70's Show until we were kicked out at 1:30am. It felt very at home with the parents but still good.

Miata working the sales floor at Sun Diego in Fashion Valley
Kix, Tropicana, Venetian, Versace, & Eclipse in the Student Section at Cox Arena cheering on our free-throw & rebound challenged Aztecs
Venda on her very first Sevy Run
Luganda and Bemba up to no good as usual, something involving power tools
Pebble Beach and Luxor joining a group of couch potatoes in front of the ΑΓΩ TV set

Blogger for National Rep!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rec Ball and Delta/Eps Sightings

I ventured out into the wild of San Diego last night. I drove over to the ΑΔΧ house and to my utter surprise the Alpha house door was locked! Locked!! I walked over to Omega and only Tootsie was home. We chatted for a bit and she was just as confused as I was to the whereabouts of everyone. I heard something about Disneyland. That's cool. I made my way over to the ΑΓΩ house hoping I'd have some better luck finding people. Sequel (ΑΓΩ blogger) was the only one there. Apparently, the Disneyland thing was an ΑΔΧ & ΑΓΩ thing.

Eventually, people filed into the ΑΓΩ house. Jag, myself, Reed (ΑΓΩ), Sequel (ΑΓΩ blogger) went to go see my pledge bro Lotus (ΑΓΩ Alum) play some Rec B-ball up in Kearny Mesa. We were reppin' the blue team. Unfortunately, they lost but not without some sweet 3 point shots and a legit behind-the-back pass by that amazing Beta Delta. After the game we all hit up T-Bell and shared some uncontrollable laughter. Namely about ridiculous poster promotions for their food being "Mexican Inspired" and coaches having quality ties and turtlenecks. We returned to the guys house and Reed with the quote of the night, "Ohhh! Mean Girls! Let's watch this." Yes, lets!

Tonight, Nikko, Shade, Lalo (all ΑΓΩ), Pebble Beach and Sandlot were spotted at Target in Mission Valley buying several different things. But the purchase of a toothbrush and a pack of gum were confirmed. Makes one question if that's even necessary...a toothbrush and a pack of gum.

I suddenly have an urge to go brush my teeth.
Italia 92D

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Holla Back!

I officially made it back to SD two hours later than I should but nonetheless I'm here and I'll be making my rounds starting tomorrow! So, all of you lovely people, lets get together and eat left over Christmas candy and gab about the holidays!

Thinking she left the rain behind in the Bay but ended up being very wrong. Try to stay dry all!
Italia 92D

Friday, January 4, 2008

Back to SD

Your favorite Italia will be back in the flesh in San Diego starting at 9:30pm tomorrow. Get excited and open up your schedule. Lets hangout.

Italia 92d

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


It is two days into the new year and I'm sure we've all made our own resolutions to do whatever it is we want to do but I going to take the liberty to make a few resolutions for the sorority. Please feel free to agree, disagree and add your own. We quite possibly had the most challenging semester this past fall and it is only because we are stronger than we've ever been and now is no time to let down our guard and curb our progress. So, here it goes.

1. Hold ourselves to an even higher standard, but not be insulting about it.
2. Adapt to new regulations and refuse to be bitter
3. Always remember it is about Quality over Quantity any day of the week.
4. Make a conscious effort to attend classes in attempt to not miss out on any opportunity to be a witness
5. Love each other like we love ourselves. Stop gossipping, remember "A sister helps, trusts, and loves."
6. Actually have memorized a verse for meeting instead of picking the shortest one you can remember before role is called.
7. Be gracious to your brothers, hold NO grudges.

And thus, may the sorority be strengthened throughout this next year. For this year holds the end of an era with several girls graduating and the beginning of a new one with many girls moving up into new positions but continuing the great legacy of being great Delta women and representing the love of God in our everyday lives. I charge you ladies of the Delta chapter at SDSU to make this a year to be remembered.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Dancing into 2008

To the classic beats of Sactown Sounds and cider in hand, we counted down the new year.

There was a handful of us Delta ladies up at Castle de Kix and we brought down the house. The pomegranate cocktail mix and ginger ale overfloweth from our cups and the unlimited Moose Munch kept up our sugar high up. A group of us found our way into the living room to play Catchphrase after an enthusiastic, "YES! Lets!" from Kendra inspired us to do so. For some reason still unknown to myself the buzzer always seemed to go off in my hands but I made up for it with my uncanny knowledge of unusual phrases like "slight of hand" and "play it again, Sam." I have a way with words, what can I say? The best were Madgas going absolutely nuts for "finger in pie," the fist raising "we shall overcome" and "Simba!" being screamed when someone gave the clue of "the King's son." We proceeded to dance, dance, dance to tunes like "YMCA," "We Are Family," and "Beat It," not to mention we executed a perfect Macarena and Cha-Cha Slide. It was good times all around and the girls that stayed the night quite potentially got a ride in Kik's (Kix's brother) pimped out golf cart. I kid you not Xhibit, himself, would be proud.

If those of you who stayed behind in San Diego have a sweet New Year's Eve story and want it posted here, let me know.

Embracing the New Year. Look for my ΑΔΧ resolutions coming soon.
Italia 92D