Friday, January 25, 2008

Sigma over the Speed Limit

Even a photo like this can't make this girl look ugly.

Brittany Marie 'Corvette' Clark

Birthday: 6/19/87
Fav Quote: "Ohh well someone seems to have their panties in a twist!"
Fav Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Pledge Mom to the Ψ class of Alpha Delta Chi this semester that is upon us, Corvette is going to rock both the pledge's world and ours as actives. Corvette is the kind of girl that means what she says and says what she means. Her passion and loyalty runs deep for this place and I have always been inspired by her heart for ΑΔΧ. Living with this girl for a year I got to see first hand that she puts others before herself and is always serving Omega whether by tidying the living room or getting the TP hookup from her parents. My favorite memory of Corvette would have to be the evil scowl she gave me, in the midst of my severe JA syndrome, after I made her butt spell something as a pledge. I pretty sure she and the rest of her pledge class hated me until they became active. Maybe even after as well. However, we are thick as thieves now. Corv and I have had several heart-to-hearts and I love that we can be completely real and honest with each other. I've always believed in this girl, that is why it was so easy to pass off House Manager to her and as I watch move into a position where she gets to raise up the next generation of ΑΔΧ, I know that this place will never fail. God is going to use her to change lives. I consider myself blessed to be able to call this girl a friend; do yourself a favor and get to know this girl. It might be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Missing living in Omega because I don't get to see this girl often enough.
Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

Now that, ladies and MY lil sis.