Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Day on the Lindo

I spent a few hours at ΑΓΩ this afternoon, chillin' with some of the coolest guys ever. Not only did I find out some very interesting facts about Quill and Remo's sister, I shared some laughs with Shonen and Nasa before curling up to take a nap in their living room.

It is such a blessing to have the high calibur of Christian men in ΑΓΩ as brothers. I highly suggest that you make an effort to hang out at the blue house on the Lindo outside of a mandantory event or even bible study. Chillin' with the guys is some of the best times.

Now if only the ΑΔΧ house were that close to campus.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bringing Classy Back

The weekend started early for several ladies and even some guys as about 2 dozen girls were shuttled over to the San Diego airport by some very loving ΑΓΩ brothers at approximately 4:30am. Luckily, for the few of us that left Thursday night we were able to wake up a bit later. The Beta girls at the UC Berkeley campus hosted us at their cozy house. Friday was spent, mostly, perusing the streets of downtown Berkeley. Telegraph Ave. is the most eclectic collection of thrift shops, tattoo parlors and incredible hole-in-the-wall eateries and the home of Zebra Inc. It is my favorite piercing place and it turns out that I sparked a trend and can say I'm nothing less than a proud blogger of my honor students who got pierced there this weekend. We came together around 5:30pm and made the great migration to the First Pres Church. We must of looked a fool waltzing down several blocks in misty rain tugging along our giant suitcases. Of course, I fit right in with my army style backpack packed with all the goods, just like a true Berkeley vagrant.

After mingling with girls from all kinds of chapters, we were cut loose to find dinner for ourselves. My group settled on Crepes-a-Go-Go as well as Fat Slice. So good, I think I just drooled a little bit. The rest of the night was reserved for talking, laughing, screaming, joking, smiling, dancing and all the things that make ΑΔΧ so amazing. After cleaning the new holes we put in our faces, ears and bellies it was time to curl up on the oh-so-comfy carpet floor and sleep the night away. Hey Kix, keep it down next time ok?

Saturday was when all the legitimate business went down. You know it's serious when nylons and high heels are involved. We made our way over to St. Mark's Episcopal Church and ate a plentiful breakfast and came to order. We were blessed with an incredible speaker who shared about her challenging life and left us all very encouraged and strengthened. God worked miracles in her life to break the chains of bondage and He will do the same in our lives. We don't have to hang on to that which drags us down. Be FREE! Breath, stretch, shake, take some photos and the let's eat some Hawaiian BBQ for lunch and scheme only the greatest prank of all time. Chapter reports commenced after lunch and we got a glimpse into the blessings of the other chapters. Our Pi chapter in Colorado is literally blowin' up with 51 actives and 21 pledges! Get out! God is doing some crazy things across this country and ΑΔΧ is playing a huge role in that. Now business aside there was a raffle that was literally owned by Delta. Ferrari was the first Delta named to win a sweet lanyard (you know you want one) and Madagascar walked away with the grand prize, a sterling silver lavaliere. Lucky girl.

By the time we were able to peel out of there, it was pouring rain! Some waited to be shuttled back to First Pres but the rest of us braved the elements in our dresses and heels, holding the edges of our umbrellas so they wouldn't fly inside out. Nylons were flying everywhere as girls were tearing out of meeting attire to slap on a sexy pair of letters and head out for nothing else but a piping hot cup of coffee. Dinner was served around 6:30pm and thank God for Costco pizza, I had four slices. No, I do not feel guilty in the slightest. 8pm rolled around and we broke into eight crazy teams and battled to the death in The Great ΑΔΧ Tournament. Dodgeball, Bible trivia, scholastic trivia and craftsmanship all put to the test to conclude in the obstacle course of your life! Team 4 and Team 5 made it to the final round which included soda chugging, Cheese-Its stuffing, egg tossing, bat spinning, ball throwing there and back to which Team 4 threw down and took the win. Moulin Rouge, Madagascar and Matrix were the Delta reps on that team. It was Wild 'n' Crazy Kids meets Sorority Life.

I feel like so much happened that I can't even put it all into words. As elegant as my writing is, there are some things you just have to be there to experience as a story just does no justice. However, one really big thing happened, which just seals the fact that Delta owns ΑΔΧ as our own Casey Jean 'Schroeder' Pintaric-Chan will now be representing as National Board President. Taking her place as our chapter advisor will be Nicole Lynn 'Beaker' Rainey-Shard. Love.

I bounced around 10:30pm but I heard there was a Delta/Iota dance party so hot that the roof was on fire. Raise it up! Convention ended with a seriously dramatic shuttle ride back to the SFO airport with rainy interiors, sleepy drivers and borderline crying passengers Sunday morning. San Diego welcomed us back with open arms but Berkeley dearly misses the madness and passion that comes when Delta makes its presence known.

If you thought that was a fun weekend, just you wait. Things are about to go ape crazy at retreat this weekend in San Clemente. They won't even know what hit their pleasant little beach city.
Italia 92D

Monday, February 25, 2008

Full Update Soon

I'm suffering from a severe lack of sleep as are all of you I'm sure. But, never you fear an incredible update of convention will be coming very soon.

They have names!!!
Italia 92D

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Homeward Bound

BAY AREA! Also known as the Yay Area, it is home of the Hyphy Movement, some amazing sports teams, the coolest landmarks and some of your favorite ΑΔΧ actives. I'll be flying home today and staying in Concord before the madness begins in Berkeley for convention this weekend. If you look closely Berkeley is marked by a red star. That's where we will be! Just to put a little perspective on your journey, you ladies will be taking BART from the South SF/Daly City area out of SFO into Berkeley. Get excited because the Bay is amazing but kind of rainy so pack an umbrella or a coat and try to stay dry. I wish you all a safe flight out tomorrow morning and we send much love to our beloved brothers in ΑΓΩ for waking at the crack of dawn to drive us crazy ladies to the airport. Thank you!

Jesus had dreds so shake 'em. I ain't got none but I plan on growin' some!
Italia 92D

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jesus Time!

ΑΓΩ bible study began this evening. Hope the couches weren't soggy!

By the way I hope you had a chance to see the poster on campus promoting bible study as I had some artistic contributions. Love it, hate it, do what you will but just start showing up Wednesday nights at 8pm on the Lindo.

An earth shattering headache prevented my attendance but I will cure that by next week.
Italia 92D

It's Gingham Time

It was a party at Omega and the flame gingham fabric was abundant.

Delta chapter will be reppin' in full force come Friday evening in Berkeley.

Don't hate me because I'm active.
Italia 92D

[edit] I stand corrected by a JA. Flame it is. I'll almost ashamed.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Time for Everything Under the Sun

Take a chance on silence. Be still and God will meet you where you are. If you haven't had the chance to view Rob Bell's Nooma video called Noise, borrow it from Flamingo because it will change your life.

Tonight's meeting shared in the whole spectrum of emotions. We laughed and we cried but could definitely feel God's plea to reach out to him and bring our requests before Him. We suffered a significant loss this evening but we also gained another pl*dge. I present to you the 12 disPSIples.

Event Updates:

Convention! It's this weekend. Don't forget to check your email and do whatever Miata tells you. Be women of integrity and take your test. Lastly, meet at Alpha at 4:30am on Friday or else they will leave without you.

Retreat! It's next weekend. San Clemente or bust. Pack a sleeping bad and your favorite board game.

Greek IV! It's the next big movement. Get into it. Email Madagascar if you are feeling the call.

Pl*dge News:

Interview season is upon us. Keep you schedule open.

The cupcakes were flame and blue. Can you dig it?

The Blogger Gold Star of the Night:
Jesus Christ. He is challenging our sorority in mighty ways. He is encouraging unity, compassion and continual prayer. He is the kind of guy that is there for you no matter what. Even when you aren't listening, he still is.

Lawsuit Details- Jeremy, our lawyer from ADF, said the push for ruling was granted so a decision may be made very soon.

"For we all with unveiled face, reflecting as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord are transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Cor. 3:18
Italia 92D

Secret Service

It's in full effect.

If you didn't get my email concerning the time and place, call me or see me. If you are on exec, you didn't get my email and that was intentional. If you are a JA, you didn't get my email because I realized I don't have any of your emails. I will talk to you all tonight.

Prayer. Get into it.
Italia 92D

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Mama!

There is no better wake up call than a group of your best friends singing Happy Birthday and bringing you breakfast in bed.

Haley Bernita Katherine 'Moulin Rouge' Sipan joined the 20 club today. Leaving those dastardly teenage years behind her! Embrace the age, a significant amount of wisdom comes in your twenties.

We had a chocolate chip pancake brunch at Omega and we watched Milo & Otis, a gift from Madagascar and Serendipity. It was an epic journey of an orange Tabby cat and an adorable little Pug dog. The cat flew off a cliff, the dog fought a bear and both of their love interests gave birth. It was quite a graphic little movie but nonetheless a great addition to any DVD library.

I'll be at Omega every morning at 9:30am if I can get more of those fluffy, chocolatey masterpieces.
Italia 92D

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tears of Joy

SURPRISE!!! It was at that moment when she just started crying. The Chi girls organized a surprise birthday party for Luganda as it was her birthday just last Sunday. Of all reactions I've witnessed as girls walk through a door into a group of "Surprise" yelling people, crying is a new one. We gathered up and sang Happy Birthday as she blew out the four candles in her red velvet cupcake. Delicious. For those of you unable to make it, I feel sorry for you because not only were the snacks legitimate but the games, music and the all around entertainment were as well.

We played several rounds of CatchPhrase until the competition got so heated that girl's were screaming and "babies" were being murdered. There is no error in that last sentence. Gucci was "with child" and it was ravenously taken from her by, who else, Flamingo. We were all laughing so hard that our cheeks were burning, we began to get stomach cramps and we were crying like Luganda. After Luganda pulled herself together she destroyed a pinata while Louis Vuitton punched Flamingo in the nose. It was officially a party after that.

The party finally came to that point where we were just acting a fool. Namely the hostess with her helium inhaling antics (kids, don't try that at home). Look for a video to come. After the helium filled balloons were sucked dry, we resorted to the quintessential party killer: keep the balloon off the ground. You all know what I'm talking about. It's that awkward point at any party when most of the food has been consumed and all the games have been played but you don't want to be the party pooper and be the first one to say you are leaving. Hence, the "keep the balloon off the ground" game commenses. Goodness, I live for those awkward moments.

I think all birthday parties should be a surprise. Hopefully, they aren't as traumatic for the next birthday girl or boy.
Italia 92D

Active Bonding + Mustang's Bridal Shower

Pizookies, lukewarm Spas, sweats and KARAOKE!!! All the things that make a night of active bonding complete. As I watched a slideshow of Joe Noname's family vacation I had the joy of hearing the voices of angels belt out songs from Britney Spears to Aha to Blink 182 to Madonna to The Beatles and every song in the book by Queen. I couldn't help but wonder, 'What would Simon Cowell think?' I considered something along the lines of his eyes melting and his ears bleeding as he ran down the block screaming in horror. Now that's what I call a darn good time.

Apparently, felt entitled to give a score and a snide comment at the end of every song. There were a range of scores from 0 all the way to 70 and comments like, "Try singing next time" or "Give a little more effort." Psh, girl's faces were red from laughing and dancing so hard, the whole room erupted in song I think the earth shook. You just can't bring us down! Karaoke and the evening concluded with that delightful little ditty from Queen known as Bohemian Rhapsody sung by none other than Queen enthusiasts Madagascar, Corvette and Serendipity. Longest song anyone could sing for karaoke but they belted it out like champs and moshed like some too! Susu took a chance on a love song which equally made us cry from laughter as well as melted our hearts and Moulin Rouge didn't leave without singing her movie's theme song, Lady Marmalade. Nicely done, Jumanji. If this is the kind of quality social event you put together then I think 3 events shall just be a minimum!

Moulin Rouge, Jaguar and Miata invited us all over to the Alpha house this afternoon for a lovely Bridal Shower in our beloved Mustang's honor. Everyone looked absolutely stunning in thier sweet little summer dressed and bold prints. Of course I didn't pay attention to the wardrobe memo and slopped the whole event up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Anyway, we all had the chance to become wedding dress designers and the material of choice was none other than single ply toilet paper. Sounds about right, poor college students can't be making dresses out of the Charmin triple ply. Especially when you are only going to wear the dress once. Can I get an Amen? The winning team constructed a simple yet elegant long dress with bows at the straps and a long flowing veil. Jumanji was the beaming bride and her design entourage consisted of Susu, Tswana, Venetian and Zulu. I really think Dior and I had a chance but our bride (Eclipse) got cold feet and ran for the hills. Go figure.

I was really beginning to feel at home in my old age and orthopedic shoes when we started to play Bingo. You needed 5 wedding terms in a row and those young whipper snappers Corvette, Bemba and Louis Vuitton stole the prize right out from under me. However, I knew I had it in the bag though when Moulin Rouge announced the final game was a "Who Knows Mustang the Best?" quiz. Wrong again. Eclipse's and Flamingo's scores of 26 1/2 and 26, respectively, blew my measly 21 out of the water. I say, unfair housemate advantage! The gifts were great. She received a cool picture frame, a coffee lover's clock, some kitchen accessories, a set of Chi class pledge mom letters, a Newlywed's Cookbook and a charming little pink pig humidifier among other things. I heard the pink pig is going to win tons of points with her fiance, Scrum (ΑΓΩ). The soiree lasted just the right time leaving just enough time to watch The Princess Bride after.

The Lovely Bride and 3 of her Bridesmaids

Keep your calendar open for March 8th. Pencil in Eclipse's Bridal Shower. Invitations to come.

The day is still young. Check back later for a special event post. Also, pics will be posted as soon as I get my hot little hands on them!
Italia 92D

And Then There Were 11

As of approximately 7:45pm, eleven girls are now sporting the most precious of pledge pins. Bite size, if you will. Monday has one more girl penciled in to be entrusted with the sweet flame and blue heart adornment. Dang, it feels good to have pl*dges once again. They had their cake and ate it too. Then we kicked them out and bounced over to Mr. and Mrs. Burberry's house in La Jolla for Active Bonding.

Incredible amounts of insanity occured that I cannot write sufficiently about before I pass out from exhaustion. So, look for a detailed account of, both, Active Bonding and Mustang's Bridal Shower tomorrow. Make sure you use the toilet before reading for you will be laughing so hard you may pee your pants.

What's the shadiest thing YOU ever did as a pl*dge? That's right. I went there.
Italia 92D

Friday, February 15, 2008

Enter Psi Class

Tonight is the night! They accept our bid or not. I had a dream last night about black dresses and cake. I guess you could say I live, breath and dream ΑΔΧ.

A sister helps, trusts and loves.
Italia 92D

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Italia's Keys to Enjoying Valentine's Day Single

♥ Don't get depressed about it. Don't hate the holiday either because one day you will like it.
♥ Have a candlelight dinner with God.
♥ Buy yourself a box of chocolates and avoid chick flicks. Try a comedy or even an action movie. Better yet, GIRLS NIGHT OUT!
♥ Make Valentines for your friends and stick them on their desk on in their mailboxes.
♥ Go to school; nothing kills a holiday like going to class. So, if you are bummed, actually go to school today.
♥ If all else fails, go to bed early. That way you can sleep away the hearts and sparkles induced nausea.

Italia's Tips for Couples on Valentine's Day

♥ Try not to rub it in that you have a hot date. Single people may seem interested but really they aren't.
♥ Girls, don't expect your man to bring you chocolates and flowers. It's not a requirement and if you want all that and don't have anything for him that is lame.
♥ Boys, by no means is the above comment letting you off the hook. Flowers and candy are still nice gestures. But, creativity wins hearts.
♥ Don't expect your significant other to love you any more today than they did yesterday. Valentine's Day is not some magic holiday. It is just like any other day so don't make this the only day you profess your feelings for one another.
♥ Spend time with God. He is our ultimate lover so include him in your plans.

Will you be my Valentine?
Italia 92D

If I Wore Mascara,

It would be running down my cheeks.

The Aztecs fell to New Mexico. I don't even want to talk about it. If you need details check out SDSU Athletics.

Sobbing on the inside.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bid Night

It's like one extremely long game of mobile Follow the Leader. Cars were assigned and I can easily say I had the best car. Unfortunately for me, I was unable to finish out the night as this unforseen illness had consumed my body after just five stops. I promptly returned home and was asleep by 10:10pm. This epidemic has ravaged the sorority with several girls calling in sick last night. However, there were still enough girls to form a circle and cause the rushees to squeal in excitement and send texts of thanks to Corvette. How sweet. Hope they have fun shopping for a white dress.

It's National Pancake Day. Free pancakes at IHOP. I'm going, what about you?
Italia 92D

Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is Your Birthday Song

It isn't very long. Hey!

Today, we celebrate Jenny 'Lunganda' Hom's 20th birthday. Even though you aren't ready to be 20, I hope you have a wonderful day. Not being a teenager anymore might stink but I say embrace this new era of your life called your twenties. It's better than being 30!

I love birthdays!
Italia 92D

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pref & Broomball

The week culinated with one of the best events in food at ΑΔΧ. Preference Dinner is a time when we invite all of the pledge hopefuls over for a delicious dinner. Our Cooking Queen Sandlot russled up a fantastic meal complete with spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, ceasar salad and brownies a la mode. I just realized that I was salivating as I typed that sentence. I'm hungry. Chanel and her groupies set up the Omega backyard so beautifully with tea lights and tiki torches. Apparently, the torches were just a tad too close for comfort as one of our JA's, Zarma, bumped into one and lit her hair on fire! Luckily, Serendipity saved the day as she dumped the whole contents of an ice chest over Zarma's head! At least that's what I was told. My hero.

The only thing on par with ΑΔΧ/ΑΓΩ bowling is ΑΔΧ/ΑΓΩ broomball. This semester we road tripped all the way out to the Iceoplex in Escondido, which just made for even more fun. Some ladies from ΓΦΒ tagged along as well as hunky ΑΓΩ men in the making from San Marcos. In true ΑΔΧ girls-just-want-to-have-fun fashion we orchestrated a parking lot girl power dance party to none other than the Spice Girls and the Genie in a Bottle, herself, Christina Aguilara out of Gucci's car and a little Fergalicious out of Luganda's car. Dark Shoes dominated the Light Shoes as always since I've been playing, unfortunately we had to add Reed (ΑΓΩ) to the injured list as he took a stick to the face. Pray for a speedy healing. MVP's of the game had to go to Luxor, Maverick and Metro for the Light Shoes and Shox, Titan and Nikko for the Dark Shoes. While everyone nurses their brused tailbones and kneecaps to health, I'll be trying to sleep away this 24 hour flu. It got me too.

San Marcos isn't that far from here right? Just wondering.
Italia 92D

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Chanel planned a Rush first replacing the Car Rally with a Ferry Ride over to Coronado. It was magical. 40+ girls scurried down the Embarcadero wearing scarves and glamorous evening coats on to the top level of a little white ferry boat. We all crooned together Celine's, My Heart Will Go On, and took tons of Titanic-esque photos. After completing two rounds of "the wave," singing a few verses of "Lean on Me," and planning the "Leslie for Assembly" campaign, we arrived at Coronado. Half of us ordered smart while the other half ordered on impulse. Chanel was able to negotiate a small coffee cart into staying open an extra hour to fulfill our 4 Cups of Coffee a day habit while the rest of us piled into Cold Stone Creamery and picked those silver barrels clean. Cake Batter or bust! We gathered around for Story Time with Kix around 9pm, this week it was The Glorious History of ΑΔΧ. We ferried back across the bay and made our way home. It looks as though we have a solid group of potential to birth into the Ψ class.

Remaining ΑΔΧ Rush Events

Friday- Special Event by Invite Only @ 7pm
Friday Bonus Event: Broomball with ΑΓΩ @ 11pm

He stole a penguin! True story.
Italia 92D

The Sky Exploded!

The flames roared high into the deep blue evening sky and it wreaked of lighter fluid at South Mission Beach tonight. We roasted mallows to a crisp black, topped them with a little Hershey square and sandwiched them between honey graham crackers. ΑΔΧ bonfire is like one of the only times in a year that most of us consume s'mores unless we are fortunate enough to spend our summers away at camp working diligently and snacking accordingly. We had the chance this evening to get deep with our rushees and give them a glimpse into two of our active's lives. Zarma and Versace shared the intimate details of their lives, how God has built them up into stunning women of God and how he continues to work daily in their lives. Bonfire is such a special opportunity for girls to understand that as nice and as fun as we all may be that a lot of us actives have dealt with some seedy issues but have made the right decision to let God take control of our lives. We have all been broken before Him and our goal is to express His love to this campus. The night ended with glowing embers and a white hot blast across the sky. It was beautiful and awe inspiring. It was unexplainable and if I can get a video of it I will post it asap. God is so good.

Remaining ΑΔΧ Rush Events

Thursday- Surpise Event @ 7pm
Friday- Special Event by Invite Only @ 7pm

In other news, Aztecs 49 - Air Force 38. Such a low scoring game but Lolo took it to the hoop for 14 points and Amoroso had 12 rebounds, my man! Fendi, Versace, Zarma, Pebble Beach, Monaco and myself went to Denny's to celebrate. Pancakeville was open and serving hot, fluffy flapjacks and maple syrup with a tall glass of ice cold H2O. I like to call that the free-loader meal. Done and done.

God is moving in ΑΔΧ. Girls are getting saved by the hour. I'm stoked!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Alley Cats

The lights were dim and glowing pins danced across the walls, I looked out the window and saw a fleet of ladies in pink and men in red migrate down the stairs of Aztec Center. The highly anticipated Rush bowling championship games occured as ΑΔΧ battled tooth and nail for the bowling trophy that ΑΓΩ has held since Spring '05. There were some strong competitors, a lot of impressive frames, and some definite schooling in strike form. Unfortunately, ΑΓΩ came away with the win but only by a slight margin. There were some above average scores on the Delta scoreboard. Moulin Rouge with a 148 (pulling way out ahead of the top ΑΓΩ scorer) and Couture with a 116 let ΑΓΩ know that winning tonight was going to be no easy task. Yours truly took ΑΓΩ for a ride scoring a 153, 20 pins better than their top bowler. ΑΓΩ kept spouting off about it being a team win but every team has an MVP and well us Delta ladies owned your MVP with more than one girl. Get into that!

Remaining ΑΔΧ Rush Events

Wednesday- Bonfire @ 7pm (Unofficial trip to Pancakeville pending)
Thrusday- Surprise Event @ 7pm
Friday- Special Event by Invite Only @ 7pm

What is this? The Professional Bowlers Association? For me? I have to take this call, see you lovely ladies tomorrow!
Italia 92D

Monday, February 4, 2008

Spot of Tea?

Girls from across the globe showed up tonight for ΑΔΧ's semi-annual Rush Tea. A solid group of girls walked through those doors and left us with a sweet taste in our mouths for the coming semester. Young girls, transfers, international students and a familiar face snacked on Sandlot's gourmet baked goods and toured the extensive stomping grounds of both Alpha and Omega houses. We introduced ourselves and there was an overwhelming popularity of CatchPhrase, Life and Yahtzee as our favorite games. I'm sure an unofficial game night shall be organized right quick, ahem, JuJu.

ΑΔΧ Rush Schedule

Tuesday- Bowling vs. ΑΓΩ @ 5pm
Wednesday- Bonfire @ 7pm
Thursday- Surpise Event @ 7pm
Friday- Special Event by Invite Only @ 7pm

I hope the turnout of Alumni this evening spills into the rest of this weeks events. It is always a joy to see the beautiful women that were the foundation of this glorious sorority.

Rush shirt, check. Lucky socks, check. ΑΔΧ or DIE tat, check. ΑΓΩ is going down tomorrow.
Italia 92D

Sunday, February 3, 2008


The Patriots just became the biggest chumps in the NFL. Awesome. ΑΓΩ hope your very first rush event went well.

Looking very much forward to our very first rush event tomorrow.
Italia 92D

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Del Mar Nights and a Little House Cleaning

Jumanji hosted a gathering of stunning young women for a night of nauseatingly fun bonding. We stuffed our faces full of Goldfish, FlufferNutters, Doritos, M&M's and for some of us, El Pollo Loco/Fosters Freeze, not to mention the unlimited DC's and 7Ups. We split into to two teams, The Thunder Thighs (Prada's Team) and The Gigantors (my team), and played a round of Bigger or Better. Bigger or Better is a game where you start off with a simple toothpick and you haggle the neighboors for something bigger or better that they are willing to give up. This round we had a time limit of 15 minutes to which my team obeyed, ahem, unlike the others. The Gigantors returned about 30 seconds before time was up with a box synonomous to our team name and The Thunder Thighs returned about 5 minutes late with a Harley Davidson blanket that the neighboor wanted back and some cheapo paper lantern. The Gigantors walked away with the win, as hard as the other team tried to prove their victory they were still 2nd place at the end of the day. Don't take it too hard, I'm older and have more experience. Your day will soon come young ones. We ventured out in to the depths of night and time traveled in both directions, in age we reverted back to about age 6-8, in time we jumped ahead to the distant future. We played at the Park of the Future, climbing on rock walls, hopscotching, scaling up unstable ropes and spinning, spinning, spinning on and in all sorts of buckets and poles to the point of near vomit experiences. After we all fell flat on our faces from dizzy spells, we headed back to JuJu's house to watch Stardust on Demand. It was a quaint little fantasy love story that we all fell asleep during at least once. All I can say is, if that was unofficial active bonding, two weeks from now will be off the chains!

This morning we rocked 80's attire and cleaned house. Strange things appeared such as dog food, about a handful of rubber bands (left over from the civil war), vhs tapes, a first sighting of the orange tree in Alpha's backyard, among other things. Needless to say those 2 houses are spic and span and Rush ready. Moulin Rouge rocks the house manager position and joins the legacy of brilliant Omega HMs. Little Caesers pulled through again with as top knotch as a $5 pizza can get and we chowed down as we sat in a non-awkward silence (you know the kind of silence where everyone is eating and so content). Yum.

Recovering from something comparable to a hangover and I haven't had a drop of alcohol in years! Tea Cups syndrome maybe?
Italia 92D

Friday, February 1, 2008


Did everyone hear that Senator Hillary Clinton will be speaking at Cox Arena today? Crazy. I'll be working the event. It's free so even if you don't care for her you could at least come to heckle, am I right? More importantly, VOTE!!!

I'm reppin' my candidate via bumper sticker.
Italia 92D

[Edit: Clinton isn't my candidate, Pledge Sis.]