Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Italia's Keys to Enjoying Valentine's Day Single

♥ Don't get depressed about it. Don't hate the holiday either because one day you will like it.
♥ Have a candlelight dinner with God.
♥ Buy yourself a box of chocolates and avoid chick flicks. Try a comedy or even an action movie. Better yet, GIRLS NIGHT OUT!
♥ Make Valentines for your friends and stick them on their desk on in their mailboxes.
♥ Go to school; nothing kills a holiday like going to class. So, if you are bummed, actually go to school today.
♥ If all else fails, go to bed early. That way you can sleep away the hearts and sparkles induced nausea.

Italia's Tips for Couples on Valentine's Day

♥ Try not to rub it in that you have a hot date. Single people may seem interested but really they aren't.
♥ Girls, don't expect your man to bring you chocolates and flowers. It's not a requirement and if you want all that and don't have anything for him that is lame.
♥ Boys, by no means is the above comment letting you off the hook. Flowers and candy are still nice gestures. But, creativity wins hearts.
♥ Don't expect your significant other to love you any more today than they did yesterday. Valentine's Day is not some magic holiday. It is just like any other day so don't make this the only day you profess your feelings for one another.
♥ Spend time with God. He is our ultimate lover so include him in your plans.

Will you be my Valentine?
Italia 92D


perkyNbLue said...


I absolutely LOVE this!

Anonymous said...

Agreed, I definitely feel you on this.