Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bid Night

It's like one extremely long game of mobile Follow the Leader. Cars were assigned and I can easily say I had the best car. Unfortunately for me, I was unable to finish out the night as this unforseen illness had consumed my body after just five stops. I promptly returned home and was asleep by 10:10pm. This epidemic has ravaged the sorority with several girls calling in sick last night. However, there were still enough girls to form a circle and cause the rushees to squeal in excitement and send texts of thanks to Corvette. How sweet. Hope they have fun shopping for a white dress.

It's National Pancake Day. Free pancakes at IHOP. I'm going, what about you?
Italia 92D


Anonymous said...

we missed you after you had to go home italia :(

Anonymous said...

Prada and I most definatly hit up the free pancakes :)