Saturday, February 16, 2008

And Then There Were 11

As of approximately 7:45pm, eleven girls are now sporting the most precious of pledge pins. Bite size, if you will. Monday has one more girl penciled in to be entrusted with the sweet flame and blue heart adornment. Dang, it feels good to have pl*dges once again. They had their cake and ate it too. Then we kicked them out and bounced over to Mr. and Mrs. Burberry's house in La Jolla for Active Bonding.

Incredible amounts of insanity occured that I cannot write sufficiently about before I pass out from exhaustion. So, look for a detailed account of, both, Active Bonding and Mustang's Bridal Shower tomorrow. Make sure you use the toilet before reading for you will be laughing so hard you may pee your pants.

What's the shadiest thing YOU ever did as a pl*dge? That's right. I went there.
Italia 92D


brittany said...

YES! Feeling the exitement for more reasons than one ;]

Anonymous said...

if i wrote out some of the things i did as a pledge, the world wide web would automatically censor it. yup ;)