Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Sky Exploded!

The flames roared high into the deep blue evening sky and it wreaked of lighter fluid at South Mission Beach tonight. We roasted mallows to a crisp black, topped them with a little Hershey square and sandwiched them between honey graham crackers. ΑΔΧ bonfire is like one of the only times in a year that most of us consume s'mores unless we are fortunate enough to spend our summers away at camp working diligently and snacking accordingly. We had the chance this evening to get deep with our rushees and give them a glimpse into two of our active's lives. Zarma and Versace shared the intimate details of their lives, how God has built them up into stunning women of God and how he continues to work daily in their lives. Bonfire is such a special opportunity for girls to understand that as nice and as fun as we all may be that a lot of us actives have dealt with some seedy issues but have made the right decision to let God take control of our lives. We have all been broken before Him and our goal is to express His love to this campus. The night ended with glowing embers and a white hot blast across the sky. It was beautiful and awe inspiring. It was unexplainable and if I can get a video of it I will post it asap. God is so good.

Remaining ΑΔΧ Rush Events

Thursday- Surpise Event @ 7pm
Friday- Special Event by Invite Only @ 7pm

In other news, Aztecs 49 - Air Force 38. Such a low scoring game but Lolo took it to the hoop for 14 points and Amoroso had 12 rebounds, my man! Fendi, Versace, Zarma, Pebble Beach, Monaco and myself went to Denny's to celebrate. Pancakeville was open and serving hot, fluffy flapjacks and maple syrup with a tall glass of ice cold H2O. I like to call that the free-loader meal. Done and done.

God is moving in ΑΔΧ. Girls are getting saved by the hour. I'm stoked!
Italia 92D


Julie a.k.a Bemba said...

Bonfire is officially my favorite rush event.=D
The shooting start last night was a divine gift.

Anonymous said...

Yess! God is incredibly romantic <3