Monday, March 31, 2008

One More March Baby

They say it's your Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like roses.....waiiiiiit....

Whatever, I take some liberties here and write what I feel like. Hope your day is spendiferous and that your man showers you with some sweet gifts. Haha, pressure!! Love you Louie Vuitton!

This girl = Polly Pocket and I want to carry her around.
Italia 92D

Saturday, March 29, 2008

103.9 Degrees

The fever is rising.

The list grows.

Check Venda's blog out and get with the 21st century people. Blogging is the way of the future!

Straight snoozing the week away. My pillow has never been more soft.
Italia 92D

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break


It's time to kick back, relax and break out the Banana Boat to help with the browning process. Plans or no plans, San Diego or at home, enjoy this well deserved week to rest. Take some time to invest in your relationship with God. The insanity of greater education can really take a toll on spending the necessary time with God. It's just like any relationship, you need to put in quality time or it will fail.

Grab some Root Beeer, as it should be your new favorite drink, a beach towel and your bible. Let God inspire you this week.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's a Celebration

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Sarah Ann 'Fendi' Leslie
Happy Birthday to you

To my adopted grand lil- have a wonderfully delightful birthday. I hope all your wishes come true and that you eat lots of cake.

No, I didn't just wish myself a happy birthday but this girl's name is uncannily similar to my own.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blog Fever

For those of you who haven't caught on, shame! Also, if you haven't noticed, the list of Delta girls is growing for several girls have caught the fever. Take a look and dive deep into the world of these girls.

Hmm. I suppose I should keep up my personal blog too.
Italia 92D

Party Time, Excellent

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Kamar Elyse 'Venetian' Chafi
Happy Birthday to you

Sporting the double duce. Get into that. You are another year older but still one of the hottest girls I know. I hope this day brings you joy and lots of amazing gifts!!

This girl had me at Fres-yes.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Dinner, Part Deux

I hope all you ladies (and gents that read this) have a fun, family filled, Christ-centered Easter. We serve a risen Lord, isn't that amazing? Amidst all the good food and candy filled eggs we have to go back to class. Lame! Never you fear though as our beloved brothers at ΑΓΩ are hosting us at their humble home on the Lindo for a second Easter dinner. Thank heavens for them and their heart to feed our hungry stomachs. One other thing to look forward to as their spring tradition that we actually were lucky to view at Thanksgiving are the Big Bro songs. Get excited. They are always amazing.....or well atleast entertaining.

Unfortunately, studies are getting the best of me and I must study break it tonight but you all have a splendid time!
Italia 92D

Friday, March 21, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Why in the world have I not updated this since Tuesday?!

The week has been filled with midterms, papers, snoozing in the library and procrastinating so much it almost hurts. As some fly home for this weekend of our Lords resurrection I wish you all safe travel. For those sticking around, don't forget that tomorrow is Versace's Alumni event and something that just came about that our lovely cooking queen is doing. Sunday Brunch at Alpha, if you can go I would because you have all experienced the excellent food that has been a result of Sandlot being in charge of feeding the sorority and I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that this will be up to the same caliber. For everyone else, please go to the beach and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. That's my plan!

Trying to find the Easter egg my mom hid in my apartment. Hmmm.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pl*dge Ditch and More Important Things

It was a St. Patrick's Day bonanza at one of the pl*dges houses in Kinsington last night. The desserts were plentiful but the pizza was not. Unfortunately, I missed out on the delightful Little Ceasars. That's ok, the See's chocolates overfloweth from the box and though 38 girls ravaged through them I still managed to get the tasty ones and none of that coconut business.

But, really today is all about MIATA! The girl is 21 today, folks. That's right, the girl is practically over the hill. For you, my dearest Miata, I have a song.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Miss Esther "no middle name" Miata Kim
Happy Birthday to you!!!

You better have a great night considering small group in cancelled on your behalf. I love you and welcome to the other side of adulthood. Yes, I said it. We are adults. Get used to it.

Go outside and embrace the good weather. Who knows, it could hail again tonight.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Not to hard to believe if you go to SDSU. It's all about casual Mondays my friends.
Italia 92D

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Birthday's at ΑΔΧ, part deux

Tonight we celebrated Miata's almost entrance into the 21 club.  She actually turns 21 in a few days.  After Moulin Rouge forced Miata into Alpha, we all yelled surprise and slammed down a few mocktails and scarfed sugary, sprinkled cupcakes.  Disney SceneIT soon commenced following gift opening and the night was finished with easily the best half animated/half real movie, SPACE JAM!  

Prada and Burberry were our gorgeous bartenders for the evening.  They made everything from bloody OJ's to Abstinence on the Beach. Burberry was even so talented that she was blending marg's without the top on except by talented I actually mean specially educated.  Neon icy goop went flying everywhere.  

I wish I could time travel back to the 4th grade and bring my Space Jam jersey that I bought at K-Mart back to 2008.
Italia 92D

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pretty, Pretty Princess

This somewhat cloudy day was brightened drastically due to the fact that the girl who spills rays of sunshine and sparkles into ΑΔΧ had a birthday today.

Happy Happy Birthday from all of us to you
We wish it were our birthday so we can party too

Happy Birthday Susu!

We celebrated this joyous occasion with a princess themed birthday party at Omega. We had the most legitimate of snacks that included the likes of chocolate dipped pretzels, Pringles, Doritos, chocolate cake and M&Ms. Delicious. We all, instead of moving forward in age as is usual on a birthday, went back to the days of Crayola crayons and Barbie coloring books, Disney's Cinderella and dress up. Tiaras all around the room and even a full face painted butterfly princess. Take your age and subtract about 10 years and that is about how we were all feeling in all its staying up past bedtime glory.

Tonight I had the privilege to hear easily the coolest thing of my entire life: Before she was the age of 2, Gucci had attended 40 Grateful Dead concerts with her parents.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Which Came First?

The lion or the lamb? Your thoughts welcome.

As it turns out, Monaco, Eclipse and myself found ourselves engaged in this question yesterday while cozied up on the couch watching the one and a half star film "On the Line."

Two questions just popped into your head: 1) Don't you mean the chicken or the egg? and 2) Why in the world were you watching that lame movie staring Lance Bass (Pre-coming out) and Joey Fatone?

Let's address question one. No, I don't mean which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is clearly sorority related conversation and I'm referring to the Salient Lion and our mascot the Lamb. I bet a handful of you didn't even know that the lamb was our mascot. Anyway, Monaco brought it to our attention that all the other chapters make a huge deal about the lamb being our mascot and they don't understand the Delta obsession with the Salient Lion. Eclipse gave the best and most appropriate reply. She held her hand out like a scale and simply said, "Predator or Prey? Hmmmm, Predator." Agreement all around the room.

Now on to question two. Reason #1: The gay guy plays a straight guy and the hottest, straightest N*SYNCer (Timberlake) makes a guest appearance in the credits as the most flamboyant male you will ever see, complete with a pink ruffle front cowboy shirt. Reason #2: Would you believe there wasn't anything better on?

Well I'm off to make my Spring semester debut at ΑΓΩ bible study. It has been long overdue.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We Have a Winner!

Not only is it the beautiful Babe's birthday but it is also is the blog's 100th anniversary.  

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear BAAAAAAABBBBBE!
Happy Birthday to you

Talk about the best gift I could give.  My 100th entry, to you Babe!  Hope your party was incredible.  Another year older, another year wiser.  Use that wisdom to turn out your little sis to be true ΑΔΧ material.  

Take note that this here is a milestone.  100 down, infinite to go.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Apologies

It is my deepest regret that I've been missing out on so many ΑΔΧ events/meetings. It just so happens that I'm ill again. Flu like symptoms, hot as blazes, then ice cold, profuse sweating, nausea, body aches, the works. This semester is just wearing me too thin. I would love it so much if you lovely ladies and even gentlemen would pray for a speedy recovery. Thank you guys so much. I love you all.

No sudden movements or you will experience a migraine only Satan could have conjured.
Italia 92D

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Probably the best part of ΑΔΧ outside of banquet and activation. This whole week bigs and littles have been exchanging gifts culminating in the final reveal which was last night. After, we went and scarfed delectable deserts and real American grub at Fuddrucker's in Grossmont Center.

Look at these beaming pairs, so perfect.

Versace w/ lil police, Moulin Rouge w/ lil cher, Tootsie w/ lil cure, Prada w/ lil journey, Jaguar w/ lil queen, Dior w/ lil metallica, Louis Vuitton w/ lil berlin, Miata w/ lil rush, Chanel w/ lil blondie and Babe w/ lil kiss.

Your favorite blogger is a great gran big and a confirmed old woman as of last night. Random family live on!
Italia 92D

Friday, March 7, 2008

God Created Humidity Too

By now Kix and Sequel should be nicely settled into their 3 bedroom ballin' suite in Orlando, FL. Seriously, the hook-ups are huge when the work is Christ centered. They are out that way attending a leadership conference sponsored by Greek Intervarsity. It is specifically for students who feel called into full time ministry when they graduate. I can't imagine two people I'd like to see more be leaders in Greek IV. I can see God moving in their lives and totally equipping them to do great things in His name.

Be praying for God to be preparing these kids for amazing things.
Italia 92D

PS. Can't wait to reveal myself to my new lil tonight!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Your Attention Please

This is an emergency, please exit the library immediately.

I was in the process of writing a critique for one of my classes and my fellow blogger and twin, Sequel, was working on a partner project in the 2nd floor computer lab. Nearly an hour into the visit a blaring noise filled the room. I must admit, I was puzzled at first as I have never heard a fire alarm at State outside of the drunken fools who pulled them while I lived in the dorms. Thank goodness for flash drives because I popped that baby in, saved my work and abandoned my computer.

Sequel and I ran into the lovely Chanel on our way out. Poor girl was aiming to take a nap and we delivered the traumatic news that those burgundy vested folks were shooing us out of there. Hope Starbucks worked out for you. We also ran into Dink who we also had to break the story to. He wasn't too thrilled about that. Fires, they are just so inconvenient.

The assumption is some overworked, over studied student was blazin' in the bathroom. Got to get the edge off during these midterms, too bad it was at the expense of everyone else who is also trying to get some work done. I say, keep your eyes peeled for a Daily Aztec article if it was some kind of legitimate fire.

Perhaps it's time I review my stop, drop and roll tactics.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We Be In The News

To catch an update on our lawsuit and understand the progress, check this link.

ADF, or Alliance Defense Fund, have been representing our sorority in a lawsuit against the CSU system for a couple years now. Please educate yourself on the matter and read the articles, this will affect you young girls soon.

Cheers to the revolution!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Moment of Silence

This has absolutely nothing to do with the sorority but I must pass on the news because of it's profound affect on me.

Brett Favre, Quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, has retired. He made the announcement Monday, after a 17 year career he has decided to hang up his jersey.

Those are going to be some large kleets to fill.
Italia 92D

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Madame President

Turns out that my dad's 50th birthday was the Sunday of convention so I was able to celebrate with the family. The best part of it was that my mom hired a Marilyn Monroe impersonator to sing him happy birthday. The only reason I mention this is because you all know how she sang that super sexy version of happy birthday to her gentleman friend the president and well, by golly, it just so happens to be our stunning president's birthday today.

Here's to you Madame President, Miss Jacqueline Marie 'Kix' Lewis.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Madame President
Happy Birthday to you

23 years strong and still too cool for school, graduate already you old goat!
Ain't got nothing but love for ya Kix!
Italia 92D

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mmmm, Smells Like Salt

We escaped to the beautiful beach town of San Clemente and holed up in nothing short of one of the most incredible houses you could set foot in. There were several rooms and the perks of being one of the older girls is actually getting a bed. The whole weekend was chill from the time we woke up until the time we went to sleep. The weekend consisted of game playing, spa lounging, beach trotting time with your AP and some life changing devo time. Flamingo approached devos in a whole new way which helped us to focus all of our energies on God, being broken before Him and laying all our burdens at the foot of the cross. Some of my burdens rubbed off on to my hands so I made sure to promptly wash them clean and experience a whole new since of freedom.

Riotous good times ensued this weekend. Namely on the night of entertainment. Every emotion on the spectrum of feelings were expressed from sheer hysterics to girls literally coming unglued and bawling their eyes out. Yeah, ΑΔΧ didn't raise no fools!

Highlights from the Weekend
*Chi pwnage of JA syndrome
*Versace's story telling skills. So much better than nun chuck skills.
*Prada in a full on Red Jumpsuit. Britney, eat your heart out!
*The Sisterhood of the Travelling Leopard Print Lacy Wonderfulness
*Flame and Blue Tie-Dye
*The worst plunger ever assembled
*Actually having to keep the noise down in order to avoid a $100/girl fine
*AP time at the beach
*Drive time equating to less than 2 hours even in traffic

I also found out this weekend that everyone still like seriously loves this blog and I am so very flattered. The fact that a blog shout out is a coveted thing amongst the active body truly brings a smile to my heart. I would just like to say that I love writing these entries for you lovely, inspiring Delta women.

Looking forward to Friday when I reveal the new addition to my family. 3 lils and still going strong.
Italia 92D