Monday, April 28, 2008

Nightmare on Brockbank

What a rather eventful weekend we just had. Full of surprises all over the place. Not to mention the several new traditions we adopted this go around. I think my favorite was the branding. Nothing spells dedication like orange hot metal on bare skin. Cooling commenced immediately with the water torture that occurred several times over the weekend, sprinklers and ΑΔΧ don't mix. Chanel, exhibiting nothing short of straight savagery, took it to that water blast like a champ. I promise there were no actives harmed during the entirety of the weekend, pl*dges not included. It feels good to be an active sometimes.

Sunday marked the final President's Sunday for our dearly beloved President of two long and fruitful years, Kix. Her place in this sorority will be forever cherished as God gave her the abilities to lead the active body into frontiers never prior explored by our fair Christian sorority. She left her mark in the Greek community and has built up girls through encouragement and prayer to take on that community after she leaves. ΑΔΧ will forever be in her heart and she in the heart of ΑΔΧ.

Today, we culminated with a handful of faux candle passes and an active bonding, part deux. Suave pinned Kix as an invite to ΑΓΩ banquet and the other ceremonial torch passing was that from my hands into the new blogger's hands. Yes, it is true. I have chosen my successor; none other than the beautiful, well spoken, endearing and wonderful Phiphy Versace. I leave this blog in well deserved hands with full faith that this blog will thrive on and continue to bleed flame and blue.

Into the summer we head going our separate directions but forever living, loving and blogging. May the God of Peace be with you as you impact the world for Christ this summer.
See you at banquet.
Good Luck on finals.
Italia 92D

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bring The Pain

Pl*dges beware.

Yeah, my passport is in my pocket and ready to go.

Looking forward to a bag of churros and a handful of chicle.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Song and Dance

I wish they all could be ΑΓΩ Boys.

That, my friends, is the God honest truth. Easily our love for those guys runs deep into the corners of our hearts. I hope that they know we treasure our relationship with them and we pray that it will continue to thrive and never return to the state of old.

After our sweet serenade, I performed a short but sweet little skit to say yes to Lego. It was darling. I'm so stinkin' humble, aren't I?

On to the highlight of this Tuesday night. Sisterhood event with ΓΦΒ and ΔΖ was off the chains, for real! We met up at the ΓΦΒ house around 7pm, scarfed pizza and the moseyed out to the backyard to watch Juno on the sweetest inflatable projection screen I've ever seen. MAJOR PROPS to Madagascar for pulling this together with some ΓΦΒ girls, it was a blast. Honestly, I'm pretty socially awkward when it comes to large groups of girls I don't know but even I had a great time. Ha! Tswana, take notes when Madagascar trains you. God is hooking Sisterhood chair up and using these connections to do mighty things! Awesome.

God is at work in this place. I feel that.
Italia 92D

Saturday, April 19, 2008


One word.

The talent spanned across the pledge classes of Epsilon and choice few delta girls also made their appearance. There were truly some stand up performances. Also, the delta/eps gallery was open and showing some splendid pieces.

My top five picks from the evening:
5. CHORIZO!! Not to mention those stunning teal skinny jeans.
4. The jazzy duo of Reed and Chops. I felt as if I was walking through the French Quarter again.
3. Mayer, at all times. First, his tribute to Sublime with his ever so appropriate censorship and secondly, his home grown and written solo songs.
2. Quill and his spoken cyber punk word. It takes a special girl like me to appreciate that, thanks for the shout out.
1. Tyrannosaurus freakin' Rage. Any group that demands a mosh pit is always number one in my book. Plus I have special love for two of the members, they being my pledge bro and my twin. I reserve the right to show favoritism at any time.

All the action may have been going on outside but I'll have you know that talent was also expressed in the quiet of the Epsilon active room. Dior, Bemba, Puck, Shade, Lego and myself all had art on display. It was all absolutely amazing. Not to mention a special piece of art that brought a joy to my heart unknown to me until last night. It currently hangs on the wall in my room.

Captured may be over but the talent will be brought Monday night. Delta's always do it big.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise the Lord!

It's official. I now work at Jamba Juice in Grossmont Center.

I almost cried because it is such a blessing from God. Hopefully, I can start paying back some of my debt to society! Haha. Thank you to all who were praying for me.

I'll let you know my first day on the job so you can all come and visit me at work!
Italia 92D

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Things that Matter Most

Working at the Car Wash!

Sunday, we all washed car in the blazing heat to raise money to build water wells for a village in Africa. The pl*dges from both ΑΔΧ & ΑΓΩ organized the event that lasted for about 2 hours. We did well to raise over $300 and managed to work on our tans for banquet also.

Boys who sing will always make girls swoon.

Our handsome brothers from ΑΓΩ came by to sing an ΑΔΧ exclusive and cause collective "aw's" across the room as the boyfriends delivered roses to their sweethearts. Shox also announced Captured which stirred all the aspiring actresses, dancers, singers and artists to pull from their repertoires and portfolios to show off their God given talents. Be excited, your very own blogger will hopefully be making her Captured debut with some art of her own.

Nothing screams war like neon Nerf balls.

Bounty Hunter. Watch you back. Enough said.

Still in the market for a banquet date. For mine and absolutely willing to accept any requests to experience, for the first time, an Epsilon Banquet. Ha! You know you love me.
Italia 92D

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Will Kill You!

Was precisely what I was screaming as I chased Louis Vuitton, Corvette and Couture back to ΑΓΩ.

Juju, along with Aggassi (ΑΓΩ), planned a well crafted black & white 20's themed murder mystery on Thursday night. They had split us up into four rather large groups and sent us scurrying about on the SDSU campus looking for clues helping us to figure out who the murderer really was. Turns out it was Flamingo. Of course. Now my group may not have come in first in the worlds eyes but I'll have you know the good book says those who are first He will make last and those who are last He will make first. So take that! Jesus reps 2nd-4th place. The night finished with mocktails and jujulicious'.

I proceeded to leave ΑΓΩ double fisting it and open containered all the way back to ΑΔΧ. The sugar high is just now wearing off.
Italia 92D

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Beauty of AP


Often that is a hard word to deal with. We generally like to keep our dirty laundry hidden so no one else has to be concerned with it. Accountability may be embarrassing but God has totally blessed us with a community of believers who will pray with us and build us up in our low times. I've been feeling extremely defeated as of late and the beauty of my darling AP is that I know she is praying for me. Prayer is vital and lives are changed by it.

Suggestion: if you don't meet consistently with your AP make it a priority. It is so worth it.
Italia 92D

Monday, April 7, 2008


Tonight is the night.

Appeals to yours truly will be accepted for the hottest unofficial position in ΑΔΧ.

In the infamous words of P. Diddy, Vote or Die!
Italia 92D

The Professor is In

Back to ye olde grindstone.

Not only was Spring Break a major tease for the summer vacation we are all dying to reach but for your dear blogger it only helped sink me further into my severe case of senioritis. There is no turning back now, I'm in too deep. Ha! This senioritis has me so bad I completely forgot about composites which so happened to be taken last night. Luckily, I've been around a while so they are able to take an old photo but COME ON ITALY! Snap out of it.

Had some family issues to deal with over the break and I appreciate all the prayers. Satan is on the prowl and I say we raise our sword and take him down!

Love is all I have to give.
Italia 92D

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Memorial of wonderful woman who attended my home church. She was such a delightful and caring woman. The officiant opened the ceremony by reading Proverbs 31, the story of the nobel wife. That is precisely what she was. I was so inspired to become that woman so that when I pass away someone would feel it is appropriate to read that same chapter in my memory.

Time is short. Are you living up to God's calling for your life?
Italia 92D

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You Figured Me Out

April Fools!

Haha.....what in the world would I do online if I didn't write this blog. Have a great spring break.

Up in Nor*Cal.
Italia 92D

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have decided to throw in the towel.

I will no longer be writing the blog.

I prayed long and hard and I feel like God wants to use my writing talents elsewhere but he hasn't yet revealed to me whose writing talents he wants to use here in place of mine.

I will be driving home to reflect for a few days and I will get back to you all.

It's be real.
Italia 92D