Monday, September 14, 2009


ok here is an update of how our rush events are going! :

so between the two events we have already had we have 25 girls who have come to the rush events total! Praise Jesus! and tonight is my favorite event: Bonfire! excited for them s'mores, fellowship, and of course testimonies. it was because of this night that i myself decided to pledge, after my gran big gave her testimony. ;)

after tonight we have one more event, so keep these girls in your prayers, letting God bring to us the girls that he wants here, reminding us actives its more about quality rather than quantity. love you all!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So this thing... called school...

School, it's a reality. Eh.

Only one week away! Where did this summer run off to? Now is a better time to chill at the house where a lot of adxer's are frantically gathering new books, or creating new treats, last minute ordeals before school hits us like an atomic bomb, no where to hide, a mandatory event. Of course there will be fresh blood...aka freshmen. Here is our chance as a new house to stand out. Exactly what God has in store for us this semester, who really knows? But one thing that is for sure is that God has been sweet with timing!

New house = New opportunities to reach out and be heard. =)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Addiction: Diet Coke, Legit and Big Brother?

It seems the girls in the ADX house have found a new addiction that complements our Diet Coke caffeine preference. Big Brother. If you happen to stroll into the house on a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday night, like lovely Sunbright, you will find at least 9 girls intently glued to the television. So by all means you are invited to join the madness, just ask Louie or Gucci to fill you in on the drama and then you'll be up to speed. Make sure to bring a snack :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and keep rockin and rollin!!!


Yay for Gucci! love you!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

long awaited....

here's to a girl who has such a huge heart and loves to take walks and talks about life and God! happy birthday my dear sister BEMBA!!! i hope it was everything and more!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños!

Just wanted to wish my pledge sis Zarma a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We all love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday! Can't wait for you to move back in, in a few weeks!


Thursday, July 30, 2009


happy Birthday!

& the birthdays continue to Rock this summer!!!!! Congrats, you're 21! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

twin birthdazzzz

here is to us:

1. we're phiphys
2. we're pledge sisters
3. we share the same birthday! 


let's live it up! burb's = 22, Dior = 21. 

which equals =)

Brought to you by: Dior 122D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


so i have another birthday. it has been overdue for a couple of days, but ya'll should know about this amazing new JA! her name is Tuscany and is Dip's lil and summed up in one word: WONDERFUL! get to know her this next semester, & here's to you tuscany....


brought to you by: Dior 122D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

call an exterminator!!!

so we have a problem.... not with spiders, or ants, but the dreaded cockroaches! there has been horror stories of these pesky not too friendly creatures, but today they made their presence ever clear when while my dear sister and roommate was cooking happily in the kitchen. little did she know that she would have a not so friendly friend come out to play. while she was cooking she felt a tickle on her leg, but dismissed it thinking only that it was her dress brushing against her leg: Wrong! it was indeed a cockroach. you may think you are winning you roach, but tomorrow prepare for the extermination that is soon to come. 

a sister helps, trusts, and loves, at all times.

brought to you by: Dior 122D 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

and the celebration continues!!!!!!

today is yet another amazing Delta's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONACO!!!!! may your day be wonderful, and amazing. keep on smiling and making our days brighter..... 

ride the pony. =)


celebrate good times C'MON!

happy birthday LIL!!!!!!

today you are one year older! hope you have an amazing wonderfal, incredible, delectible, magifico day!


brought to you by : Dior 122D

Friday, June 19, 2009


today we are celebrating another birthday! to a newly graduated/adx alumni! CORVETTE!

***happy birthday to you. WOOoO
happy birthday to you... WOOOOOooo
happy birthday dear CORVETTE!!!!! wOOOOOoooooooo
happy birthday to you! :::::tons of screams:::::

hope you spent this wonderful day with extreme joy! embrace it! come by to visit the house, and looking forwards to the alumni events to come!

brought to you by: 122D Dior

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Birthday birthday dayyyyy

happy birthday to you... 

happy birthday to you....
happy birthday dear, Twilight, Twi-Twi, Twi, Bon Qui Qui....

today we are celebrating the awesomeness of this amazing girl shown above, known to many of us as Twilight, aka Bon Qui Qui! keep on reppin the ADX glam and have a fabulous day! 

brought to you by: 122Dior

Thursday, June 11, 2009

& the mystery continues...

got word the other day: we have no clue where the leak is coming from. so as of now, we can go on to regular activity, the kitchen is back and i'm ready to cook!

bringing you the updates>>> 122∆ DIOR

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mold, mold, mold!

A few days ago, my lovely sister Toots ventured into the kitchen to wash some dishes, much to her surprise she felt something land upon her head. No, is wasn't one of a creepy-crawly residents [praise Jesus] but rather a seemingly harmless drop of water.Or at least what we thought to be harmless...Well, the water persisted, maintenance was called  and much to our horror a rather large hole was made in the roof to investigate. Well after two days of Carlos and the plumber coming, the damage report is as follows. The top bathroom has been decommissioned until further notice, because of the extensive water damage that has occurred. [So we have a 1:8 ratio of girls to showers/toilets.] Repairs will take a few weeks but the bright side is that there's talk of having the showers redone. But for now half of our kitchen is "quarantined" as in sealed and taped off, so the mold doesn't spread. I must say that Cher has been amazing through it all and has pulled everything off beautifully. So if any of you are planing to visit soon, bring some food to go with you, it's paper plates and plastic until further notice.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Green, Fuschia, and Light brown

Well it's after the first and the ADX house is quickly transforming and expanding it's color pallet from white. Just about everyone is moved in and settled, and quickly collaborating with their roomies to pick out some paint. Perhaps my favorite room so far belongs to the beautiful Cher and Juju. Their room features fuschia walls with a south accent wall of white and light brown stripes. If your in town, come by and visit and see how each room is transforming. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer is here, but where is the sun?

Hi all!!!! This is Dior! I have been invited by Bemba to contribute to the WE BLEED FLAME AND BLUE blog because what is better than one blogger.... uhhh 2! As I hope many of you already know and are experiencing currently: it is summer break! Woo hoo! & we should expect to see the sun out...but it is not. Sunny San Diego is on vacation and we currently have fog/mist. Ewww. But not to fear I'm sure the sun will be back.

Some current events:
*Congrats to the new Spring 2009 Alumni! I hope that you girls will keep in touch with ADX and read the daily updates of this blog!
*Also while some girls have to move out... new girls are moving in! June 1st is the day! So I know I'm excited that myself, Fendi, Teso, Zulu, Zarma, Krio, Susu, Chanel, and Cher! I'm excited to live with you and cook meals for you.... =)

We have 3 months of nothingness so lets use this time to spend with our sweet Jesus! Read a devotional, be in a small group/or start a small group. As for me I am starting another small group/devotional, If you're interested let me know! I love you girls and take a breather... it's Friday, enjoy it!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Relay for life.

If you haven't already get your shoes on and get out to La Mesa and support relay for life! Sandlot accompanied by a very enthusiastic Tango have set up a tropical pit stop for our team. Come on out, for some good food, great music and a chance to win prizes! And for those who don't exercise a lot, don't sweat it[literally] the track is a manageable size. We all love to see your beautiful face out there.

Coming attractions:
Kickball Sunday @ 1:00 pm 
Open invitation.
Walk arounds Monday @6:15 pm

5 days till informal......
That reminds me pray for the pl*dges, they need it. I have it on good authority only one pl*dge has completed all their interviews. 

AND 5 days till Italy is back in town!!!!!! <3 

Thursday, April 2, 2009


It's Spring Break! I hope that you all are getting some quality rest in our Savior this break. After a hard move, I know we all need a good rest. I just wanted to take this time to share with you all what the Lord is teaching me this break. I have been reading through Philippians this break and I stumbled upon this verse, "For God is my witness, How greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ." A first the phrase "affection of Jesus Christ" caught my eye, it appeared to me to be quite an different way to describe how one feels. I mean, I don't regularly hear girls using that exact phrasing, normally it's just "I love you".  So I looked up "affection" in my huge 20lbs [not really] MacArthur study bible. It said, that the word refers to the internal organs [ewww], which are the part of the body that reacts  to intense emotion. It became the strongest Greek word to express compassionate love- a love that involves one's entire being. So we're not just talking about love, but the intense, I love you with all my being kind of love. I've experiencing this love though my Savior, but what really struck me was that this isn't Jesus tell the church of Philipi that he loves them, but rather Paul expressing his love. We as Christian, receive and above all give this love. I have experience this "affection" most vividly from my sister's in ADX. Everyday and every meeting, I witness this affection for other sisters, for greek ministry, for coworkers, and for those who God has given us to shepard. Thank you for this. I long for you girls with the affection of Christ. I hope to see you all soon.  

Bemba 132D

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The new hot girls on the block.

Today is the day. After months of waiting, and endless prayers from generations of Deltas, we are moving into our new ADX house! Move in starts at 9, girls bring your boyfriend and let's get moving! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

Blue 33, Hike!

Yesterday the beautiful yet fierce ladies of Alpha Delta Chi had the privilege of playing round one against the lovely ladies of Delta Zeta. Unfortunately, for us this is where the competition ended. But nonetheless it was an Epic games, blood was shed, amazing plays can to fruition and we walked off that field, proud of our effort and excellent sportsmanship. Plus in Ray's heart we were champions. 

....perhaps though the greatest competition we had that day turned out to be OUR coaches! After we were done with the event, a nice wager came about between the still pumped ADX football time and our rather spunky coaches. The deal: We win, they're slave labor for 6 hours and help us move in. They win, we bake them cookies and sing them a song at walk-arounds. Well our coached [+ Joel] walked away with that victory, but still agreed to help us move in since we were going to be their new neighbors.  All in all, it was an excellent day. 

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mega Red Letter

Mega Red Letters will soon be hanging from our new beautiful ADX house!!!!! As of Thursday Rarri and Corvette placed their beautiful signatures [many times] on our new lease to make our rentership official. Keys will be in hand on March 27th! 

Monday, February 9, 2009

Black, Pink and Heels...

It's official, the beautiful Delta ladies have offered an invitation to eight hopeful girls to pledge. These girls never would have crossed our door if it wasn't for our beautiful sister Cher whom dedicated the last few weeks of her life to rush week. Even with the complications of rain, bad fliers and changing events, Cher pulled though with a spectacular and memorable week. I must commend her for all her hard work.  Tonight is the night, and as I type the woman of Delta are up to undisclosed mischief though out Southern California. Unfortunately a demanding work schedule and even more demanding classes keep me away for this event. I'm know  there will be plenty of stories, although I'm not sure they could one-up the fire show at Pref. You know the equation: Plastic Table cloth+ Paper Plate+ Paper napkins+ Tea Lights+ADX girls= Fire. That's right, the fire wasn't in the kitchen. Look for another update later this week when we officially welcome in the Alpha Alpha Pledge class, Spring 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Introducing: Bembers

As many of you know Ace [the original] has passed on the honored and highly sought after title of "A∆X Blogger" to me. This title and responsibility is defiantly a honor to have and I’m very thankful for the opportunity to serve [and entertain] my sisters.  I look forward to a fun filled semester with you all!

Coming attractions:

Thursday- Surprise Rush Event

Friday- Pref Dinner, you all are in for a real treat! I'm still taking dessert requests so text me! Also broomball, Don't forget ladies to stretch and practice your sweet dance moves. ;)

Saturday- Indian Hills movie night and sleep over [I'm bringing candy!]

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Love for You

As you fabulous ladies know, my inactive status has become reality. Having said that it is time that I hand over the Delta blogging reigns. We've come to know and love her creativity, bubbly personality, brilliant smile, and those embracing hugs. . .we know her as BEMBA. That's right, this fine gal shall be my blogging successor, and while my time with you has only lasted for a semester, please know the joy behind chronicling Alpha Delta Chi. It was quite the distinct pleasure if I do say so myself! Writing in many ways is an art and delivering this to another artist would be completely befitting. I love the fandom this site has produced, and let us not forget the amazing legacy our alumni Italy has left behind! If this is your first time, in a long time, with respect to reading the blog then I suggest you start paying attention to upcoming updates! I believe this semester holds great potential on every level. So if you have the time to check up on your email, facebook, myspace, etc. then I would assume that you have time for updating/enriching your lives with this blog! Keep up the support, because in reality we are the only legitimate sorority blog!

God has some rad things up His majestic sleeve.

Loving you always. . .over and out,
Versace 116D

Friday, January 23, 2009

And So It Begins...

Yet another semester of our college careers is upon us! It's back to the grindstone and the crowded classrooms, sleep-induced lectures, and anything else you could think of. Perhaps you're like me and feel rather excited about this semester, it's a new start on every level.

Anyways, to kick the semester off we've got active bonding tonight! *Insert cries for joy here* Get excited, our first official meeting is this Monday.

Until next time,
Versace 116D

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope you ladies have had a safe, amazing, and fun New Year's last night! I know the Nor Cal group surely did! It's been real 2008, but now the time has come for something better. . .2009. Wow, I'm looking forward to this more than I thought. I'm expecting nothing but the best from our Lord, He's definitely capable with each passing day!

Peace out,
Versace 116D