Thursday, July 16, 2009

call an exterminator!!!

so we have a problem.... not with spiders, or ants, but the dreaded cockroaches! there has been horror stories of these pesky not too friendly creatures, but today they made their presence ever clear when while my dear sister and roommate was cooking happily in the kitchen. little did she know that she would have a not so friendly friend come out to play. while she was cooking she felt a tickle on her leg, but dismissed it thinking only that it was her dress brushing against her leg: Wrong! it was indeed a cockroach. you may think you are winning you roach, but tomorrow prepare for the extermination that is soon to come. 

a sister helps, trusts, and loves, at all times.

brought to you by: Dior 122D 


Alie said...

I was the first one to see those freaking things when we first moved inand I was told to suck it up!!!