Thursday, February 5, 2009

Introducing: Bembers

As many of you know Ace [the original] has passed on the honored and highly sought after title of "A∆X Blogger" to me. This title and responsibility is defiantly a honor to have and I’m very thankful for the opportunity to serve [and entertain] my sisters.  I look forward to a fun filled semester with you all!

Coming attractions:

Thursday- Surprise Rush Event

Friday- Pref Dinner, you all are in for a real treat! I'm still taking dessert requests so text me! Also broomball, Don't forget ladies to stretch and practice your sweet dance moves. ;)

Saturday- Indian Hills movie night and sleep over [I'm bringing candy!]


Sarah Ann Marie Mendez said...

Welcome to the beloved world of adx blogging. it rules! i expect to read some good stuff.

Sarah Ann Marie Mendez said...

you probably can remove krio's blog from the list since its no longer available

brittany said...

ah yes, my lovely successor! I LOVE YOU!