Monday, February 9, 2009

Black, Pink and Heels...

It's official, the beautiful Delta ladies have offered an invitation to eight hopeful girls to pledge. These girls never would have crossed our door if it wasn't for our beautiful sister Cher whom dedicated the last few weeks of her life to rush week. Even with the complications of rain, bad fliers and changing events, Cher pulled though with a spectacular and memorable week. I must commend her for all her hard work.  Tonight is the night, and as I type the woman of Delta are up to undisclosed mischief though out Southern California. Unfortunately a demanding work schedule and even more demanding classes keep me away for this event. I'm know  there will be plenty of stories, although I'm not sure they could one-up the fire show at Pref. You know the equation: Plastic Table cloth+ Paper Plate+ Paper napkins+ Tea Lights+ADX girls= Fire. That's right, the fire wasn't in the kitchen. Look for another update later this week when we officially welcome in the Alpha Alpha Pledge class, Spring 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Introducing: Bembers

As many of you know Ace [the original] has passed on the honored and highly sought after title of "A∆X Blogger" to me. This title and responsibility is defiantly a honor to have and I’m very thankful for the opportunity to serve [and entertain] my sisters.  I look forward to a fun filled semester with you all!

Coming attractions:

Thursday- Surprise Rush Event

Friday- Pref Dinner, you all are in for a real treat! I'm still taking dessert requests so text me! Also broomball, Don't forget ladies to stretch and practice your sweet dance moves. ;)

Saturday- Indian Hills movie night and sleep over [I'm bringing candy!]