Friday, October 31, 2008

Up the Alley

You'll have to excuse the delay for this post, but your faithful blogger has been a bit busy to say the least!

Anyway, this past Tuesday evening was sensational! Our ladies of ΑΔΧ squared off against their brothers of ΑΓΩ in a duel that would reveal the ultimate bowling force! We put up a good fight, and yours truly had my Epsilon opponents look a bit worried. There were a number or scores entered into the final total, and of course the men had to bask in their silly bowling glory. It was an eventful evening, full of strikes and dance parties.

Announcements: Be sure to arrive at ΑΓΩ for Captured tonight starting around 8PM. You DON'T want to miss you! Also, tomorrow is out pl*dge missionary event so meet at Alpha around 9:30!

Keeping my schedule full,
Versace 116D

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mega Updates

The ladies of Delta have introduced themselves to something special. For starters, this past Monday was our Revealing as the ple*ges discovered who exactly was their special big sis! Take a look at these super hot pairs:
This week was finished off with our delicious BJ's dinner along with a movie night sleepover.
Moving right along...
Today our Epsilon brothers accompanied us for a community-centered missionary event. Yours truly and my esteemed colleague, Mayer devised a plan to do an adopt-a-block which just so happened to be Lindo Paseo. From car washing to lawn mowing, everyone gathered their hands to serve our neighbors with the love of Jesus. A time of fellowship, and a time of service, a day well spent!
Until next time,
Versace 116D

Monday, October 20, 2008

SLO or Bust

This past weekend was a mega blast. The Delta ladies along with their Epsilon brothers made the trek up to San Luis Obispo for Alpha Gamma Omega's annual flag football tournament. The drive was long and arduous, but we made it through despite the heavy traffic and awkward creeper creepertons observing from other cars. Upon arriving to our campsite we set up our tents and prepare for the good 'ol feeling of the outdoors.

Every fall we have the privilege of beholding the sight that is Epsilon fierceness. Decked in war paint and ridiculous hair (holla for Lalo and his MULLET) there is no mistaking this power on the sand. Football as always creates an intense fervor as we cheer on our brothers. Speaking of intensity, we were able to partake in the glory was other Alpha Delta Chi chapters battle for the win. Some amazing feats of success can be attributed to Casper's competitive edge as quarterback, Couture's scoring strides, Madagascar's sexy interceptions, and our very own pl*dges confetti and twilight entering in on the football madness.

It was an amazing weekend to say the least and Delta will be back for action next fall when we advance from second place to FIRST! Can you feel the fire?!

Still sore and recovering,
Versace 116D

Sunday, October 12, 2008


What a weekend! From a gorgeous view of the mountains lining the San Bernardino county, to the vast blankets of green, our retreat was quite the refreshing experience. First off, a huge thanks to Shox's family for allowing us to use their cabin, in addition to all Miata's hard work! This weekend was certainly a time for sisterly bonding with the conversations, booty shakin', snack munching, pledge interviewing, and best of all God's presence. The weather was a bit chilly but all the more reason to snuggle up next to a fellow friend.

Perhaps the most exhilarating part of retreat is none other than ENTERTAINMENT. Of course, every pledge class strut their stuff and really pulled off quite the production. Needless to say, yours truly as part of the Phiphys won the Tap That award with our stellar Xenon, and intergalactic motions along with the cosmic mind-blowing mothership. Oh man, the laughs were rolling for sure. The Sigmas rocked their heated dance party, the Oopsies time-traveled back to 1925 with Willard Crowder Clawson as they relived the booty shakin' membership requirement, the Chi class and Monaco kept it mysterious with black light action, and our wonderful JA's displayed the many facets to Madonna's inventive life. Lastly, the pledges put together a history of dance. All in all the entertainment dropped a jaw or two while laughter busted through the ceiling.

Edit: one of our amazing ladies, Kimberly Anne 'The Sandlot' Stahl had her birthday this past Saturday! Birthday wishes definitely contributed to the love as Babe surprised her with a ton of cupcakes. So good.

Wow, a quality weekend indeed! God is good and now it's on to Mysto Week, get excited.

Headed for a nap,
Versace 116D

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's upon us. A time for God when we need it most. Expect a memorable time.

Excitement required.

Ready for the maracas,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Fantasy Come True

So I don't know about you, but I think our pl*dges possess some of the hottest names around. What we've got here is a case of PONIES! These ladies aren't your ordinary equestrian creatures, but none other than Mou Rou's Little Ponies. Do you remember way back when? The show was colorful, the bed sheets were cozy, and now it's a fantasy come true!

Delta has done it again. We've rocked to the creativity jams. Well done pledge mom, you've officially created name-envy for little girls.

Less inclined to the Care Bears,
Versace 116D

Saturday, October 4, 2008

So Bored at Work Right Now

We must be the greatest, hottest, and BRIGHTEST bunch of ladies. Every time I think of you my heart forms a smile. Delta = rock star divas. Our love is Jesus and the dance parties rule. Men are oblivious. We're too rad for sad. I'm so antsy for your faces.

Kick out the jams,
Versace 116D

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For Our Jew

Today is a special day for a special lady. Happy birthday to Alexandra Christine 'Jumanji' Gentner! A mega lovable girl, I can't help but smile every time I see her . ^__^

P.S. She'll be celebrating this day come Saturday for those of you who don't know it yet! Check out the Facebook group, mmk?

Versace 116D