Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So this thing... called school...

School, it's a reality. Eh.

Only one week away! Where did this summer run off to? Now is a better time to chill at the house where a lot of adxer's are frantically gathering new books, or creating new treats, last minute ordeals before school hits us like an atomic bomb, no where to hide, a mandatory event. Of course there will be fresh blood...aka freshmen. Here is our chance as a new house to stand out. Exactly what God has in store for us this semester, who really knows? But one thing that is for sure is that God has been sweet with timing!

New house = New opportunities to reach out and be heard. =)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Addiction: Diet Coke, Legit and Big Brother?

It seems the girls in the ADX house have found a new addiction that complements our Diet Coke caffeine preference. Big Brother. If you happen to stroll into the house on a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday night, like lovely Sunbright, you will find at least 9 girls intently glued to the television. So by all means you are invited to join the madness, just ask Louie or Gucci to fill you in on the drama and then you'll be up to speed. Make sure to bring a snack :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and keep rockin and rollin!!!


Yay for Gucci! love you!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

long awaited....

here's to a girl who has such a huge heart and loves to take walks and talks about life and God! happy birthday my dear sister BEMBA!!! i hope it was everything and more!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños!

Just wanted to wish my pledge sis Zarma a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We all love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday! Can't wait for you to move back in, in a few weeks!
